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tv   News  RT  May 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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the best of part of the, the idea once again strikes the densely populated city of rafa as these rate is security capital report to be as green. that another expansion of the operation that will take the trucks 14 years to clear the roof. but because it will be additional hazards, this could be spun out into a much longer period from unexploded form to schumann were made. the u. s. actions, services founding the law move under compressed defense is destruction gone. the thousands of protesters in sweden vocalizing that disagreements with gaze with contest the patients in the you're a vision, strong context,
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plumbing. the show differences between the treatment of a complex, a new crane and cause that w, when it comes to the treatment for that reason, i think that that would be the us nuclear feel supply 6 when you would just side staff of buying the russian in which you a new company says american national interest, start risk if the prohibition the a very warm welcome. tiffany is our hair nazi international. we have hoffman, our visa views from across the world, coming up for you. but we're going to start with that continued on slow, same goss. this is where the idea has struck rock. but once again,
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an area where the most to space causes have fled. as is wells chang, at least 2 palestinians have been killed and several wounded. this is off the residential building was leveled in back attack. just a warning because we do have some upsetting footage, had the weather data and when did have been transferred to nearby hospital's survivors. if the strikes the building had nothing to do with how much was there any housing civilians, so far the own place, total dest toll since october, 2nd? so well, several months ago it's almost $39000.00 people that medical stuff as well as patient se hospitals remain in critical space. let us show even though i see the roof, i cannot bear to be invaded by israel and there are many casualties. the most of
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the injured and monitors that there arriving at the hospitals are women and children, and mostly displaced persons. most of the injuries are birds. we receive these injured people in large numbers, and they are arriving on cards due to a lack of fuel. and that hasn't misled outcome, we are unable to cope with such a large number of casualties and critically ill patients. there is a severe shortage of health care professionals. we appeal to everyone in the world, not to abandon guys and leave it to phase this crisis load. what is urgently needed now as an immediate association of conflict, putting an end to the depths and casualties. simone develops and people love us. the, the medical conditions and their alpha extremely terrible. now, we have to wait several hours to see a doctor, but most of the time we're unable to receive medical treatment. as a medical staff are also exhausted and unable to provide treatment, a just have a look at this footage which is showing heavy smoke rising above the residential buildings in southern gauze. this is off that strike which came off the faced by
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negotiations in cairo, failed once again how my son is. well, just unable to agree on quote demands that journalist. crim, i'll satari says the situation in russia is deteriorating rapidly amid the relentless bombardment from israel. the hey target seriously populated area, they conduct good, concurrent strides and bows, different parts of the neighborhood, the story good things of houses and they put in firebirds and discharged are still good thing with the targeting strikes. i'm not targeting this the east area, but the other stuff was tough north and off south. some areas near the adoption baldor, some views the areas near the, the beach area. so literary the bombardment. and the type of thing is covering cold over a 100. there is no safe haven and gaza. there is no such
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a thing that is called say so on, i think is it has already violated all instead of lines when it comes to lose their stones and have started to find a student has displaced them even in the areas. that's where it's supposed to be, or believe to be a saves off. the situation is extremely dire. wish for college. so remember that is that is now clause a drop off. i've got, i've shut off terminal. they're not allowing anything, do no food, no food supplies, no other supplies. normally that concludes your mother's or medication, and that shows you include the components. now people are injured, they need some health care who's gonna need somebody to cover consumers and medications. and people come out to access them. hospice does conduct provide the services that people need. so that leaves more people with died because of that lack to american consumers. i'm just kind of large and because of hunger x because of displacement and because of bombardment. so the situation is extremely conceivable in the sense that you see hundreds of thousands of people going nowhere
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because they're extremely confused about where to go. and they're still being targeted by there is any confusion. and now with this fund, larger of concepts with the 2 terabytes of clothes, people are likely to even suffer more. and the situation is getting even more there . a was staying in garza because the un mind action service reports that the own clave is covered in approximately $37000000.00 tons of russell. it's also probably most likely contaminated with unexploded phones on a spec stalls that will bodies estimating. it's going to take some $40000000.00 just to clear those rooms for you as mine. action service chief in palestine is charles mung. go patch and he says the amount of the day you for your in garza is unprecedented globally. a fun most. obviously the rob listen issue, but primarily we're interested in clearing the explosive ordinance amongst the rubble. so at the moment we have funding for approximately $5000000.00 us dollars.
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we need to in order to adjust the ramp up install operations, an additional $40000000.00 on the sector is a hold of mine. actually sector for the clearance of garza is going to need hundreds of millions of dollars over multiple years to make calls us safe from explosive ordinance. to put this in context on off the box up, most of you and environment program estimates that what 10000000 tons of rubble in mosul and on us, which was directly involved in the clearance of noise or estimated it would take 10 years to clear. my so that's a is in i'm, we still have 2 years left to go in gaza. the order of magnitude is significantly greater. and so it's going to take a very significant amount of time for us to click on. so yes, best offices, one of a, a number of houses amongst the rubble does not need to be significant amounts of unexploded ordnance that would be large numbers of human remains. biological waste,
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chemical waste from industrial processes, as we'll say, rubble amongst heritage sites. unesco estimates, 43 heritage sites and goals are damaged again, that has to be dealt with in a different way. if it was just ruffles that had to be cleared, u. n t. p estimate, it would take a 100 trucks, 14 years to clear the rubber but because it will be additional hazards. this could be spun else into a much longer period. in terms of the rubble, the rubble combines between october, 28th. no type of 6 was less than 112 the rubble which is currently projected by you and environment program estimates to existing goal is that that's not even enough space in garza to, to dump the problem. it would take approximately according fuel and environmental program. $500.00 heck to is just to dump the rubble or well, the you and general assembly has overwhelmingly passed
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a resolution to expanding palestine rights and cools will be un united nations security council to reconsider policy and membership to be un. well that's cross now live to correspondent caleb open, who is in new york for us. caleb, can you just tell us a little bit more about this general assembly vote i'm well, this actually would mean for palestinian state to the un. sure. well, at this point we have a favorable vote from the united nations general assembly. so the next step is to pass it on to the security council. now, is it likely that the security council will vote in favor of granting members statehood to the palestinian authority? no, because the united states with this is a permanent member of the un security council has already made clear they will vote
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no and veto such a resolution after security council, the 15 member body, that leaves the united nations. here's what we've heard from us representatives and then the most. this resolution does not resolve the concerns about the palestinian membership application raised in april in the security council through the admissions committee process. and should the security council take up the palestinians membership application as a result of this resolution? there will be a similar outcome. now the united states has already made clear why get a poser is the creation of a palestinian states at this time and why it opposes the united nations granting members statewood status to the palestinian authority. the united states argues that the creation of a palestinian state can only be achieved through the process of negotiations of a 2 state solution between the israel palestine conflict and that the united
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nations moving ahead with this would be premature. and there was a vote at the security council back in april on this question, and the usa voted know and vetoed the resolution that now in order for a new member state to be recognized by the united nations. first, the un general assembly must pass a resolution calling for it as just happened. and then from there, the united nations security council will need to vote on it. and then after that, the un general assembly, which includes all the countries of the united nations, will have to vote once again, and 2 thirds of the countries will have to approve it. now it's very unlikely that will happen with the united states planning to veto this resolution after un security council. however, there has been some interesting proceedings in the hall of the united nations general assembly and, and the security council. the latest of which was the, is railey representative, physically shredding a copy of the united nations charter and ripping it up and saying that the un
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charter is no longer in effect on it. the proceedings violate the un charter. now this did not go over well with you and officials, and we actually had far han hawk, the un spokesperson condemning these the attributes as he called them and reassuring the world that the un charter is still in full effect. now the is rarely representative also declared that the united nations was playing with giving recognition to terrorist to compare the palestinian authority to nazi is. here is some of what we've heard from the is really representative of several days. destructive vote is not only opening the lines doors to the terrace supporting palestinian authority. if it was then it would be bad enough. things of the 7th. you'll have failed to even call them out by name. so i'll remind you. it's the terrace of hum us today with the sick and twisted i run the the
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very by the established to prevent evil is now well, tell me a terror state into its ranks. or we seem to have lost the connection that with caleb open, but we'll try and get him back later in the program. let's go to columbia now, because president gustavo petro is urging the international criminal court to issue an arrest warrant for the is wally prime minister. this is, as he strongly condemns the deadly war in casa. nothing. yeah. who will not stop the genocide, which implies an international arrest warrants from the criminal court. the security council must begin to consider the establishment of a peacekeeping force in the territory of gaza. it is government has already made promises to break diplomatic relations with israel. um,
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the international criminal court has said it's responding to threats that surfaced off reports back to arrest warrants for senior is where the officials, the 5th. now it says that i have seen attempts to close impede, intended a signed improperly influence itself. members, u. s. republicans have taken as well side and this unclaimed the bill is in the works. the sanction the i see, see if an arrest warranty is indeed issue full benjamin netanyahu. when we heard from political scientists what i'm on mendez or to invest to explain to have israel has become almost invulnerable. it would be a rock in their issue as we say in spanish, but it will not stop them from doing anything as long as israel has the back of the united states and of the government right now be divided. the president's israel will continue to. ready what he does and they know they will be no consequences. that's why they feel so entitled to even say, hey america,
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we don't need your weapons by it and you can keep them. so. ready israel is emboldened as they have been able to get away with what's going on and gaza for months and for years without any consequences. they have been repeated the consummate of, of the ron and syria, with no consequences. they have killed the iranian officials, you know, consequences. they have murder, palestinians, the north causes in garza, in rough. uh now it gave them though no way out. so israel will continue to do this as long as they are able to, as long as they have been able to in the icy c. as a world we're going to zation as an international organization. nice to set up presidents because if other countries are able to see that, well, if you're on the right side a on the united states side, so you can get away with anything. what was the eurovision song contest, things full swinging, moment sweet global voices of simple palestine, and growing as louder,
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thousands gathering at the festival to protests. the game is well's participation policies contributor ritual most and take a closer look at this. this is your vision san contest is being held in suite in the country that's become all synonymous with muslim immigration. so when israel is included in this annual competition organized by the european alliance of public service, media outlets at a time when there's a major humanitarian crisis in gas as a result of israel trying to liquidate, come us and hitting over 300001000 in civilian. so far in the process, is there any wonder that euro vision a talent show has now become the latest runs in the stand off between pro palestinian and pro is really virtue signaling battalions. it's horrible what's happening in ga. so right now, and i think a lot of people should be demonstrating purchasing, especially now when the u. s. low, but this ramp to participate in your vision,
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but not the russia. and i think that's just the, it's wrong. it's rooted in racism in slumber. for me, i have shown the double standard when it comes to the treatment of russia. for that reason, i think it's the prophecy. the people are here for you. a vision trying to sort of celebrate, there's nothing to celebrate. it's an ongoing war. people are killing each other children or die in there because since, as already is january to ban israel from your vision. but order, as i said, just shrugged de la, arguing that the context is a political. yeah. right. and your vision is totally not flamboyant or kid. she either come on, we're talking about an event where participants are better known by their national flag then by their act, legs making it inherently nationalist and political, which is why the geneva based european broadcasting union organizers slap the need
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your ban on russia. when do you create conflict popped off, they've been said and done. the ukranian president by mirrors wednesday from addressing the event last year. i guess that was a bridge to bar. it was taking place the liver pulled at the time. they said that it was quote regrettable that they could not grant his request to speak despite his quote laudable intentions. because the quote possibility of making political statements as part of the contest is prohibited. sure, because political statements can only ever be done with words and not by actions like they did when they down russia. sounds like maybe they were just worried that zalinski would kill the vibe with his usual speech. nationalistic rivalries are exactly what your vision is about actually to bad. no one from gaza wasn't by just saying and europe's contests like israel was because god has bad. sure. and i've been out in full force, including if you mind hearing aid shift that dropped into pork agreed about $400.00 profiles. the supporters on route to gas up this visit was apparently motivated by
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israel's presence in the contest even going. and her ballad ended up qualifying for the top 10 in the saturday's big tele vice finale. i'm so overwhelmed with emotions . it's truly such an honor to be here on stage performing and showing our voice and representing us with pride and making it to the finals is it's, it's something crazy. so she's obviously trying to keep it all about the music. the fact that the crowd chanted free palestine during her semi final dress rehearsal and she was dude, would probably give a bit of a clue as to why that might be the case. but hey, here's is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu taking a break between bombing campaigns to hijack this is rarely per farmers efforts and make it all about him. so that's of course you've already won, not telling me all you proud them impressively participating in your vision. but your successfully consultants and
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a horrible wave of anti semitism and you are standing up to date and representing the stage of his royal with great on. so be blessed and know that when they bow you, we sell to to you. however, i believe the technical term for b. b statement is friendly. fire, you know, bombing your own assets is remark certainly won't do anything to help the politicize 0 vision or is rarely contest its participation. basically, be just rhetorically bomb bureau vision like it was some us by totally missing the target and virtually guaranteed even more blow back. let's have not seen the front lines of the ukraine conflict because authorities in costco region are reporting a phase baffled between russian and ukrainian troops. with the fighting now spinning into the border area with rushes belgrade region. all phase correspondence, steve sweeney have the details that we heard last night that there was
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a shedding of the call called a region, very intent, shedding a strikes. and according to the crating, you know, swords has at least 25 buildings have called far. they've been very body damage. we have to say that this isn't verified. at this stage, there's been a lot of footage started circulating on social media now that being the number of ukrainian drones that have been taken down. we don't have any official information from the russian defense industry yet. and we've also seen on a game on very slide footage of a bridge in cocoa region that has been destroyed. now, the local authorities have, they've spoken previously about a russian offensive of game. we don't have any information on not staying in the, in the gulf of region, a game where there has been types fighting. we know that the russian on forces have taken control of the city of kids located which states very close to the guns region. now moving across to the don't boss
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a game that has been intense fighting and russian forces. and this has been confirmed by the russian ministry of defense have now taken co control of no vote. lenovo, this is a city, a game which i said is very close to the new gun sco region. now that we're seeing this kind of these, these lights, this development seems like his advances by the rushing for armed forces, which will hopefully bring some relief for the citizens of belgrade. let's stay now and the ukraine same because a former chief advise it to the british prime minister or to a bridge department is to has called the west involvement in ukraine, a stupid mistake with sanctions. he said, having little to no impact on russia, not so as the top strategist 6 to return to political office with a new role and a new policy. or we should have never got into the whole stupid situation. it's
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sort of a replay of 1940. we've put tompkins to lensky is the church healy, and under dog this whole ukrainian, corrupt mafia state has basically conditional. and we're all going to get does a consequence. the lesson we've talked boot and is that where a bunch of total, jo, cuz i mean, put in a really knew that before the war. but this is emphasized in broad cost to, to the entire world with a bunch of clowns. we are, and america is now doubling down on trying to seize russian assets. so it's already created a sanctions regime, which is encouraging the building of alternative financial systems globally. that's not teaching food than any lesson, only that we're idiots. well dominant cummings is a british political strategist here is well known for campaigning, in favor of new cases, breaks it back in 2016. he then became the chief advisor to full up workers prime. and this, the boris johnson cummings is now involved in creating this starts up policy. a book that he says will unite entrepreneurs, housework, as
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a military veterans who oppose the ruling tories outside of the next u. k. general election, which will have to take place by january 2025 journalist martin j says cummings will not show that he has common sense, but he's obviously waiting to see the self destructive lens. conservatives are willing to take, as we've seen, you know, the spectacular mistakes and miscalculations of the west in particular. russians thinks, interested in them. one, i think is his was a, not even prusio just some come sent some time. but a lot of people are great. that's know, forget, you know, he's be so he was kicked out of, of, of his particular talk to the own to rush around the restaurants. and there was a but the gnostic breakup, and he was always a sort of polemics, rebellious sort of maverick type character who now is looking to launch his own political career. but i think if you read the article was the british newspaper articles, which mentioned this, i think it was a ton of rough. um,
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it's quite clear that he wants to wait and see just to see how much of a disaster the general election is in the u. k. so to see how, how far all the clips to the, the police, invitations of the conservative party, just how much will it break up and when you're self employed, and if it does crash, quite frank from a great height that we might see the motions of one of these abilities by coming is reasonable. he's on kind of it. so i'm, i think um, peaceful is very clever at manipulating press the leading us nuclear fuel supplies suntrust plans to seek exemptions. it says form of proposal, prohibiting the influence of russian in which uranium the move is meant to safeguard the interest. so the u. s. and the industry the legislation includes a provision that allows for the granting of waivers through 2027, including if the waiver serves the national interest. when the legislation is enacted, we will apply for waivers from the secretary of energy and other
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a clickable government agencies to request permission to continue supplying l e u to our customers. it is uncertain whether any waiver would be granted, and if granted whether any waiver would be granted in a timely manner. now, in 2022, russia was washington is the biggest supplier of enriched uranium. can you just break this down for us? how would this is always going to affect the american nuclear industry? and companies like center was specifically when it's quite significant. nikki, if we look at the numbers, for example, the us uh 20 percent of all of the us is powered on nuclear energy. and about 24 percent, even to this day is coming from russia. the fact that companies don't like centers that we've mentioned, which is a private company that owns and facilitates a lot of nuclear power in the us, will not be able to obtain that quantity. we're talking about nick, we talked about you, right? and just how dangerous you, my name is, it's not something that you can be in. you can just walk down to another country and just buy and for care. that has to be so many prizes and procedures and 70
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facilities that allow the save transit of that substance and also getting it to a plot and then enriching it. it's a huge process and, and really it's so mean it sounds like the us is totally shooting itself in the foot. yes. again. okay. so total costs are based on what it all means. so what it means is essentially that any ad products that will, that coating on an rich, to write any of the base of that. that means the uranium that you transport when you figure it out and forgive me, i'm not a to you. if is it is but a new case scientists but you that so you, you put that into, they've got to and that creates the energy. that's saying no more of that. if it comes from i said, you cannot bring it in unless you get a special dispensation. would you let me give them for another year, and then they're not responding to 2040. and what that basically means is none of that will come in. and the us is going to have these companies that have relied on their and supplies for years and years and years regardless of the coming conflicts and you crime because by which the energy and energy, you know, i think rushed to see that this way is the human rights, so it shouldn't be bond or process. he said is that way?
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russia hasn't said hey, we're gonna stop sending it to you. even though rush it codes and, and essentially what now in a situation where this could be a very serious problem for these companies, they've got to find another source of uranium for that plants. a recent months west and countries have moved to expand their own capacity to enrich uranium, broaching the idea of a complete bond on russian. and what was in years to come with some expos say they would need at least a decades to set the industry onto an independent assessing. so how could the us make up for the loss in supply? in the meantime, it's a really good question, and i don't think they have an honest and nikki, if we look at the other countries that produce you, right in russia, 24 percent, then we look at the european pond as the u. k. frogs, they produce a little bit, but then again again, nicky will probably sing the same thing happen again in europe where the us is going to try to extract the results is that that you have it needs. there are plenty of nuclear power plants in the united kingdom where we come from in front in germany, and they need that own at reserves. and what is the power of that? i'm power. i think the low save time look at africa, but as we now know,
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especially they'll probably put pressure on the french to do that. but as, as, as we covered a lot on the program, the african nations now turning around to say, no, we're not going to give you these cheap minimalism results from our country. the african countries are going to want more money for those resources. probably a lot more than what they're paying in russia, and that's going to make energy fall more expensive to the average consumer in the us. the crowds of purchases attempted to storm with tesla factory outside of the lane. hundreds of law enforcement officers. we deployed to the scene, all the environmental package. flashes with the police are up to quickly resulting in several arrest sounds, injuries on both sides. law enforcement, push the eco activists back from the facility with the offices following the seats across fields. i'm sorry. so that was the canons reports the same on the area surrounding the tests. the $53.00 has been beloved been fee that the riots could ignite protests is opposing the electric cars companies, expansion plans,
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which would show them an estimated $100.00 hectic task of the trees. well, that's all we've had time to squeeze in this out, but if you'd like to take a more in depth look at all stories that we've been discussing, do we have to invite to our website to comb? plenty of for the full band will be fine with the fresh updates on the the i have a buddy, i'm rick sanchez. and these are the stories that you need to know about today. san francisco, once a great american city, it's a mess. and i'm gonna tell you why, and then there's the fund.


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