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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  May 9, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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now. the kron 4 morning news. some of the hottest temperatures, parts of the bay area have seen since october and it's only just the beginning. >> from the bay local news station, you're watching you on morning team. >> good morning. happy for is going to have around our area and i'm james that we'll talk about those temperatures climbing here in just a minute. we're also tracking the news to what are you working on this actually talking about utility bills most could go of staying a little all yeah. lights. i don't talk about all. you need the ac this weekend. if you have a yeah, is. but cuts
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actually tomorrow, especially tomorrow. so tomorrow is or how to stay inland to stay at the coast today, which is great for heading out to the beach not so bad in that regard. if you are heading to san francisco, temperatures will rise really quickly. >> i've seen so many of you walking up and down the embarcadero, enjoying it. winds are relaxing. so here's a little bit of good news. those dry, offshore winds. you notice probably how low that humidity is, feels very dry outside. it's a warm wind pushing up against that cool coastal coastal air. and that's why are coastal spots are in for such a warm one in such a crystal clear day right now, san francisco, you're back in the low 70's, same in half moon bay heyward at 76 degrees currently and temperatures will lift a little bit quicker now that the sun is higher in the horizon, looking at spots like petaluma, you're already just shy of 80 degrees later on today. coastal areas 70's to low 80's for you. some of us further inland could get up to 90 degrees, at least close to it today with tomorrow being even hotter yet. i'll talk all forecast. how hot will it be
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at the airport? the san francisco the san francisco airport in oakland or the services goes airport a diversity. now. that's the question and the confusion that some say will happen if oakland changes its name to include san francisco, but they could vote on that. >> as early as today, kron four's michael thomas is live. i'm just going to say you're in michael. haha. >> hey, good morning, everyone. i'm live in an airport now. this airport that i'm standing in is in oakland and the name change would be at san francisco bay, oakland international airport. that is the discussion for today in oakland. officials say they're planning on voting on it regardless of what san francisco city officials have to say the port of oakland says it sees nothing wrong with adding the words. san francisco bay to the oakland airport's name. but the city of san francisco does and so do some of oakland's residents. >> can say i like the name open because i've lived here
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not only use on the san francisco and the last is something, you know, one of the people who don't live here, they don't even know the san francisco has since filed a federal lawsuit regarding the name change and it feels it will cause confusion for travelers. but oakland officials say they took a survey from some customers that seem to like the idea. >> but the san francisco city attorney david chiu says he finds it hard to believe. >> we had a chance. finally to take a look at their so-called customer survey. and it was riddle with all sorts of issues. it was essentially a survey that push respondent's toward the answers that they wanted. it didn't give them the direct choice the city attorney has offered to work with oakland's board to find a middle ground and some alternative names that would be less oakland officials say they'll consider that during today's board meeting at 01:00pm. also adding that the suit was filed prematurely. >> as for oakland travelers, well, they say this, you know that it's a great teams. i publicity won nationwide. >> it may better change. so
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people will recognize the name. oakland is a great place and i like the name now back out here live. this meeting is set to happen at 1 o'clock but the people that i've spoken with here and i've before, i've been on this story 3 or 4 times since announcement and majority of the oakland residents spoke with, they don't want to change. they want to stay as oakland. >> however, that surveyed says differently. francisco international airport, oakland international airport, san francisco international bay airport. i don't know figure it out soon. but for back to you live in to wait. you've done it 3 times a story you've talked to. dozens of people has even one person. and oakland airport says, oh, yeah, i think it should be san francisco. no, i have not heard that. you know what actually earlier know, not none of them. i've never heard it. and actually, i was in san francisco airport last week and i met this nice couple that was traveling from tennessee and one of the
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questions that they asked me, they said we've never been here. we just want to make sure that san francisco airport, not oakland airport, because we heard that they're changing the name. and i said, no, you're at sfo. this is san francisco airport. so that actually did experience firsthand. that was on sunday. we'll see. that's a prime example of what people are worried about. all right, michael, thank you very much. a 10. 0, 4, right now. and another big story. google is saying goodbye to their prominent san francisco offices. yeah, this is the one on the waterfront that big tower there. kron four's will tran actually live in front of it with more on the reason. why will. >> 300,000 square feet will be up in the air. come next. april. >> the landlord's. they got a notice from google and the office is right behind me. james google told the landlords we like this place. clearly we've been here since 2018, but come next, april, we don't plan to renew our lease. google plans to still be in san francisco. but this is public relations hit for san francisco. if you want to think about it because san
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francisco has been dealing with a lot of business is leaving san francisco entirely or in google's case and some other businesses case taking a lot of it with it and leaving something behind. so not leaving altogether. google says, you know what, they're struggling with whether or not to workers work more from home or come to the office and why pay for all that office space if they're not coming, they're still coming in. of course, and they will continue to be here for the next several months, of course, until next year. after that, we'll see what happens as far as google's strategy. now, google did comment on this. so take a look at your screen. this is what they told us in the overnight hours. so we want to pass along to you. they say, as we have said before, we're focused on investing in real estate efficiently to meet the current and future needs of our hybrid workforce. key word being hybrid. remain committed to our long-term presence in
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san francisco. so they have many of other offices within san francisco. but this basically as at the foot of market just right around the corner from the ferry building, you can call this beach front property and this beach front property will be open to the public for the next renter come april. no layoffs. so don't worry about this because we're off course in it together. you don't want to see one business losing employees. they're not losing employees, but they will be packing up their things. so james, you know what stretch arrival come down here next table and help them pack and you just move yourself. yeah, my my back. still recovering alley-oop out there anytime thank you. all those boxes they could borrow boxes from door. >> 10, 0, 7, right now. and happening today, there's a vote at the state capitol about it affecting that will affect power bill. yeah, big changes potentially coming our way. crawford's reyna harvey here to explain reyna.
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>> yeah. so the california public utilities commission will review a proposal that would require most residents to pay. and new 62 times. hard add on top of proceedings under proposal. you got a lot of californians that could see increase all because of this fee. the plan also cut to 5 to $0.7 per kilowatt. so that california. 5 out of power, could actually say in the long run, probably because of the money they use it's going discount it. well, a lot of state republicans oppose it takes charge. they claim consumers are going to see increase $300 per year on deals until companies like service in area say that new flat well pay for maybe at some of the power. it also income californians. plan place is a previous proposal to impose a utility bill. the based on lies a cup. so it approved the to go into effect
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in 2025, pundits are expected to be at today's vote. it's happening in about an hour. means and bring you the updates of that live here. i'll send it back the death. all right. thanks a lot. 10. 0, 8, right now. and dozens of people. >> gathered in berkeley. they're supporting the superintendent of the berkeley unified school a nicu afford more tell testified before congress on what's being done now to handle the rise in anti-semitism in schools. >> proper sara stinson with the story. >> dozens of parents and community members rallied at the old city hall in berkeley wednesday in support of the superintendent and the kia forte. more thelle. thought she did an amazing job. more thought was one of 3 school leaders who are grilled by u.s. house republicans about how they're handling a rise in anti-semitism since the conflict erupted between israel and palestine. in october. we have. >> teachers that are teaching hate to our kids and showing it students being a feeling fearful for this. do they are
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the founder, this transfer to another school the u.s. department of education is investigating. be usd over accusations. the district has failed to address, quote, nonstop severe and persistent bullying of jewish students. dpmore thelle defended the district's actions. if we have a concern or complaint about anti-semitism or any form of hate. >> we take it very seriously. we investigate and we take action pending the outcome of that investigate hours after the congressional hearing, community members rallied in support of the district. people held up signs that read defended berkeley schools and congress fund education, not genocide. and the fact that headlines are the headlines, this liz jackson is a jewish mom of 2 kids in berkeley unified. she and other parents at the rally say they feel education should not be
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censored. >> we teach them that. it's not safe to talk about genocide on we're in danger ourselves and we're in danger. her problem is that their representatives and many people, parents and community members think that only one perspective should be taught. and the other side is all about terrorism. and that's not right. it's racist. back in november, more than 12,000 parents and community members in berkeley center letter. >> to the board of education and superintendent complaining about anti-semitism in the classroom. we reached out to some of those parents, but they could not speak to us in time for this report. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in the newsroom. back to you. >> it's 10, 10 and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a business owner in oakland is not giving up after his shop has been constantly vandalized. we'll tell you what he's doing. plus, there's an investigation underway into. are the electric vinfast car that this family was riding in when they were
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killed in the east bay have the very latest on that. >> and here we go. big warm-up across the bay area really kicking up today. some of us inland getting close to 90 degrees and not even inland friend would city up to 88 half moon bay. you'll be close to 80 right along
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>> hurricane right now and may is national bicycle safety month and the fremont police department. they're encouraging everybody to be safe. of course, wear a helmet when you ride. according to the national highway traffic safety administration. more than 1100 people were killed, riding a bicycle in 2022. and
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more than 46,000 cyclists have been injured. the fremint police are going to be sending out more officers to patrol the streets this month and let you know that the tips are important just keep them in mind. for example, slow down for drivers. and we're talking about cars, especially when you're in an intersection. make sure there's no bicycles in the way. look out for them. look out for pedestrians, especially when you're turning. that's another one gives cyclists at least 3 feet of space. and that's for if you're driving a car. now, if you're on a bicycle wear safety gear use lights. if you're using a bicycle at night, yield to pedestrians and follow the traffic laws while you're on the streets, even if you know, you had a stop sign and you're like, oh, i can just roll through. you're not supposed supposed to stop. yeah. speaking of cars, if you want to join the heat in style, check this out is going to be a car show in downtown martinez tonight. >> starts at 6 o'clock on main street. if you really like the classic cars, well, there's going to be more car shows with the dates there on your screen. so check it out. might
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be a good time to get out there. enjoy the heat. like i said in style. all. plenty of that. it's a top down day for the convertibles. you have one. if you've got fewer and fewer people seem to be driving criminals. these is down a little today. some of those days. you want one. i do have the little a skylight thing. so know what the i don't really do it either. but hey, at least if you have that may be the golden gate bridge. good chancesto do it nice in crystal, clear out there. >> today is the coastal day. if you want enjoy some sunshine up and down the beaches, we're talking 70's to low 80's at the coastline. and part of that is because of the offshore winds. we've seen those of relaxing. your advisories are gone now, but we are still seeing 30 miles per hour gusts in a few areas. definitely calmer than it was last night. just enough wind to push out to the coastline and stop any of that cool coastal air from pushing inland. that's our hottest day at the coast. the rest of us. you have no shortage of heat ahead of low pressure to the east high to the west. that gradient between the 2 is
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resulting in our offshore winds today. but the high winds out in the end and that is going to stick around contributing to what will be and extended around of warmth. in fact, our forecast into next week is still showing well above average temperatures, especially across the state's interior, the interior, the bay is going to be looking at 80's, not going anywhere anytime soon. today at the coast, we got some 70's in golden gate park and sunset districts. first time seeing 80's in downtown san francisco since october 70's to low 80's right along the coast and then solid 80's for the rest of us burlingame. 85 today, redwood city, very close to 90 getting up to 88 while the south bay pretty warm as well. nearing that ninety-degree mark mostly mid-eighties for the east bay pleasanton livermore and oakland all at that same temperature at eighty-four degrees. while napa 87 santa rosa. 88 looking ahead tomorrow, temperatures will be even warmer yet for inland spots. i got a few low 90's in the mix. coastal areas will
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begin your cool down after today, sunday for mother's day, actually backing off the heat just a little bit. we'll still have mid 80's inland. but 70's returning to the day. back to you. thanks. jhonattan 17 and the owner of an east bay martial arts studio is vowing to stay open even though he's been dealing with repeated vandalism he says he's just trying to run a positive business for kids and families there in west oakland. >> we've probably is dan thorn with his story. >> windows broken and walls painted with graffiti at afro-brazilian martial arts she oakland vandalism has become an unfortunate occurrence to side. >> i'm disappointed. because, you know, say i try to understand what i'm doing wrong. >> owner loose of although day olivia era opened the studio for years ago with the hope of teaching the brazilian art form of capital era. but daily vieira says over time the space is also grown to become a community center for children and families.
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>> so i created in. oh, that's cool. you need to be able to enjoy the spacing fuel. next with brazil. >> he says some of the vandalism includes profanity laced complaints about noise. most of the studio's classes do involve music. parents have also expressed concerns today levy era about the damage. so that was stated for me. >> because i want to try to to to always make sure that be there. i do everything to make sure like the trust me this is going to change. hopefully soon. >> they levy era says he has an idea who might be behind the vandalism but has not been able to prove it. he's grateful to have the support of shea oakland community who he believes will overcome this adversity. he says they're not going anywhere. he's going to get that into one of few. double the and then let's make a nice to get it. they'll by
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my side in the give up with news in oakland, dan thorn. >> kron 4 news. >> to 19 is a time up in the north bay police. there are looking for a man who they say tried to stab someone with a knife in healdsburg. police are looking for 29 year-old damien osorio. you see his picture here. police say he was slashing the tires of cars in the parking lot of hillsborough community center. when a person who is sitting in their car got out to confront him. and that's when police say a tried to stab them. that victim was cut in the hand as oreo ended up running off. but he's now facing multiple charges, including attempted murder. >> it's 10, 19 and the man behind a double hit and run who led police on a wild pursuit through san francisco. now we know his name. take a look at 54 year-old jefferson, rodney was driving a blue and white mustang on tuesday when he hit 2 pedestrians. one of the tenderloin, the other, a 14 year-old girl in north beach and then police chase
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running for about an hour or an hour and a half. and then finally stopped at green in a bargain. darryl, both of the people who were hit, by the way are going to be okay. but the teenage girl, she still in the hospital with a fractured shoulder and ankle. rodney has been booked into jail on multiple charges. >> it's 10, 20 in the north bay, santa rosa. police are looking for the driver of a pickup truck. >> for that was involved in a hit and run last month. and that accident injured a motorcycle rider. it happened at the intersection of hopper avenue and airway drive. here's the truck. the police are looking for a gray ford f one, 50. they think it was a 8 model. and it had stickers in the driver's side corner of the windshield. black rams, no front license plate. as you can see of the rectangle fog lamps. think you can see those in also you can see the silver sidesteps there. anybody what it sees as vehicle asked to contact the santa rosa police.
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>> our 10 21 is the time fremont police right now looking for a suspect in connection with the theft of these to porsche's that you see here on the wall. now the 2 cars have been found and one of the suspects has been arrested, but police are still looking for the second suspect. you see pictured here with one of the cars. police say it was last month that the 2 broke into a porsche dealership on cushing way and drove those cars right through the glass windows. the first suspect nova moore was arrested last month in hayward and police say they found everything from rifles to you saw on screen a moment ago, stolen police radio scanner. anyone with information on the whereabouts of that second suspect is asked to call fremont police. well, this week marks national nurses week and a group of nurses out hospital are asking for. >> than just a pat on the back, nurses are going to be picking today outside the hospital between 2 and 04:00pm asking the city to take action and hire more staff before admitting any more patients.
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the nurses saying on order to protect and improve the quality of patient care, they need to hire more staff. the groups hopeful that they can come to an agreement with the city, but they say they are prepared to go on strike if it comes to is 10. 22. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, a follow-up to a story that we had earlier this morning. >> this little cat that somebody shot. >> in the bay area? well, there's enough money now raise for surgery will have the story when we come back.
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>> 10 25 and we've got a follow-up now to a south bay story. 2 children had to be
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taken to the hospital. >> with high levels of carbon monoxide because this happened at their middle school sunrise middle school in san jose. the call they a fire department saying that several people on campus who are having a hard time breathing the crews got there. they checked it out. trace where that carbon monoxide was coming from. they took care of it. everybody is going to be ok. a brentwood police officer pulling over a car without a rear license plate ended up finding a lot of burglary equipment. you're seeing some of it right there on the trunk. police say that robert garcia admitted to an officer that he didn't have a valid driver's license when he was stopped. he was also on felony probation for a vehicle theft conviction. and then after they searched his far car, look, what they found glove and all those keys different makes and models of cars that did not belong to him and cutting instruments and things that could be used to steal cars. now he faces all those charges. 10. 26 is the time right now. james. >> ok, well, more developments now in california, shrinking
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homeowner insurance industry rather than leaving. one ensure has decided to just raise rates instead, travelers insurance is going to be increasing homeowner premiums on average by about 15% ahead of this year's anticipated wildfire season. some customers could be looking at rate hikes of up to 25%. but in a filing, travelers indicated about 1400 policies would be dropped entirely because of the extreme risk of wildfires in their area around 320,000. californians have their homeowner homeowners policies through travelers, which is the nation's 6 largest property insurer. >> governor gavin newsom is asking the california supreme court to remove the measure from the november ballot that would make it more difficult for government to raise capitol correspondent wallace. i'll take you inside the i'll take you inside the hearing and a lot
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right now you can get a free footlong at subway. just buy any footlong in the app and get one free. just scan the qr code and enter promo code flbogo it only works from the other side of the screen, buddy. you still got a land line in your house. order now in the subway app.
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>> 10 29 is the time thursday. still plenty of time for you to get all those mother's day gifts. >> for me, not okay. plenty of time to get out there. get stuff done before it gets too terribly hot. john, good morning. absolutely. yeah. still relatively comfortable at the moment this afternoon, though, if you don't love the heat, those upper 80's in some cases might not sound the best to you. >> we are going to be on for one of our warmest days of the year so far in some cases, warmest since october. now we're looking out there at this view from mount tam looking down at the day, a little bit breezy. still, winds have relaxed a little bit, but still around 30 miles per hour. wind gusts for the north bay. and the key here is these winds are pushing our inland areas towards the
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coast. so that's really stopping any cool coastal air from getting into the bay. that's we've got our warmest day at the coastline today. skies are crystal clear. nothing close to 80 sort of fog, half moon bay. you're at 72 point rays at 74 while oakland and berkeley as well. san francisco each at 73 degrees right now. now, as we make our way into the afternoon, those daytime highs will continue to rise 70's to low 80's at the coast. a lot of upper 80's for inland and bay shore cities. back to you. thanks a lot, john. 10, 30 in kron the local election headquarters in those big fight now brewing over a major ballot measure. >> that would make it more difficult for local and state governments to raise taxes. yeah. so so far the california supreme court has taken up this lawsuit. >> calling on justice is to remove that measure from the ballot. we have our capitol correspondent eytan wallace with a closer look. meeting in san francisco justices on the california supreme court heard arguments supporting and opposing the taxpayer protection and government accountability act. we're tpa.
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they specifically must decide whether to take it off the november ballot. the proposed measure already qualified for the upcoming november ballots with more than 1 million signatures turned supporters note, if passed, the measure would require voters to approve every new state tax increase or new state fee proposed by the state legislature or local governments. it would also change the voter threshold for local citizen run tax initiatives from a simple majority to at least two-thirds majority needed to but governor gavin newsom and democratic members of the legislature say the measure is illegal because they believe it would significantly revise the california state constitution. it would prevent government from doing its job. that's why newsom says he filed a lawsuit asking the california supreme court to consider removing the measure from the november 2024 ballot. attorney mark or printing represented the governor during oral arguments at the high court. if taxing were subject to voter approval.
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>> it might become impossible and it would certainly be delayed for for the legislature to try pass a balanced budget, raise revenues that are necessary on the other side, attorney thomas hi-tech represented the measure's proponents, including the howard jarvis taxpayers association. >> they want the measure to remain on the ballot, our constitution since its inception. >> has stated that all polient in ower inh the people. >> what tpa does its recent war, not only the people's power to have check and balance on that requires the legislature to be part of that process. that's accountability. assembly speaker robert remus and former senate president pro tempore toni atkins signed onto the lawsuit, urging the court to strip the measure from the ballot. they wrote the amount of harm this measure could cause is vast and would hamper local government in our state's ability to function. but republican assembly minority leader james gallagher disagrees. he says the governor is trying to take away the voters ability to
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decide for themselves. he's fine with taking away your right to vote. >> on the ballot in november. so, look, i think people see the park are seeing there just not buying his books. >> now the ball is in the court of the 7 justices on the state supreme court. among their options. they could strike it from the ballot, which means it would not go before the voters in november. >> or they could do some variation allowed to go to the people for a vote on november. 5th, but maybe take one or more provisions out. yes, this is a precedent setting case. however, they decided in the court is expected to make a final ruling by late reporting in sacramento, eytan wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> it's congresswoman barbara lee d has officially now indoors. congressman adam schiff in the race for senator dianne feinstein's seat. schiff made the announcement yesterday on social media a shift in the primary. now the congressman is going to face off with former baseball star and republican steve garvey in the november election. a
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republican has not won a statewide election in california since 2006. >> also in politics. >> today president biden will be back in the bay area for 2 days. he flies into mountain view today and then tomorrow he will be attending to campaign receptions. the last time the president was in san francisco was in february and he also raised money at 2 campaign events. >> well, 10 34 is the time and in the east bay questions remain about whether a potential steering malfunction on electric car was responsible for the deaths of a family. >> from pleasanton turns out they were driving in a car that had been loaned to them from the dads co worker. so this co worker made the complaint to federal officials in kron four's. dan kerman has drive when the vehicle they were driving, lost control, hit a pole and then crashed into a tree before bursting into flames. the vehicle in
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question vinfast a new entry into the electric vehicle market. now an unidentified person is filed a complaint with the national highway traffic safety administration or nitsa describing what appears to be this crash and complaining about the car's steering system. the complaint seems to come from the owner of the 2023 vinfast vf 8 who admits to having steering problems before loaning the card to a co-worker who died in the crash. the complaint says the steering wheel automatically maneuvered to the right direction. however, the contact was able to regain control of the steering wheel and maneuvered into the correct lane. the context stated the failure recurred where the lane assist was turned on by default and it would automatically move the steering wheel. the contact was concerned that the failure, rick heard while the co-worker was driving, that raises questions about the vehicles, lane assist feature the way these link keeping assist systems generally work.
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>> is you have a camera that's mounted behind the wind above the mirror. typically that's looking forward. looking looking ahead at the road and it's looking for the lane lines. the lane markings. and then i'm sending that signal. it certainly recognizes the lane markings will send that signal electronic control unit in the vehicle that is tied to your steering. sam abuelsamid is an auto industry analyst with guidehouse insights. he says it's not unusual for an automaker to have issues when they launch a new vehicle, especially. >> when it has new features and technology, it's designed to keep you in the land. however, you know, the all need to be calibrated properly. the camera needs to be calibrated the steering and will need to be calibrated and it could be that what's happening with these been fast vehicles is that the cameras not properly calibrated. and so it sinks that the cars in a position where it's not that it's a website includes a
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total of 9 complaints about the 2023 vinfast vf. 8, 3 citing steering problems. will now investigate. but experts say not to expect any action any time soon. >> it can take a long time before they take any action. sometimes years. kron four's reached out to vinfast for comment but did not hear back the cause of the pleasanton crash remains under investigation. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> well, 10 37 is the time of the man accused of attempting to kill his family by driving off a cliff in san mateo county will have a final hearing this week and a mental health diversion court. so tomorrow, attorneys for dharmesh patel, we'll deliver their closing arguments now. the unique case hinges on what kind of mental health crisis. the father was suffering from when he drove off highway one back in january of last year. his wife and 2 kids were inside the family's car when it plunged 250 feet off of a cliff. amazingly, they all survived. and on friday, the
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judge could decide to divert tells case out of criminal court into a mental health treatment program instead. but if the judge rules in favor of his defense patel be freed from jail immediately. and once he completes a two-year program, his record will be cleared. >> it's 10, 38 3 men have been arrested for robbery. that happened in berkeley. where of gun was pointed at a toddlers head. this happened last wednesday in the era of bancroft way and shattuck avenue. 2 men approached the victim, an adult. they pointed a gun and demanded property and then one of them pointed the gun and a 2 year-old child that the victim was holding and a man of the property again, then they ended up hitting the adult victim in the head with that gun and they took off in a car being driven by another man. then police saw a car that matched the description and they tried to pull it over. it sped off crashed in oakland and then 3 men made a run for it. but
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they were eventually arrested. >> well, san francisco mayor london breed is set to announce the new or the next cohort businesses that will participate in their vacant to fight britt program. that program allows small businesses to host pop-up shops in vacant properties and community spaces throughout downtown san francisco. the goal is to bring business and people back to the downtown area. breed is set to make an announcement at wells fargo plaza at about 12, 30 this afternoon. we'll tell you what she has to say. 10 39 and new this morninga we've got cat lover reyna telling us this incredible story is so scary about this little cat that ended up being shot. yeah. but yeah, the the owner did know it gets, you know, cats get into trouble with x-ray abbott. >> they were able to raise enough money. thanks to donations online to help that cat out in crawford during harvey here to explain high risk. >> dorian james. so baby, that's the cat names. finally has enough money to get the 2 surgery needs. want to remove that bullet and another to repair his leg. this all
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happened when his owner, shawna glenn, took baby to the vet last month. now they're an x-ray discovered he had a bullet inside of them. she initially thought babies let was due to a cat fight. the doctor treating baby told kron 4 it appears the cat was shot on his left side and likely broke his leg trying to run away. the cat was shot somewhere right near lincoln avenue and east bayshore road east. palo alto police said they do not have any information on the suspect. but if you do, please come forward. glenn says she is scheduling the surgery and is in a key was updated and we all want to hear about babies recovery. i'll send it back to you that the deaths. all right. for thing, whether raised enough money, it's 10, 40 right now. and new this morning, the oakland zoo welcomes its 6th giraffe. this 13 month-old male giraffe which came from the audubon nature institute in louisiana is now at the oakland zoo. he still is being separated from his term as right now because, yes, he used his new environment that soon you'll be able to see him. he'll be out and about.
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>> and i think they're trying to pick a name so that's like something we can all participate. and yeah, here's that. there's a poll on social media. so here are the names so far. >> and they're all. >> swahili names things and z means powerful. >> new means light and ko who means scar. also you can vote no as the winner on the 13th. okay. >> all right. time now is 10. 41 will be back with more in just a minute, including check of the weather. we've got some hot temperatures on the horizon, john. we sure do. today's daytime highs are going to be even warmer. then they've been the past couple of days. in fact, today's daytime highs. >> nearing 90 degrees for some spots like a redwood city spots like a redwood city conquered in
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♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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>> 10 44 right now, let's talk sports. the giants looking snag a second straight win now in their series against colorado see if they could get it done. girl for sports director jason dumas has the highlights. >> the giants were beat up by the heavyweights of baseball last week into early this week. it was a humbling stretch, but now it's time to regroup and look to stack some wins against the cellar dwellers of the majors on wednesday night. they look for their second straight win against the rockies. in day these giants fans were hoping to see a win in colorado. one of the nicest parks in the majors confidence. second no score on the first pitch he michael conforto absolutely unloads on one. so right. they lead one, nothing. travelers now just a couple batters later elliott ramos was caught up on wednesday with jorge
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soler on ilm ramos gets his first and this season's match at comes on in to okay. later in the ending gines up by 3 to one for john who lead blast blast that one down the right field line. one run comes on into score san francisco pads. the lead to moments later. same score lamonte wade junior. he breaks this one open. that little flare over the second baseman's head. 2 runs. come on in to score too, capping off a six-run second inning. rockies may think interesting a little bit in the 9th, but the giants they hung on to 8 to 6 time. that is your look at sports. it's 10 46 right now. and what about kids that like to play in san francisco, the children's play area at the helen wills playground. >> is open again. had to close it down. they were doing some
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repairs because the surface was warned down anyone ice surface caution on falling in an alley. so now the park as good as new and ready to roll. there's also a basketball court community rooms and a picnic area. while a lot cakes is going to be you water park with the heat getting summer just around the corner. so >> we have some announcements for you. some bay area, water parks opening a little sooner than expected. water oasis in gilroy is going to be opening up this weekend. hurricane harbor out of 6 flight to conquer their going open on the 19th. meantime, most water parks are going open on memorial day weekend, which is the 25th and those water parks include aqua adventure in fremont south bay shores at california's great america and the wave in dublin. and this week, i i was going to be hot enough to get them all over weekend. i love all the water slides except for that's where the ball was don't like that was a little bit too true to life. maybe will fear but we
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are looking at a great day to get out to the coastline today. no need for the water park just yet. >> it's going to be 79 in half moon bay today. great day to just chill out along the beach and taking a little bit easy out there. i'll see your last day at the coast. we're not going to see any fog. that's because tomorrow that seabreeze relaxes. we've already seen our advisories canceled and those winds are starting to come down. still enough of a push of an offshore wind to push towards the coast and really halt any cold ocean error from pushing in. that's today's our warmest day for the coast in tomorrow, we will be looking at the return to normal at the coast, which is kind of cool that low to our east, the high to our west really stirring up this offshore wind that we've got in the end, you're high pressure. ridge really winds out, though, and that ltw begins to exit the region. as that happens, we'll start to see a return to normal cooler at the coast. but the hot high and wind is going to keep our inland areas really, really warm, in fact. well, into next
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week, long range forecasts are indicating that we will still be well above average for temperatures across the bay area, especially for inland areas. now today, coastal spots 70's to low 80's san francisco are first low 80's since october. in some cases, daly city, 80 degrees today while the rest of the bay area consistently in a range of mostly mid to upper 80's redwood city, one of our warmest spots at 88 san jose not far behind at 87 while the east bay pleasanton livermore in oakland sharing the same temperature this afternoon, 84 degrees north bay temperatures just as warm. napa 87 while santa rosa at 88 degrees. looking ahead, the coast cools down after today. the rest of us not so much tomorrow. in fact, think we can get up to 90 degrees for a few spots. after saturday. we will cool down a bit for mother's day on sunday with just some mid 80's inland mid 70's by the bay and 50's at the coast. back to you. all right. thank you very much, john. 10. 49 is the time and a fire in oakland has residents now calling for help from
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>> local officials. so this fire up to tuesday, it was inside an abandoned building at east 8th street near laney college. you can see the damage here in the video. neighbors say this particular property has a history of problems. it's been an ongoing safety issue for them. no one was hurt in this fire. but firefighters say they have responded to other fires at this property in the past. one neighbor we spoke with who didn't want to be on camera, says that a lot of them really don't feel safe. walking outside anymore. >> then things like filing 3, 1, report. we first reached out to nikki passes office are our supervisor for you know, her office pointed us to a few in the city administrator's office. we got connected the police captain for area. and we reached out to everyone and we just got no traction. >> he says they'pe even tried working with the owner of the building, but there really hasn't been much progress on that front, either. a 50 acre
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housing site in southeast san francisco's moving along. it's being called the sunnydale. the lesko master plan. and so far 222 affordable units have been completed with 75% of them designated as public housing replacement units for sunnydale residents. a move that state senator scott wiener says is much needed for that particular neighborhood of the city, the ground floor. that project, by the way, is expected to have a grocery store and early child education center and the boys and girls club house too. >> for your health this morning, we're education about postpartum. when you have a baby and you, sir, for a lot of mothers, do experience some type of a postpartum depression. the national institutes of health is coming out with information about this. it's a depression after your child is born. that can happen where you question your ability as a parent maybe feel disconnected from your own newborn. >> and you have intrusive thoughts. experts say that this depression is somehow and sometimes strikes. mothers and
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they suffer from and a postpartum anxiety, too. and it goes unreported. these mood disorders are treatable. and they say that if you're feeling symptoms, you should reach out. talk to your healthcare provider, talk to a loved one. there's just so much more that's known about this than in the old days. so there's plenty of help out there. don't suffer alone. you're not alone. it's mother's day is coming up on sunday, of course. and moms play a big role in the family were offering multitasking and kind of doing everything which means putting ourselves on the back burner some time. so it's important that you remember your own health and well-being as well. >> what we don't take care of ourselves, we experience chronic physical, emotional fatigue. i see moms all the time to talk about the fact that they feel like their tank is on empty because always doing for others and rarely taking time for themselves.
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>> so take a little time. and that doesn't just mean like we're seeing here like pamper yourself, which you know, you can do to. but just even going to the doctor, if you feel like it kickback, read a book, get a little extra sleep. have some food. i mean, all of this stuff does recharge and i'm just don't put yourself on the back burner, especially on sunday of rights. that's when you are front and center. >> 10 52 is the time as we go to break. just another reminder to tune into kron 4 every thursday during this month because we're going to be featuring stories that highlight area's api community. all leading, of course, to that big special that we have set for you on thursday. may 23rd. it will 6.30, right here on kron. 4. we'll be right back.
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>> just about down on the kron. 4 morning news. before we go, let's check in with jessica wills and see what's coming up on live in the bay today. hi, jess. hey, good morning, daria. coming up today on live in the bay. >> mother's day at union square. we get a breakdown of all the events taking place this weekend to celebrate mom and dance and music company paying tribute to philippine heritage through workshops and performances. we get a live studio presentation from parents all plus our favorite. then your mom is back in studio with us. we get some great mother's day recipe. ideas that are sure to leave. mom feeling pampered. and as always, we want to hear what you have to say about our question of the day. go ahead and scan that qr code. we want to know what is a lesson you cherish that your mom taught you let us know in your answer. could be read live today on the show at 01:00pm right here on kron 4
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>> and the sooner you can laugh about anything and everything, the better. it's a good one, too. haha sue? >> oh, my goodness. what's the procedure? for fans of the office? the show's get a spinoff peacock announcing it is picking up the sequel to the tv series featuring entirely new cast of characters. they're not going to be working at a paper factory. they're going to be working at a dying midwestern newspaper, a because newspaper business. i know it will be fun. they're supposed to start production in july. so we'll see what companies will say. tv news is dying, but it's not. no, we not. well, we're going to feel like getting afternoon. yeah. don't melt. stay hydrated. honestly. okay. all right. and if we don't see you have happy mother's day, but
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>> think about it. and we want to give a shout out to north to give a shout out to north memorial high school and media
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i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as seven days. now i can help again feel the difference with nervive. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪
11:00 am
narrator: today on dr. phil-- i consider myself a good motr.her. philcg mcgraw: your niece was born addicted to heroin and methadone. that is correc t. narrator: --a mother wants her daught ber back-- do you have a house? i have a housi ng for her right now. ok, where? in a narrator: --claiming she's a fit parent. dcf. theyer were concerned that there were drugs in the home, and that the daughter had miedssed 70 days of school.


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