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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 10, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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that the you, you have it needs. there are plenty of nuclear power plants in the united kingdom where we come from in france, in germany, and they need that own reserves. it, what does a pallet that empower? i think that will save time. look at africa, but as we now know, especially they'll probably put pressure on the french to do that. but as, as we cover a lot on the program, the african nation is now turning around to say, no, we're not going to give you these cheap materials. and results from our country, the african countries are going to want more money for those resources, probably a lot more than what they're paying and russia. and that's going to make energy fall more expensive for the average consumer in the us. lot. so all the time we've had to squeeze this in this hour, but for more all the stories that we've been covering, don't forget, you've done head over to our website on the
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the, on this last monday. that's just letting you think. he said that then yes ma'am. so facade, indeed, and therefore the window at assuming that the to look into intermediate nikoto is the dimensions of the photo i'm seen. send the most of the yet it could be the motion of the the
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hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. and these are the stories that you need to know about today. san francisco, once a great american city, that's a mess. and i'm gonna tell you why. and then there's the congressman adam shift is robbed and you're never going to be able to guess where it's happening. and also us christians who choose zionism over everything else, including other questions. so say other questions. i'm rick sanchez, this direct impact the . all right, so let's get started with the something appears to be happening to a great american city that is probably emblematic of what is happening really across the country. san francisco has become a city of either which really rich,
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we're really poor, a place where homeless people are everywhere, a place where you can afford even a one bedroom apartment, a place where crime is so ramp, but so rampant police cannot stop it. in fact, they do not stop it, people walk into stores and just walk out with whatever it is they want. stores you're starting to use, change the lock things up as best they can. it's also why a lot of big stores, lot of big corporations in the united states, but just getting out there, leaving town on in less than a month. these, the 3 target stores in the bay area will all be shut down. and the reason it's something we're seeing far too often foods is closing its largest store in san francisco over safety concerns. store managers tell us they're temporarily closing the mid market location to ensure the safety of their team members. starbucks will be closing 7 locations in downtown san francisco and you see the locations on the snap 6 of them or within
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a few blocks of market street in the financial district are union square. one is on vanessa avenue at 1st street, according to analysis for the san francisco standard, nearly half of the non service retailers and the cities union square district closings 2019 major stores like creek and barrow lands, apology and agent in just a few of the almost 100 shuddered in the last few years. you know, there's a multitude of reasons for this then. yeah, look, one of them is the economy. it's, it's become the kind of place where you have to almost be a millionaire to be able to live there. and that's kind of creating this, this almost there, i say, 3rd world situation in many ways. manila, you're from california. what, what do you think is going on? what's making san francisco the place where everybody's looking at and saying what happens over at 1st. let me start off by saying i'm from southern california, and we have always wanted to secede from northern california because, you know, that's where all the people are that are making the laws that the rest of us in
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southern california don't tend to agree with. and one of them is this is the crime bills and these crime laws that are so wax. it's starting to feed its way down to the sol county. now the crime is getting so bad in san francisco. but i mean, it's not just the starbucks and the cray barrels and stuff like that that are leaving the city. it's roads, grocery stores, as you just saw, whole foods and you know, other yeah, regular stores if you don't want to call it, you know, the high end stores, safeway, amazon fresh things like that. they are leaving in drove. the whole thing is that was shown just now. they called 911568 times, 2023, small brochures, everybody. you name it. when grocery stores start leaving city, those cities crumble, towns will crumble. people gotta eat. it's so bad. now, rick, that last month to local legislators are now pushing
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a bill that would allow san francisco residents to sue the grocery store for closing up shop. they called it the grocery protection act. the san francisco board of supervisors are basically trying to force these retailers and mostly, you know, the, the, the grocery stores to stay in the city. the only have you out is they got of a 6 month notice to the local consumer that they're closing. obviously, this bill is aimed at for seeing stores to surround, you know, rather than reduce crime in the city or incentivized business to, to stay. they're just gonna say, yeah, let's let the local su well, but that's got it. what's going on now? and they say, the only way you get ever fixing in our society is to make sure the big people at the pop are affected. because if it told me the little people being affected, no one's going to do anything about it. well, here's a big people, the situation. so bad members of congress. i've been rob,
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i mean you're who could forget what happens and nancy pelosi is husband. right. and now congressman adam shift that guy that adam shift also becomes a crime victim. take a look at this the it was broke into his car on thursday when it was parked in a downtown parking garage. that's according to the san francisco chronicle. the thieves stole his bag and without a business to wear shift still went to that event in burlingame. he did, they'll have to wear just the t shirt and hiking vest. yeah. you know why? because that's where he's gonna get some donations from some big donors and that he's not going to miss out on these. not the only one though, but it's interesting that a guy like ship is being affected and they're even hitting him. the criminals that have well, i mean rick? lucky. lucky for him it was his car that was broken into just some luggage that was taken lucky for him. but that is every 30 seconds. so in san francisco, somebody somewhere their car is getting broken into. i was just in san francisco
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a few months ago and there are signs all over the city specifically tell you lock your car, put anything, even even an iphone charger put that away. don't put anything in eyesight because car break ins are that ramped it. and police can't do anything apparently, to stop it. the, you know, this is just par for the course. you know, something else that we're following now is something much has been said recently about the almost bizarre, not a political support for the israeli government of baby netanyahu. and much of it has to do. and this is somewhat delicate subject because you know, it, it affects people's sensibilities. but i think this is really important. not only does it have to do with money, but also with the zion is movement in general, which has in many ways convinced certain questions and respectfully this is what they believe that somehow is railings and jews are the most important people in the world. even more important than other christians. now,
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my friend tucker carlson has been following the story and he's been getting a lot of heat for doing this by the way. listen to this christian minister who by the way was on with tucker. he's in palestine, he told tucker and has, he's told the others who have spoken with them recently that as a christian, he feels abandoned by us christians unit. and yet it goes, read the bible and none of it that a little of symptom way. they believe that you have to process is what i have so that god bless as you. so it's like is that it becomes a gaze of whether you want to see blessing from god. you know, makes me wonder what kind of god, they are me thing in the by the the god i need them to buy bose is a god the flop. is it all the fees? they see and it's an image of god was a tribal god will faith is one nation or but everyone else based on of the problem is that's thousands of years old. and so, and, and by the way, there's a genesis to this and i want to try and make it make sense as much as possible. but
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the genesis of all this is the many u. s. event jericho's believe that somehow when the n times come and when the rupture comes, they are going to be able to go to heaven and be saved. but everyone else, right? include all the non believers, including jews, by the way, who live in israel and is released before jewish or of the jewish faith. they're not. so they're going to be essentially staying here and they will die. so it's almost like they're saying now, and this is what a lot of people are tussling with. they're saying they want to protect and defend all jews. but eventually they expect that all jews will die. in fact, let's listen to some of the ministers who, who say the essentially this very thing. you're a christian, you will not be around for the tribulation period. you'll be safely in the haven't . and this tribulation period, some believe is a violent and bloody war for those who remain behind jesus christ speak the word.
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anyway, in the matter in human history, the will bring about the shadow, a grand will reject to. so this is the irony of all of this, the same people who are protecting israel and saying it's ok this thing that's going on and gaza with the palestinians, or people who are also saying that when the end times come, all the jews are going to die it's, it's, it's, it's a very perplexing argument that a lot of people are having a hard time understanding, but it's leading to christians in the middle east and other parts of the world say, what about us know, or, yeah, it's kind of like a guardian not isn't it, i mean a, it, i feel like these christians zionist are sort of turning their backs on, on their arabic christian brethren who are being harmed as well by israel's onslaught in god. so basically, to save their own hide, rick, i mean, but,
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but let's be clear. anybody of any faith or non faith, they can be a zionist. but according to pure research, few says that white american evangelicals are twice as likely to believe that god gave israel to the jewish people and that they, that's why they're defending. it is really to save their own hide. so they don't really care if you know other christian denominations or other, any religion, any the jewish people have, you know, hair. well, you know, when the rapture comes, they care about themselves as long as they are following the i guess it's the old testament that says, you know, you gotta, you gotta give israel to the jews. yeah. the chosen people. yeah. that's what they believe. and it's perplexing, and it's nonetheless right now, it's as important. the story is anything else we can follow. the story caught my eye. so i thought i should share this with you it's. it's a side of the time when something that used to be as innocent as, as the boy scouts no longer even exist. and they have to change their name. but
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apparently look, this is the case right now. america will soon be no more during an annual meeting in orlando today the organization announcing they will change their name to scouting america. it is a significant shift for the organization as they try to emerge from bankruptcy following a flood of sexual abuse claims. this past year, a tough conversation to have, but this has a lot to do with the fact that many people who were indecent chose to become boy scouts leader because they knew it was a place where they would find young man and they abused them. i mean, it hurts to say it, but i think that's the truth. and that was what turned into the downfall of this organization. know what? well, i mean, so look, here's, here's what, since we're talking about janet as, let's talk about the genesis of the boy scouts of america into their new re brand
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scouting america. in 2017, they actually began allowing trans kids who identified as boys to enroll. so they kept brand boy scouts, and then in 2018 girls who identify as girls could also enroll in to the boy scouts. but then 2020, that's when they filed b k. and then we learned that approximately there were at least outstanding, $275.00 lawsuits outstanding revolving around sexual abuse. and they would later discovered that the insurers of the boy scouts actually knew of $1400.00 of their claims of sexual abuse. and then 2023, a federal judge upheld this $2400000000.00 plan, allowing the group to still operate while compensating. get this rec, 80000. now adult grown men who had filed claims saying that they were
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sexually abused. so you know, the focus shouldn't be so much on the rebranding and the name, i think that's kind of irrelevant point between here and here's what the 80000 but the 1000 mat, sexually sex. the point should be the sexual abuse of children, which is what happened with this organization. and it's not about anybody's sexual preference or anybody's anything else. it's the fact that bad people were allowed to get into an organization and do bad things to young people. and i think that's in the head. yeah. and we should, we should call it what it is. and it's always great to call, you know, thanks so much for joining. i thank you. when we come back, who said this about the times that we now live in, we no longer have the luxury, he's a plain teen sports. when it comes to our foreign policy. we have a war machine that seems content with putting us all on the brink of a nuclear disaster. and it's time that we,
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the people set aside our isn't. and joining together, who said that craig pos, the drug deal law, and he will join us right here that don't go away. the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the at the end of the 18th century, britain began to illegal opium freight in china. this hard drug causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine for businessmen from the foggy l. b. a. however, the ruling chinese dream dynastee tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards sobar lee arm dead for lead, train chinese army was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england, and open it sports for trading the legal good. in 1856 branch and the united states
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joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wells of the un mean you one palace. the defeat of the jing dynastee and the do opium wars fled to the transformation of this. so let's deal empire into a semi colon. he of your to be in state and started the age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese the you're welcome back, i'm rick sanchez. and this is direct impact on were joined by craig pasta jar. do you see him all over the place on the google's, as they say, are on the internet, especially with our friend jimmy door. you set this and it caught my eye because
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you had this is gathering which i thought was important for all of us to think about having more often you said we have a washing machine that seems content with putting us all on the rick of a nuclear disaster, it's time we the people set aside the isms, i like that. and we joined together, you know, craig as a, as i hear those words i keep seeing in the background. everybody else who doesn't understand that. and i mean, members of the media members of our national conversation are a politicians incentive to congress, even people running for president of the united states. none of which seem to understand that how, but how do we break through that? that's the $1000000.00 question right? can i look at all these situations and that's why i put it together. i think the only way we can break through this is we the people, whatever that means, at least a decent amount of us come together and put aside these isms. you know, just that last week i was at the mines festival and i was on a panel is america becoming
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a communist country. and you can just see this is more about planning the seeds of division. it's divide and conquer. so the only way we can push asked is, is we, if we were playing team sports, excuse me, we beside our differences and understand that there is a ruling class that sits above everything. and it's just about them versus the rest of us. and until we acknowledge that until we eliminate cancel culture because that's what cancel culture is meant to do is meant to divide us. but until we can do that, rick, we're a trouble endanger here right now. and unfortunately, there might be a little sliver of the popular right out there. people like marjorie taylor green and matt gates who i disagree with a lot of things for the space and things that push back toward machine itself. yeah, i yeah, we don't have that on the left. it's not there. where's the squad, where's? you know, barbara lee, where are these people out there? when are we going to get a voice out there? is it the money? because, i mean, let's face it. there was a time when our forefathers took these jobs and they, it, it squeaked their lives. i mean, it was some,
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some farmer who lived in georgia. we suddenly had to get on a horse to go all the way to the philadelphia to have a meeting with the other people. he didn't make any money on that. in fact, this is his crop. so suddenly just boiled because he did that today. these guys do these jobs because they make millions and millions of dollars doing it. i cut mcconnell $32000000.00. archipello's the a $124000000.00 net worth. give me a break, craig? yeah, well, you just mentioned the sonata prefers, right? the people who represent the, the ruling class, the believe problem full there. and yes, they do it for the money they do for comfortability. they do it because i think these people have the personality of narcissists. they can never met, that they're wrong. but we also have to remember, even though these people in our congress that are, you know, are supposed to represent the people, are doing it for the donors and the money. the people who have that much of gives in that money. it's not that they just have that money, it's more sinister. they actually create the money,
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they bring the money. so really to tell you, at the end of day it's all about control. it's not so much about money. it's about control, controlling the work, controlling the people controlling the narrative to bring the resources. that's what we're all about right now. and that's what we've had this kind of global conflict where you see china and russia on one side of the united states. another. yeah, but it's not a dangerous stuff, but it's more about money. it's about control, rick, but here's where it's changing it. i'm sure you're familiar with this because you follow breaks you, you, you, you follow the global south community. we're not seeing a community that involves not just china and russia, which is always easy to point the finger at china. i brought to the ad, there's the enemy, but there's china, there's why shot their saudi arabia, there's brazil, there's india, there's iran. suddenly, this little consortium of enemies that we'd like to point her fingers to is not literal anymore. it seems to be getting bigger and bigger. and guys like, you know, joe biden, god bless his little heart. you know, is an old guy who grew up in the, in the, in the, in the,
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during the cold war. he doesn't get it and trump doesn't get it either. and none of these guys do, i'm not sure. bobby kennedy gets it it, well, i mean, a lot of people feel that bobby kennedy is just compromised, right? that he can't be that wrong when it comes to design is i'm in the state of israel and that how kind of spin out of control. and that's a good point. you mentioned it is more just not those, those countries, but the brits countries and they have other groups joining them. and i've been latin america and seen that they understand that they don't have to live in america some anymore that the foreign policy mechanism. so they control a lot of the resources and they have a blueprint like china, we in there and staying 8. yeah. let us help with our infrastructure instead of our military. you know, they understand that now, and i think that's the biggest difference when you're right. there are other, these other small countries that are no longer going to play by the united states roles. but it's important to say that it's not we the one that's what we have to recognize. we don't want these conflicts. we don't want to go around spending all our money abroad and you know, having militaries and controlling these are the governors. we the people, one stop here at all,
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we want to take care of ourselves. so as long as we understand that we could possibly fight back against this mechanism. no, out of here saying this that i do reach millions of people. you reach probably millions of people, so it is demi door, sort of joe rogan, there are people out there in an alternative platforms who are trying to come through and yet, why does it seem like it's the rachel meadows and the sean hannity's and the di that'd be anderson cooper's and all these other phones there. i say we'll get all the attention when, when i look at their ratings, they can barely do 250000 people in a key demo. yet they're the ones who are spreading the message to many americans. you know, are, are faithful to, oh, yeah. well, i would also point out your show, rick, that you don't get as many views as you showed up because why? we have people behind the mechanism that i haven't used to the king of, they control the algorithms. they control the,
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the information flow of information. they can do things like the monetize sensor settled. and all these things are occurring, especially when you speak out against this narrative. so what i would argue the fact that we don't have an open door system with the people can see how the mechanism is. what with the outlets like youtube, which you know, god, pleasant place like rumble or big suit or, or any of these places. roxanne that come along and have a platform that want to share our news, there's still a small guy and a big part in the big part of upon is controlled by those who are in power, controlling the means of how ok, when from age. okay, all, that's why we don't get our news upgrade to that. but here's the problem with that . here's the problem with that. what's going on right now is it seems that those people control and those people in the corporate situations who control things. and those people who are the military contractors and their buddies at the pentagon and the politicians who take their money and then act on whatever it is they want. those people don't understand the very things i think that you and i are talking
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about and. and when we do tell them that there's another there's, there's another polarity that exists out there. they look at it as an opportunity to start a new war so that they can make more money. so it's like, what kind of damned are we doing with them? but we don't with those folks, you know, we can break sort of the people. but until we get to those people and hold them accountable, you know, it's hard to get anything done as a country and it's frustrating as hell by the way. that i can imagine, i mean, it is really, but i think that we have to understand the mechanism what they have out here. rick, is what they're called social engineers. so they understand the action that'd be of the way of thinking of the human brain. how to move it, how do swayed it and whatnot. so they also put these people in charge who are just text book nurses, they can never met that they're wrong, they're elevated if that they're more important than everybody else and that's what's going on. so we understand mechanism, we understand the people who are put in control, we can push back into that, but it's gonna take conversations like this and people like us to keep,
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continue to let it keep going. real journalism that hey, you know, do you ever use, or do you believe in that term? uh that you know that we often talk about the big state. i was wondering, i've always tussled with that word. i don't like it because you know, i hate words that, you know, become almost uh, you know, the pen of me have something instead of being something. but what do we use? because that's basically what you're describing. what do you make of that choice of words that people often use as well? it's good that you practice that kind of thinking because i think in every single situation, whether it be the ruling class trimming of every minute, really things from the right, the ruling class trying to manipulate things left. they will take words like that deep state and spit it out of control. make anybody who rides in in or talk about it like a conspiracy theory. we have to look at it for what it is, rick. it is a bunch of elected officials who make a lot of decisions about our foreign policy and a lot of the decisions about the way we live here in america who controls the money
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. i mean, this is in our face, it is true whether you want to call it a deep state and intelligence community, a ruling class with the recognize that there is a small group of people who are trying to control not all the resources on this planet, but what we hear, what we say, what we speak, and we can see as far as news out there. so we have to recognize that the mechanism for what it is, whatever you want to call it a star test, a, hey, do me a favor? can you come all back? i want to have more conversations with you about this because i really think you are on to something i, you know, a lot of us spend a lot of time talking about the subject and talk about, you know, on necessary wars. i mean, we, we were, we were in afghanistan for 20 years, and the only reason it ever even became a new story was the last week where they could use it as some political wedge issue . like that's the only time we screwed up enough to understand. we screwed up for 19 years and if can instead, it was more than just the last week. but yeah, it becomes a, you know, a political uh to uh, a bludgeoning tool for one side to use against the other. and that's the problem
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that we have. and that's why these conversations too often are heard on places like cnn or fox or any of these other stations. and greg is still delight. it really is . it's a delight to talk to you keep up the good work, and we look forward to seeing you here again. okay. thanks for having me on rivera, on our regards to jimmy. once again, before we go, i want to remind you of what we do here, right? what we do our mission to try and decide all the world, and we need to stop living in these little boxes or i don't live in box and it's not about what you believe and then finding people to agree with you. it's about finding what other people may say. i'm re sanchez and we'll see again next time right here. directed back the the 9th of may is a venerated day on the russian calendar in march,
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the victory over fascism in europe in 1945. tragically, the collective west, the b i, d. f once again strikes the densely populated city of rafa as these rarely securities cabinet reported the green light expense and all feel for ration that it would take a 100 trucks 14 years to clear the rubbing. but because it will be additional hazards, this could be spun else into a much longer period from unexplored, informed human remains. mine action service is sounding the alarm of unprecedented destruction being gone. the


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