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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  May 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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as well. you can see people on the beach there. that's a lot of people and a lot of cars in that parking lot, but they're all out there enjoying the warmth and the sunny day. >> and for those who could not make it to the beach, the municipal rose garden was drawing people to san jose today. good afternoon. we are not at the beach. i'm larry biel and i'm kristen sze. >> yes, it's a beautiful day. so beautiful. in fact, i'm spencer christian could not wait to get outside and soak it all in. >> yeah, he's having a garden party on the roof, i believe i am indeed. >> it feels rather garden like out here on a bright, breezy summer like day. the winds, by the way, the gusts at the coast have tapered off a bit. let's take a look at our current winds. and you can see it's still breezy, but we have only a surface. wind speeds now up to about 14 15mph. and it is nice and warm. a 24 hour temperature change shows it's about 4 to 8 degrees warmer, generally across the bay area than at this time yesterday. so let's take a closer look here in san francisco right now it's almost 80 degrees, which is a bit of a
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rarity here in the city. we have mid 80s at oakland and hayward, san jose, 8581, redwood city and a mild 61 at half moon bay. other temperature readings right now are pretty much in that same range, even a little higher in some spots. 86 in santa rosa, mid 80s at napa, fairfield, concord, low 80s at petaluma and livermore. and this warmth is going to be with us for a while. today is just the first of three very warm, summer like days coming our way. it's going to get even warmer tomorrow as the heat peaks. then on saturday, still warm bay and inland, and sunday, mother's day is going to be just beautiful. stunning day. a little bit cooler at the coast as we go into the weekend, but that inland warmth is going to hold on. i'll give you a closer look at that and the seven days ahead. a little bit later, larry and kristen. >> all right. sounds good. thank you. spencer. in the north bay, the warm weather could be speeding up the start of wildfire season. >> abc7 news reporter cornell bernard live for us in sebastopol, where things are literally heating up. cornell >> yeah. hey, larry and
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christine, you know, i've traded in my parka for short sleeves today. what a difference a couple of weeks make, right? and check it out. the temperature on this bank sign here in downtown sebastopol says 99 degrees. now, we don't know how accurate that is. it's more like 90 degrees, but it's been definitely warm here today. we saw a lot of people hitting the beach and firefighters watching the weather. >> first hot day of the year, going to get out there and enjoy the water. >> carl schleicher and his buddies are launching their kayaks into the russian river in forestville for some fun in the sun. >> and so what do they have to bring for you guys? >> uh- water, snacks, a couple of beers and sunscreen. >> oh, we're out here to beat the crowds because during the weekend it gets really packed. >> donna sheldon and her friends are here too, setting up camp at steelhead beach for lunch. they say it's about time things warmed up. it's been a long, wet winter and spring. >> nothing against the rain. green is great. you know we do
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need it, but, i know it's getting a little bit tired of the rain. for a while, i was like, we. i'm missing the sun, so it's nice to sort of be out. >> burke's canoe and kayak rental is getting ready to open memorial day. until then, owner ted schroeder urges everyone to be safe on the river every day. >> we say it until we're blue in the face. wear a life jacket. no matter what activity you're engaged in on a river or a lake, any body of water, wear a life jacket. >> getting ready for fire season. we focus a lot on training and physical fitness. >> cal fire says it's ready for prime time. fire season 250 seasonal firefighters back on duty in the north bay, while above average rainfall has slowed some hillsides from turning from green to brown, a warming trend could speed the timeline. >> the increase in temperatures in combination with the winds can help to dry out some of our live fuel moistures seasonal firefighting aircraft is back stationed at cal fire sonoma air base in case it's needed. getting to these fires quickly,
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trying to keep them out of smaller size until our forces on the ground can get to them and put them out. >> and back at the beach, brandon is ready to float. >> today is first day of summer for me, honestly, because we're going to the river. it's the first warm day that i've been out. so to me this is like day one. summer >> hey, we're back live in sebastopol. apologies for that city bus that we saw a few minutes ago. again, the temperature signs here says 101 degrees. we don't believe that's accurate. more like 90 degrees, but it has been very warm. and as the weather heats up, the experts say always wear a life jacket on the water and keep a very close eye on kids and pets. and of course, don't forget sunscreen. we're live in sonoma county. cornell barnard, abc seven news. >> all right. enjoy the shade and a little bit of sun out there. cornell in the east bay, a massive fire engulfed multiple cars as well as trees and fences. all this in a residential neighborhood in hayward. now, fire crews got things under control quickly.
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but as abc seven news reporter tim johns found out, the experience has left a lot of neighbors on edge. >> a fire fueled by fast winds burned through a portion of a hayward neighborhood thursday. a pillar of black smoke billowing over a wall of flames threatening nearby homes. lucy naitoa lives next door. she says she was at home working when she looked out her window and saw what was approaching. >> that's when i ran out, went out and got my family out the house because i thought maybe the tree was going to come down and once i got everybody out, i went out and started hosting down what i could to help slow down the fire. >> fire crews were putting out the remainders of the blaze when abc seven arrived on scene, however, we saw several large trees and multiple cars burnt in the area where the fire began. a spokesperson for the hayward fire department says the cause is still being investigated. >> the tree was what caught on fire first, but also we know that there was some possible maintenance on the cars in the last few days, so that could have played a factor.
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>> while this was the main scene fire crews were focused on, it wasn't the only one. hayward fire also telling us embers from the blaze made their way several blocks down, sparking at least one other spot. fire a reminder that as we enter the warmer months, the risk of fires like this is increasing. >> this is a kind of a precursor to you know, what could potentially happen. you know, this is more of a residential area in midtown hayward. so this happens up in the hills with more vegetation to burn. you know, that's getting drier and drier. thursday's incident has left several neighbors in this area understandably shaken. >> a few blocks down, we met deidre langley. she showed us video. she sawed off her cell phone of flames, climbing 20 to 30ft into the sky, a sight deidre says was terrifying. >> i have a sister in southern california who lost her house and its entire contents just under a year ago, so? so it hit really close to home. >> as for lucy, she says she knows things could have been a lot worse than they were, and for that, she has this message. >> i'm blessed and i'm very
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thankful to the fire department for getting here on time and putting out the fire. >> a sentiment shared by many in this neighborhood in hayward. tim johns, abc seven news. >> a man accused in two hit and run crashes, including one that injured a child walking to school, now faces several charges. san francisco police say on tuesday, rodney jefferson hit a person in the tenderloin, then drove away. prosecutors say he returned and threw a $20 bill at the victim. police say he then hit a 14 year old student in a school crosswalk in north beach while trying to escape from officers. jefferson was charged today with six counts of including reckless driving causing injury, evading police and driving on a suspended license. >> big change coming to the way pg and e can bill its customers. it's a story abc seven news has been following for a while. today, the california public utilities commission voted unanimously to approve a flat fee, so starting next year, customers will pay a $24.15 cent flat monthly fee. now that keep
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in mind, that's in addition to what they pay for their actual usage. money from that fee will go towards things like grid maintenance and wildfire mitigation. commissioners say the new billing structure was mandated by the state legislature. they say it will actually reduce electricity rates and could be an incentive for people to switch to electric vehicles and appliances. >> so for someone who electrifies their home and vehicle, they would save an average of up to $44 a month compared to the status quo. and the reason customers are financially better off is because the new billing structure will reduce the price per unit of electricity by roughly 5 to $0.07 per kilowatt hour. >> turn. the utility reform network supports the changes, saying they'll promote stability, especially in areas with more extreme weather. but its members say more needs to be done. >> turn is fighting to push the puc to adopt policies that will actually reduce the bills, and we have legislation in
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sacramento that, if adopted, will reduce monthly bills. >> other critics argue that the plan needs a more thorough public review to determine whether it will actually deliver what it promises. >> now to some transportation news impacting bay area residents. the port of oakland is taking a second look at the controversial renaming of oakland's airport. more on that in a moment. >> and we have good news and bad news about bart. what's your preference? >> bad news first. >> you're getting the bad news. we'll feel better later, then. yes. all right, bart's latest budget projections show it's going to run out of nearly $2 billion in state and federal funding in just two years. >> the agency will turn to voters to help keep the trains running. abc seven news reporter ryan curry has the details. >> bart trains are running as normal in the east bay for now. in two years, that may be a different story. >> i think bart is crucial, it's the bay area. makes it very easy
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to get around because oftentimes i don't do well with traffic. >> bart used to be latrice porter's main way to get to work, just like so many other workers in the bay area. she doesn't go into the office every day anymore because i'm 100% remote work. >> prior to that, you know, it was every day because i worked in san francisco, bart is currently using emergency pandemic funds to keep trains on the tracks. >> but ever since the pandemic, bart hasn't been the same. daily ridership is still averaging between 40 and 70% of what it was pre-pandemic. the revenue just isn't the same as it once was. so what happens when the pandemic relief money runs out? there is a ballot measure set for 2026 that could put more tax dollars into funding. bart and other transit agencies, many riders seem in support of that proposal. it's good. it's perfectly good. raj, who didn't want to give us his last name, says he takes bart every day. he doesn't have a car, so without it, he wouldn't know how to get around. >> i can't reach my destinations within time if it's not there.
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that's for true. yeah, because i don't use my own transportation or anything. i use the public transportation, so it works too good. >> porter says if bart goes away, she would feel bad for the people who rely on it. >> probably don't have a car, don't have the means to purchase a car, and taking that critical piece away from those to get to their jobs, to be able to feed their families, you know, thinking of that, that's sad. >> ryan curry, abc seven news. >> and on the subject of bart the federal government will put another $500 million toward the construction of an extension into downtown sajosesanta clara, vta got the good news is mning. they're building the six mile, four station project, which will take trains from the current berryessa transit terminal into downtown san jose and santa clara. >> every single great city in the world has multiple ways that people can move goods and services quickly, effectively and efficiently. and this allows silicon valley literally the
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heart of silicon valley, to be connected to our greater region. >> cost for the project have ballooned to a $12.75 billion rail service will not begin until 2037, according to the most current projection at any moment now, we're expecting a major decision on the potential name change of oakland's airport. >> the oakland port commission is scheduled to hold a final vote on the proposed name, which is san francisco bay oakland international airport. the idea has caused weeks of back and forth between port and san francisco officials. san francisco city attorney david chu has already sued to stop it, saying this is going to cause confusion for travelers. yesterday, he sent a letter urging port commissioners to reconsider in hopes of avoiding costly legal battles. >> fighting for fairness. another couple low balled when it came to their home appraisal. abc seven news anchor julian glover will have their story. bay area doctors stepping in to prevent gun violence and the
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tales of a few strands of hair
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opzelura can lower your ability to fight infections including tb or hepatitis b or c. serious lung infections, skin cancer, blood clots, and low blood cell counts occurred with opzelura. in people taking jak inhibitors, serious infections, increased risk of death, lymphoma, other cancers, and major cardiovascular events have occurred. the most common side effects were acne and itching where applied. repigmentation is possible. ask your dermatologist today about starting or refilling opzelura. pursue it. mr. biden will arrive this evening ahead of his events tomorrow. first lady jill biden is in marin county today for what her office is calling a political finance event. >> the president is coming to
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california amid impassioned protest activity on bay area college campuses at san francisco state. things grew heated earlier today when protesters marched into the humanities building. administrators tell us they left that building and then returned to the quad area, protesting campment. the faculty tells us the protests have been peaceful. meanwhile, at usf, protesters remain on the lawn near ignatius church. protesters have been there since last friday. university officials say they're committed to keeping students, faculty and staff safe on campus. >> and at uc berkeley, officials are working to remove upsetting graffiti found on a building near the protest encampment, officials told abc7 news, quote, we will continue to do everything in our power so that every student feels safe, respected and welcome. by the way, their commencement is this weekend, so could be interesting. >> yeah, we'll see to say the least. bay area doctors have come together to prevent gun injuries. >> they're handing out free gun locking devices. abc seven news
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reporter zach fuentes explains that for the doctors, it's an extension of their disease prevention efforts. tragic numbers of children and teens are dying in ways that experts say could be prevented. >> gun violence is real. it's the number one cause of death in children's and teens in this country. >> it's something health care professionals know all too well. and i was, as an intern, fresh out of medical school, one of my first patients was a nine year old boy who was accidentally shot in the abdomen by his younger brother. >> they found a gun at home. they thought it was a toy and it fired. and by the time i met him, he was in the hospital for months and had undergone multiple surgeries. >> now, doctors at kaiser permanente redwood city have teamed up with local law enforcement to prevent accidents like that from happening in mateo county, sheriff's office kindly donated 100 gun locks to our facility, and so we'll be distributing it or dividing it between our redwood city and san mateo pediatric offices, the emergency department and our mental health department. while
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secure enough to keep guns from getting into the wrong hands, the doctors say the devices aren't complicated to use. this doesn't require a battery to charge it or anything complicated like that. it's a very simple, very effective, very safe. and it's been proven to help reduce the risk of accidental firearm discharge, which is the thing where most trying to prevent here, the doctors say the program is all about prevention and not judgment. patients get a screening questionnaire, and one of the questions is to determine if there is a gun in the home and if yes, is the gun an unloaded, locked and kept out of a child's reach? >> so if a pediatrician comes across a yes on the questionnaire, it gives us an opportunity to engage in a discussion with parents in a non-judgmental way. >> the doctors say the locks are just different tools at their disposal to let them continue the work they're already doing. preventative medicine, public health, education and safety. kaiser permanente redwood city joins a sacramento area kaiser permanente facility in rolling
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out this program. it says the goal now is to expand it to other facilities in redwood city . zach fuentes abc seven news on the peninsula. >> the governor is getting involved now in the fight for new farm worker housing in half moon bay. squalid living conditions were uncovered after a shooting spree that left seven farm workers dead last year. the planning commission has twice delayed a vote on a 40 unit farm worker housing development, due to concerns about cost and scope, the governor said, quote, the state's housing accountability unit will take all necessary steps to hold half moon bay accountable if the project does not move forward as state law requires opinions of the housing market are at an all time low, a national gallop survey says 79% of people feel it's a bad time to purchase a house. >> that's the worst perception in the survey's history, and just slightly lower than last year's optimism about home buying first began to trend down in 2003, researchers say. all
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the pessimism is based on record high prices, limited supply and high mortgage rates. all true here in the bay area for sure. >> coming up, tick tock is taking on artificial intelligence, their plan to keep you from falling for fakes. >> i'm spencer christian summer like weather lingers into the weekend bringing us a beautiful mother's day. i'll have the accuweather forecast coming up
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and forever. it is finally here. warm and glorious. >> is it all that you had hoped for? spencer can you imagine a nicer spring day? >> we've been talking about summer like heat. but it's not extreme. it's not like we've got a heat wave. we're just getting the kinds of high temperatures we normally expect a little bit later in the year. here's a look at our satellite radar composite image. you can see high pressure is part of the dominant feature in our weather. a little bit to our west northwest. and circulation around an area of low pressure over the great basin is contributing a little bit to this offshore flow that has brought some warming to our inland areas. right now, we're looking at relatively mild winds . it's pretty breezy in san francisco with wind speeds of 21mph, but we don't have any powerful gusts as we did have along the coast earlier this afternoon. right now, we're looking at the 24 hour temperature change. it's 4 to 8 degrees warmer in most locations than at this time yesterday. the
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exception, half moon bay, which is five degrees cooler. in fact, cooling has begun at the coast already. just an hour ago, not even an hour ago. a half hour ago, san francisco was at 79 degrees. right now it's 73. but the warmth is holding on in other locations. we have temperatures in the mid 80s right now, 84 to 85, in oakland, hayward, san jose, 83 redwood city and 61 at half moon bay. looking up to the north bay. it's 81 to petaluma. we've got 86 at santa rosa. napa 84 eastward. just a bit. fairfield 8685, concord and livermore 82 degrees. so it's nice and warm all around the bay area with a beautiful, clear view from mount tam down onto the bay. and these are our forecast features tomorrow. summer-like heat will peak, so it will be even a little bit warmer, perhaps even hot in some inland areas. summer a saturday rather. the heat holds on near the bay and inland. the coast will start cooling, of course, and on sunday, just a beautiful mother's day. so let's get to it overnight. mainly clear skies, low temperatures, really mild. you might even want some overnight air conditioning with lows dropping only into the upper 50s in most locations.
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some spots won't see lows dropping below 60. antioch and san jose. then tomorrow uh- even warmer inland with some low 90s at antioch and concord and fairfield up north, 90 at santa rosa, right around the bay shoreline. we'll see mid 80s and upper 60s to low 70s on the coast. now let's take a look as we skip ahead to saturday. still low 90s in our inland area. so the heat is going to hold on there going into the weekend. we'll see mid to upper 70s around the bay and 60s on the coast. and then on sunday, mother's day it's there, it advances, it starts to cool down a little bit. i shouldn't say cooling temperatures moderate in the inland areas and around the bay. the coast will be cooling down. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. so we go from low 90s inland friday and saturday to upper 80s on sunday, mother's day, uh- low to mid 80s around the bay friday and saturday, upper 70s on sunday and coastal cooling will be a little bit sharper, with highs reaching only about 60 on the coast on sunday and going into next week. we maintain the warmth in our inland areas pretty much all the way through
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the week. mid 70s around the bay, mid 80s inland, no extremes, no rain, no complaints. >> at least not here. not from here. right all right. wow. >> it's lovely. yeah, lovely. >> i know you never. you rarely hear larry say those words. i know he's so happy. >> not when you're here. boom, boom. moving on. thank you. just leave an answer before you can respond. let's go. a 13 month old giraffe is settling into his new home at the oakland zoo. after traveling from audubon nature institute in louisiana. and you can help name this big guy. there are three options. all are swahili. we'll start with nc, which means powerful. nuru means the light and kovu means scar. i'm going powerful. you can vote on the oakland zoo. really? nobody's going to go scar. well, like no, nobody. >> maybe somebody. yeah. >> anyway, your chance to vote, go to the oakland zoo's social media pages just ahead. >> abc seven news anchor julian
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glover looks into another case of low ball appraisals. >> what was going through your mind when you received that appraisal? that was far lower than you expected it to be? >> some changes already being made. >> if a homeowner says, i believe this appraisal came in low because of my race, then that
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or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ instances of black and latino homeowners receiving low ball appraisals. what does that mean? it's when home values come in much lower than expected, and people believe that their race is part of the reason why our race and social justice reporter julianne glover has reported on this for years, taking the concerns all the way to the
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white house. >> and he's here now with another story of low ball appraisals. this time, julianne in east oakland in east oakland, which is not unlikely for it to happen. >> right, because it's a black and latino neighborhood. but $340,000, that is the difference between these two appraisals here. and as we mentioned, it happened in a predominantly black and latino neighborhood, which is not unusual. what is different here is that this case has resulted in the appraiser and the lender agreeing to make some big changes to how they do business. we're also learning that our reporting has led to new standards by the federal government. it was december of 2021, in the thick of the covid 19 pandemic, and interest rates for home mortgage loans were at historic lows. so this east oakland homeowner who wants to share her story but not her identity, applied to refinance her mortgage to take out money for home repairs. what was going through your mind when you received that appraisal? that was far lower than you expected it to be? >> the first thing i thought was , he doesn't like me because of
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my race. i wasn't happy with the amount of what he valued my home at. and then i looked at the comps in my area and i knew something was wrong. >> the first appraisal came in at $785,000, much lower than a previous appraisal she received. she asked for the lender to reconsider the value. the company sent the report back to the same appraiser, who did not budge. >> i was very hurt and disappointed and got upset and cried a little bit and just discriminated against me because of who i was and i was single, senior. he felt that i my property wasn't a value. >> one month later, the homeowner applied for another loan with a different lender. the appraisal came in at $1,125,000. that's a $340,000 difference. after receiving the higher appraisal, she reached out to the fair housing advocates of northern california
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thanks to her son. >> the only thing bringing down the value of my home was me, who saw one of my many segments on appraisal bias. >> the important thing to do is to take action as soon as possible, because these are short statute of limitations. >> julia howard-gibbon is the supervising attorney for the fair housing advocates. the group helped the homeowner file a civil rights complaint with the state and eventually negotiated a settlement agreement on the homeowner's behalf with both the initial appraiser behind the low appraisal and the lender, the lender, and the appraiser deny wrongdoing. the appraiser, who did not return our request for comment, agreed to pay an undisclosed amount of money to the homeowner, not to discriminate again, and to watch the abc seven documentary our america lowballed that chronicles the systemic nature of appraisal bias. the lender, which is not named as a part of the settlement agreement, is making substantial changes to policies and training. >> and what we've got the lender in this case to do is to change that policy so that if a homeowner says, i believe this
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appraisal came in low because of my race or the demographics of my neighborhood, then that has to be reviewed by a different appraiser, right? not just the appraiser who, who did the initial report. and we're really excited about that change. >> the settlement announcement comes days after the department of housing and urban development released new guidance on mortgages, standardizing how lenders handle appraisal bias cases. >> this a-line process now applies to about two thirds of the mortgage market between fha, fannie mae and freddie mac. what this new policy does is help to equip them with the tools to make sure that consumers are better engaged. the lender says are more prepared, and then, of course, on the back end, there is a lot of tracking here. >> the updated policies by the lender and the feds are welcome. changes to gillian white, ceo of appraisal insights. >> i think the lowball documentary really helped move the conversation away from is this happening to this is happening? what should we do
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about it now we're moving into the phase of its prevalent. there are lawsuits, and settlements and now also definitive action steps that need to be taken by the lenders to really ensure that they're putting up guardrails to prevent this from happening. >> and this east oakland homeowner is now glad she can move forward with her home repairs and her life. >> it has to be us standing up for ourselves and letting them know we're not satisfied, okay, we're not going to take it anymore. another encouraging update here. >> our previous reporting showed that black homeowners here in california were two times more likely than white homeowners to receive a low appraisal, which could cause a loan to fall through. well, since our reporting, that number has gone down drastically, the latest numbers recently released show there is barely a difference between how often black and white homeowners receive a lower appraisal in the state. this is, of course, significant progress after years of reporting on this, is there technology on the
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horizon, julian, that can make the whole process a little more fair and less on the decision of one person, are i right? which we're always talking about at all times. it soon could make its way into the housing space. it's something called a bifurcated appraisal. so one person would go on simply with an ipad or phone snapping pictures, upload that. it would go through some software, it would get rid of people, pets and any books, things like that. another person would then do the actual appraisal and they would be able to use some advanced ai technology to better judge. and some folks say better judge the actual value of the home there. so i could be coming to the home space soon enough. >> so probably less variation. yeah, exactly. it's not going to be a $340,000 gap less subjectivity is the key here. >> yeah. >> all right. thank you julian. appreciate it. by the way. you can watch julian's documentary. it's called lowballed streaming now. wherever you stream abc seven news. it's excellent. we'll be. >> back in a couple of days i got the appraisal report back. i was right, the only thing
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bringing down the value of my home was me. >> my wife went through her bathroom, get rid of her hair products. all of our books and our art, like, just literally like, okay, did we miss something? >> that's not what you call regulation. that's not what you call oversight. that's not, of course, what you call fairness
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dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma.
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is it real or is it fake? tiktok wants you to know. >> we want to make sure that people have that ability to understand what is fact and what is fiction. >> the company rolled out a new feature today that labels. i generated content tiktok officials say the feature will help combat misinformation, which is especially important in an election year. we've already seen fabricated shots of president biden in a military uniform, and former president trump with black voters. so many fakes out there. so, yeah, i mean, the label is absolutely a good idea. does anybody disagree or think there are other considerations? >> i just wonder how you're going to be able to police all of this because because you're going to have so many sources and people are uploading constantly on all these sites. so how does it determine. all right. this is not real. this is fake. and then what do they do
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about it. they immediately take it down. i mean we've seen facebook umma. they've struggled for years in terms of policing content. >> and then if they miss one, people are just going to assume that it is real because it doesn't get the designation on. yeah. i mean, i mean, i'm definitely for anything that is going to help police this. but again, it's kind of how does that get done? >> and very often by the time the misinformation is corrected, it's already been viewed and digested by so many people. yeah, yeah. >> all true. yeah. very challenging. yeah, high end design house hermes responding. >> you said that right, larry, we're so impressed. >> completely unsophisticated. but not completely. >> not completely. is i just i just love doing this show, is responding to the class action lawsuit. if i could get to the story that we told you about last month. essentially, hermes says the plaintiffs just don't understand the law. the suit alleges the retailer tied the purchase of its exclusive birkin bags to the purchase of other items. hermes denies this and
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says even if it was required, that does not violate antitrust laws. this reminds me of like, if you you want to buy season tickets to whatever team and you have to buy a personal seat license in order to have the privilege of buying the ticket. spencer i mean, i you know, it's just so frustrating. >> there's so many offers like that out there. it is very frustrating. it uh- and in this case, we're talking about very pricey, what what do you call it? >> birkin bags. birkin bags? yes, exactly. >> larry even knows birkin. i'm so impressed. >> he's amazing. >> well, you know what i love? the bar is set so low for me that even i rarely get over the top. people go, oh my goodness. wow. it's remarkable. >> pricey bag. that's the word i was looking for. bag. yeah. >> bag bag. yeah. >> right. >> okay. >> they get to do this because people want those bags. >> yeah. >> all right. they set the terms. mother's day is sunday, and now is the time to think of that perfect gift. a birkin. if you can get one. for some moms, it's not a present. it's a break. the new trend is a kid
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free mother's day. a recent survey finds a chore free day, a spa day, a loan time, and a weekend off where the top requests this year. what do you think? do you prefer a me day, or do you prefer prefer something? you know, like really special with the family and kid? >> i like both. i would like to get some of my own time, maybe get out, do something with friends, or literally just by myself, but then maybe have some time with my child as well. and family time. >> or maybe have the me day on your birthday or some other day and let mother's day be the, you know, the family interaction day, maybe. i mean, that's just suggesting that's one way to go. >> yeah. kristen, what's your preference? a lot of a lot of your days are me days, but what? >> no, i actually like alma's idea of like a half half, right? like, do something to celebrate me. yeah, okay. spend hours adoring and pampering me, and then let me have my spa time for a few hours. umma, i'm with you. >> read the look of larry's face , i just. >> you know what? i can't wait
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to get to the pizza. it's time now for your favorite thursday segment. we call it tasty thursday, and today it's all about tartine. it's known across the world for baked goods, but at night, the tartine manufactory in san francisco turns into a wild pizza party. the restaurant reopened for dinner just a couple of months ago. for the first time since the pandemic. >> yes, a lot of people have been waiting, so matias crop and he is a production manager at tartine, joins us right now. hey, matias. hi >> hi, guys. thanks for having me. wow. >> okay. manufacturer is back, and you've got amazing pizza. everybody knows tartine bread is the best, so this crust must be amazing. while i eat. tell us about it. what? what makes this dough the way it is for sure. >> well, so we. we start our fermentation process three days in advance. so that's one of the big things about it. you know, we've been working on our dough at tartine for 20 plus years, so that long fermentation process combined with really, really high quality ingredients, that's
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where the flavor comes from. >> is there one that's the most popular? i have the sausage and onion with pork sausage. it's delicious. the sausage and onion is definitely a fan favorite. >> that's the one. when it hits the table, everyone looks around and is like, what smells so good ? yeah. >> you know, i not only love the flavor of mine. i've got this seasonal ramp and morale, but the texture because it's got crunchy little crispy shallots. so it's got great flavor. yeah. texture combined i've got the chorizo and pepper with a arrabbiata sauce. >> sweet and spicy peppers. it's really everything you do is really really artisan. so tell us about where you get your ingredients from. >> yeah. so all of our ingredients are sourced as locally as possible. you know, our pepperoni comes from zoe's in petaluma, all of our flour comes from washington state. it's milled fresh for us, so all of our flour is less than a month old by the time you eat it in a pizza. >> yeah, well, let's get to the
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really important question. how fast could you get, like, four boxes here? >> i think they said some. >> what i think so i think so what are your what are your dinner items. >> because we're just looking at at most of the pizzas. >> yeah. so we also serve meatballs and a bunch of salads and some really, really good desserts. but the pizza is kind of the mainstay of our dinner menu. and when we were reopening dinner after the pandemic, you know, we were thinking like, what do we do best? and tartine does dough really well, so we designed the pizza around that basically. >> oh my gosh. i glanced down and saw the dessert tray. sledge's oh my gosh, that is the best. >> that is so good. it's so good. >> wow. and the strawberry trifle. >> what is the strawberry trifle? did i say that right? >> it's a layered dessert. yep it's a layered dessert with a bunch of creams and strawberry and purees, we also have a
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really good bar program. we have a morning bar, an old fashioned, which is a sirup that's based on our morning bun in in the cocktail. >> nice. so are you offering pizza at any of your other locations? >> not right now, actually. this is the only location for dinner right now. across all of tartine. and it's that's the spot where you really want to go for people who don't know, like tartine bread is the standard. >> and i think, do you supply a lot of the top restaurants around here, too? >> a few restaurants, but we, you know, we like, try to keep it mostly in-house, but a few choice restaurants. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> matthias, real quick, what's your address for people to want to go. yeah. >> so we're on alabama street at 18th, and we're open wednesday through sunday. and you can find more information at tartine bakery. com or on opentable for reservations. so awesome. >> yeah. so great. >>llht. thanks so much, matias
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a cause has been relatively unknown until now. >> abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains how an artifact that was on display at san jose state solved the age old mystery. >> who knew that a lock of hair could unlock one of history's biggest mysteries
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knows ludwig van beethoven is one of the greatest composers to ever live. but why he died has stumped researchers for centuries. we know very little in the past about beethoven's actual health. >> we don't know what caused his stomach problems. we don't know what caused his deafness. and now i'm pretty sure that we know exactly what caused his death. >> thanks to these locks of hair that were on display at the ira f brilliant center for beethoven studies at san jose state, founding director william meredith always thought they may hold secrets, but his ambitions were ahead of the technology. but finally, last year, the hair was sent to a specialized lab at the mayo clinic to unveil the truth. >> beethoven had severe lead poisoning, and the degree of lead poisoning that he had would have affected his kidneys, which is one of the causes of death. but it also would have been one of four factors that influenced his death from cirrhosis of the liver. >> high doses of lead also affects the nervous system, which may even explain what destroyed beethoven's hearing.
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the locks were displayed at sjsu to allow people to connect with beethoven in a different way, but the owner of three of the locks wanted to make good on a promise. >> he said, i don't want these sitting on a shelf in a museum. i want these to be studied for what they can teach us about beethoven. >> the story goes that beethoven asked his doctors to figure out why he had been so sick in his life, and these locks finally gave researchers the answer. beethoven was searching for. >> mainly, what music historians do is research things that we can find from the past. you don't help make news. you report on things that happened in the past. so this is really been making news about beethoven. that's brand new news. >> and ultimately solving an age old mystery. in san jose, dustin dorsey, abc seven news is that remarkable with a few strands of hair, you can go back in time essentially. >> i know it can tell us so
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much. that is really neat. yeah. all right. i know you refrained from making a joke about. hey, spencer, when you were friends with beethoven, so i think i'll take the joke. >> so you took it and threw him under the bus anyway, i was actually a few years ahead of him in school. >> never got to hear many of his early tunes. >> oh, too bad. >> here's a look at what's going on with our weather. as you know , we're in this beautiful summerlike pattern. skies will be clear tonight. it will be really mild overnight lows in the upper 50s for most of the bay area, then highs tomorrow up to about 70 or even higher on the coast. mid 80s around the bay shoreline and low 90s in the warmest inland locations. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. that warmth is going to stay with us right on through the weekend. even mother's day high temperatures will be a little bit lower than 90, but in the upper 80s upper 70s around the bay shoreline, beautiful sunny skies on sunday, on mother's day and the warmth will just gradually be, well, even linger before it tapers off late next week. lovely weather ahead. enjoy mary and kristen. >> yeah, you could have been ludwig von christian.
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>> it's a missed opportunity. yep. >> all right. just ahead, a lesson in movement. >> there's a lot of tension here in the shoulders. kind of don't move. but the arms are free to swing. >> you also gotta remember the legs are much shorter. >> the stars of the new planet of the apes movie on how they
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ten station 19. and then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. all right. the much anticipated kingdom of the planet of the apes hits theaters tomorrow. and to make the movie look more realistic, the actors actually had to learn how to how to move like apes. reporter sophie flake got a lesson from two of the stars. >> if you can get the figs at the top of the tree, you can join our clan. >> the stars of kingdom of the planet of the apes immediately slipped right into character. once they put these stilts back on their arms. >> climb! okay kevin durant and o and t gave me a crash course in ape school, along with the film's movement coordinator. >> what happens with the apes is their their arms are a good foot longer than ours in proportion. okay, so we had to create these extensions for the arms so that they can actually quadruped in the suit and have exactly the same proportions as the apes that are going to come out after special effects has gone through it.
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>> one thing that helps with me personally for noah is there's a lot of tension here, and the shoulders kind of don't move, but the arms are free to swing. >> you also gotta, remember the, the legs are much shorter than ours, so that's why we're bending them, right, so there's only so much movement that you have with the actual leg. so so, you know, even when we're walking, it's like, you know, you're just kind of like following a small steps. yeah. the hips and the ribs move together, right? you feel foolish, don't you? >> i was going to say, when do you stop feeling foolish? >> you know, when i stopped feeling foolish was when i went to set the first time, and. and i was like, oh, there's owen. oh, no, that's not owen, that's noah. and then he came up to me and i'm sitting there like a human going, oh my god, am i going to start aping in front of everyone? and then all of a sudden, all of a sudden, i went. and then proximus kind of came
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out and proximus has his chest out and he tries to be as human as he possibly can. and through all of this movement, ape proximus, his voice came alive. >> sophie flay for abc news. >> those guys look like they have it perfected. kingdom of the planet of the apes is in theaters on friday. it's the fourth film in the planet of the apes reboot. it's been suggested that i walk like an ape to get to the close of the show. i don't want to be on jimmy kimmel and all the other shows mocked. and all the other shows mocked. abc seven news at five is next you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward?
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from abc seven live. breaking news. >> the city that i grew up in is the city that i'm living in, and the city that i love


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