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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 10, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> it is day 15 of the historic new york versus trump trial. right now, the defense is cross-examining a paralegal for the manhattan d.a.'s office. she is testifying to text and post about stormy daniels who wrapped up her testimony yesterday. the prosecution's other so-called star witness, trump's former lawyer michael cohen said to take a stand on monday. hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered." i'm here with my cohost kayleigh mcenany and fox business dagen mcdowell, fox news contributor lisa boothe come in fox news contributor and former white house press secretary ari fleischer. i forgot to introduce myself. i am emily compagno. moving to this, judge trump dominic merchan denied a mistrial and -- they argued that trump should be able to defend himself against daniels salacious testimony.
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trump railed against the ruling this morning. watch. they go they think they are going to get away with this. if this judge allows them to get away with his gag order and the way they case is being handled, what they are doing is incredible. it was incredible. what they did in this trial was so horrible. it is no longer justice. it's a tremendous abuse of the new york judicial system in particular. the new york to digital system has been absolutely amused and abused terribly bear the whole world is watching. the court room for 8 or 9 hours and think about being on the campaign. but i will be at the campaign on saturday at 5:00 in new jersey. thank you. >> ari fleischer, so much we have seen thus far. the president will be competing this weekend.
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>> i keep trying to figure out what this trial is all about. i'm not a lawyer. the best i can do as a lineman is he is on trial for winning the presidential election in 2016. he's on trial for running for reelection in 24. he did everything they allege he had done, but he hadn't won back in 2016, there would be no trial. if he had done everything they said he had done but it wasn't running in 2024, there would be no trial. this is in one of the bluest counties in america in an attempt to stop donald trump for becoming the president. >> equally confusing for attorneys as it is for nonattorneys. the reality remains at the prosecution has yet to articulate wrinkly charges. how can the defense adequately prepare a defense when they don't understand the specificity of charges. they have no idea how to talk about relevance or materiality. the district attorney has not
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articulated the actual charges that alone brought any evidence. >> a ton of due process process. this is why it will be reversed on appeal. i have concluded that the prosecution is actually working for donald trump. that is the only thing we can walk away with. i look at hope hicks. a very credible very professional woman. very credible, very professional woman. these 2 women speak glowingly about trump, what a great policy is a great person he is. you don't think that jerry is soaking that up? you compare that testimony with the testimony of an adult film star leathernecks to grind that speak to dead people. that is the best take away i got from stormy daniels where the jury will be left to make their own conclusions. one thing i want to point out. we have cohen. that will be the cherry on top greater credibility issues there. his gag order.
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the judge yesterday denied donald trump's request to remove the gag order. trump didn't respond. "my concern is not just protecting the witness, my concern is with protecting the integrity of this proceeding as a whole." let's pull out this tweet. these tiktoks that michael cohen does come up and disappear. he captured this one. look at those shirt michael cohen is wearing. that is trump in an orange jumpsuit. your next witness is literally out there cheerleading for the imprisonment of donald trump. and trump can't respond. can american people see this injustice. i don't know if we will get a full acquittal. there's a lot of leftists. this will be a hung jury. there's going to be a tailwind behind donald trump. >> to everything that kayleigh mcenany said is an absolute travesty and circus that has been made of the criminal justice system as president trump calls an abuse
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of the judicial system. we are all paying for it. we has new york taxpayers are paying for this charade while someone is prevented from campaigning for the highest elected office in the country. >> the rest of america believe that we are a bunch of idiots were living here and tolerating this. this is bigger than new york city. erupted where criminals are coddled by left wing nuts. this is about l'affaire or legal warfare and i want to point out kimberly's article in "the wall street journal" today. trump and the l'affaire implosion of 2024. i won't go into the entire article. she goes through gladys did a really incredible week. not just for president trump met in the name of justice and all that is right. i will point out, that january 6 case brought by special counsel
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jack smith hung up at the desk out tuesday, federal judge indefinitely postponing mr. trump's trial for keeping classified files. that is the jack smith case. fani willis messed up the georgia case in an appeals court is reviewing that. the alvin bragg case is all they have to hang their hat on. the prosecutor is by deciding to not call "playboy" model karen mcdougal, that was an admission that putting stormy daniels on the stand -- they are going to call michael:of course. he is a serial liar. a lot of court under oath and is committed perjury and pleading guilty if you like to congress and continually lying to the american people and the public. >> is the worst yet to come, or did it peaked in the value thus far? help us have some optimism.
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>> i don't know if it matters. i think donald trump has demonstrated that he might be one of the best retail politicians we have ever seen. you look at him making use of visiting a construction site. going to the bodega, turning all of this into one big campaign stop. i don't believe alvin bragg wanted the conviction. i don't believe that was the case. i think the intent of all this was to try to embarrass donald trump and keep them off of the campaign trail. alvin bragg raised a misdemeanor to a felony and never demonstrated the falsification of business records was done with the intent to conceal or commit another crime. the prosecution hasn't been able to do that iron. all they have done is made him a martyr. everything continues to break his way. judge postponing that case, the supreme court looking at presidential immunity. an appeals court looking at fani willis' action. in new york city as well, the
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judge overseeing that fraud case. i have turned donald trump into a martyr. he has made lemons out of lemonade for this and potentially -- >> quick thoughts. on the rising amount of americans who say they will vote for him more if there even is a conviction. he is in fact a martyr now. that will bring more people to his boat. >> i have long argued that this is a high-risk case for the prosecution to make. so many americans are going to dismiss it because the island of manhattan as a democrat stronghold. if it is a hung jury, i think it helps donald trump. he went into the ring with a heavy weight on the heavyweight's home turf and beat him. one final word. president trump -- he needs to explain why he's conflicted. he says the judge is conflicted.
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he doesn't explain how or why. the judge's daughter works for a democrat political consulting firm that does anti-trump business. otherwise, it is just an assertion with no proof. the president is going to say it, back it up. >> and i think that is a violation of the gag order. >> the family. >> you can still explain how and why. and i think -- >> i might be wrong. president trump is trying to be careful in his language. that is why he is very measured. >> he was editing in real time today. >> the assumption that people know why the judges conflicted does not hold up unless you follow every detail of the tr trial. speaking of which we do here for you. the former president is expecting to speak within the next hour when the court wraps
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up for the day. when he does, we will bring it to you. house republicans are drafting impeachment articles over the president's withholding of arms shipments to israel. that is next. his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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>> president biden is testing a relationship with our closest ally in the middle east. warning israel that he will with old aid if that idf enters rafah to eradicate hamas. >> president biden: i made a clear, if they go into rafah, i'm not going to supply the weapons to deal with that problem. we are going continue to make sure israel is secure in terms
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of iron dome and the ability to respond to attacks in the middle east recently. but it is just wrong. we are not going to supply about weapons and artillery shells used. >> and artillery shells as well. >> when it was trump's withholding weapons to ukraine in 2019, called it a "quid pro quo" and said it must be impeached. five years later, republicans are holding biden to his own standards. drafting impeachment articles. senator tom cotton had this to say yesterday. >> some people say joe biden is doing this for his reelection which would be bad enough. and when also, i would have to add, be grounds for impeachment under the democrats trump ukraine standard to withhold foreign aid to help one's
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reelection. only with joe biden, it is true. >> i found 2 interesting articles today. you've got axios. biden's big donors him over israel criticism. a democratic megadonor. emailed a senior white house official wednesday asking to pass along his criticism of biden's recent move to pa's bomb shipments to israel. bad, bad, bad decision on low levels. please reconsider." let's not forget them and their more jewish voters they care about israel then muslim voters they care about hamas. the jewish megadonors are mad. "the new york times" inside biden's broken relationship with muslim and arab leaders. the president's announcement is extremely overdue and horribly insufficient. one of the leaders of the protest movement. you can see more criticism from the community. he is making everyone mad.
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>> i don't think the comparisons to donald trump are fair. president zelenskyy came out and said he didn't even know money was being held. you can't have a quid pro quo with the other party is being leveraged. biden is being open with it. the fact that he is going to withhold these weapons before i left alike. making a political and what he's trying do. on the political front, i don't know how much this is going to move the needle heading into the presidential election. i look at the latest fox news michigan poll. according to the recent, a plurality of voters think that joe biden has is approached the war in the middle east. under 35, same story. he has it just about right. maybe this impacts congressional where you have a higher portion of jewish voters or muslim voters. i don't know how big of an impact this is going to have on the presidential election.
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>> yesterday, biden tweeted out that he loves to keep his promises. this was the president in 2019 on aid to israel. >> news this week to the extent that somehow the democrats are saying sad because of israel's policy that they would look at cutting off military aid to israel as a result of that. >> that would be a tragic mistake. i strongly oppose israel's policy on the west bank. i've made that clear when i was vice president. i made it crystal clear to the israelis. the idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, and are true, true ally in the entire region is absolutely preposterous. it is beyond my comprehension when you do that.
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>> he won't cut off aid. "i will not rest until every hostage ripped from the families and held by hamas is back in the arms of their loved ones." now israel can't get their hostages and the inverse of what he says. >> i don't know where to start on this sordid sour terrible handling. i knew he would buckle. on october 8th, i predicted that joe biden was buckled. in the cnn interview, he sounded terrible. his voice is raspy as can be. in a time of war, it would be nice to have a president that projected strength did not please on this. he previously said that he would withhold american armaments for israel unless israel had a plan to get -- move the humanitarian, evaluate population to a saver zone. now he isn't even focusing on that. he said if they go into rafah. if they take military action against hamas -- how does he
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expect hamas to get destroyed? israel has to finish the job. if joe biden where president during world war ii, after we landed at d-day, stop at the belgian border. don't cross and go into germany to get him. you've got to stop short. you can go that far. israel is about to get him and the american president is saying stop short. israel is fighting for his very survival. joe biden is fighting for michigan. one bit of advice for republicans. don't make this about impeachment. it's a clear river comparison to what they did to donald trump. it is meaningless. it's bigger than that and more important. >> you are right that this is about michigan. it's incredible what happens when you don't have michigan electoral votes at stake. that's called up what they are doing in the united kingdom where the u.k. will not follow the u.s.'s lead to withhold
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arms sails to israel. >> president biden's remarks on tuesday. at the holocaust memorial museum and he essentially said 7.5 months later after the horrific attacks of october 7th, people are starting to forget that he likened it to the holocaust. he went on an appropriate condemnation of hamas saying it is all about hamas. why is he now conditioning or why has he been this whole time conditioning our for israel. we saw it with ukraine. you must not use these weapons. 2:00, not 4:00. it is absolutely mystifying why we would hamstring an ally that has been for us every step of the way. if you're going to back up someone in a fight you do not and someone a weapon in time one hand behind their back. this is what this president has done with our allies the entire time.
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any democrats, senators and congressmen have come out as well. better management deeply disappointing. the signals weakness to hamas as well to our allies. abroad and at home. >> insulted injury. one day before this quagmire on cnn with the president. biden found it within him to waive sanctions for hamas ally and iran controls lebanon. you can't make this stuff up. >> lisa, i do think that this hurts biden and harris. it's actually not biden and harris, it is biden-hamas 2020 for prayer that is going around the internet. the biden administration from day one has been about appeasing, empowering, and enriching terrorists. starting with the ron. hamas would not have gone in and
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murdered innocent israelis if not for the money that flowed into iran's coffers and into the hands of its proxies because the biden administration allowed iran to sound like oil to china and other nations, period. there was a story that was in bloomberg before october 7th at sandy, u.s. officials privately acknowledge they are gradually relaxing enforcement of sanctions on iranian oil sails. right now, iranian exports of oil or running at a 6-year high. they have done nothing chris shelling $25 million a year in oil. and made 100 million plus in oil sails. this is happening because of joe biden. he coddled terrorists and doesn't care about lives lost. we are making different points. i agree with everything you said. i was looking at the state and
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has the largest arab population in the country. showing that a plurality believes that he has it just about right. we are making it a little bit different. >> looking forward to the dnc. there will be protests, no doubt. a live look at the new york city courthouse where former president trump is expected to speak in less than an hour. the latest when he does. president biden is blasted for his out of touch comments on the economy. out of touch, they were dead wrong. democrats and liberal media can't defend these. ion. oh, no, not about that. about what comes next in life. for her. i may not be in perfect health, but i want to stay in my home, where my family visits often and where my memories are. i can do it with help from a prep cook, wardrobe assistant and stylist, someone to help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan.
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novartis may help you save on your prescription. >> president biden is facing heat or movements in and out of touch on the economy. every day americans are struggling to buy my groceries and pay their bills. biden says his economic policies are working. >> president biden: 65% of americans think they are in good
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shape in the economy and think the nation are in good shape and they are personally in good shape. the fact is, if you take a look. some of people have the money to spend. >> even democrats on the left wing media could not defend biden on this one and one of the economy could cost biden the election. >> he's right on the numbers on the economic turnaround but on very dangerous ground. he risked taking off of monitors i've talked to in my travels. they don't feel it. >> he's making a terrible mistake. if he doesn't win this race, it may not be donald trump that beats him, and maybe his own pride. >> his economic messaging is incredibly weak. he must be mortified when he looks at poll after poll and says people trust donald trump on the economy.
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>> he is essentially dismissing americans calling them wrong even though they know exactly when they feel ac across the kitchen table and in their wallets. >> he dismissed them in that interview. i thought that this was the worst thing on all the lies that he told. he said about the fact is, if you take a look at what people have, they have the money to spend. that was his real marie antoinette moment or josephine antoinette. it was literally "let them eat air." they have the money. it is cruel that under joe biden, real income. inflation-adjusted incomes or in the middle class are down 3%. there incomes are not keeping up with this inflation. inflation is incredibly unsettling. people don't know how to plan for their futures. in terms of his chronic lives, there was a lie a minute in that
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interview. she just sat there. she didn't say anything. i was half expecting her to lean over and close his mouth for h him. sitting there with his jaw hanging open. >> there is such a discrepancy between the statistics and the reality where you can call poverty a certain amount. people have that amount are in poverty because they can't pay their bills and groceries. >> has joe biden ever cared about the truth? if he continues to gaslighted the american people, they will find a way to start believing it. 15 lies in the 17 minutes lying about all these different th things. ultimately what this election is going to come down to do is compare and contrast. this election cycle of predecessor and successor. americans go down the list of issues you care about. you have experienced it in real time in the past few years al
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alone. ultimately, it's going to come down to that seen in poll that found that 55% of americans view donald trump's time in office as a success. >> former president trump has been pushing to debate president biden for months now. he posted this challenge on social media. >> let's get to the debate right now. the american people have the right to know anytime, anywhere, anyplace, let's go, joe. let's debate. >> he went -- president biden is warming up to the idea. ♪ ♪ [interstate] >> sent a copy, says like many responded to dismantle i.c.e. give me a couple of days. you think he means this are reacting the way the wind blows? >> i won't believe that by the
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debates i see it with my own eyes. you are not going to get the fact-check treatment or lack thereof during a presidential debate with donald trump or of the moderator give you a pass. donald trump is going to fact-check you in real time. he receipts and will bring them. this is basement campaign 2.0 run out of the oval office. i was reading today, they are considering moving the dnc to semi online so as to not let protesters disrupt it. that is a political headline. do you think the basement campaign is going to let them out of the oval office to get demolished by donald trump? he will sit in the metaphorical basement. >> talk to us about the impact. talk to us about the impact this will have on democrats and on any independent. >> if he debates or if he doesn't debate. >> health. >> this is why kayleigh is
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right. it's going to be the kiss of death for joe biden as well as the democratic party. the last thing they want to do is put joe biden out there for the world to see. an hour and a half from 9:00 and nine, they can walk up the stairs to air force one. he can stand on the stage for 1.5 hours at prime time. they will have to hide him. there is a basement underneath the oval office. that's where they will have a joe biden if he takes the stage. when joe biden says send it out, i'll never stop foreign weapons shipments to israel. set it up. he is maneuvering so he doesn't take the blame. convicted in manhattan. some excuse for why he can't share a stage with donald trump. you can't blame me. i wanted to. i said said no. and would be political malpractice for joe biden to debate. >> or he waits until early
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voting that has been going on for a while like federman did in pennsylvania. after you have already had all these voters who have already voted and the outcome of the election can't really be changed that much. that might be what he ends up doing. >> alto med would you rather. equally liable. right now, a paralegal for prosecutors is on the stand testifying about text messages involving stormy daniels. president trump is expected to walk out the door as you see on the screen in the next 30 minutes to talk to reporters. we will bring that to you live when it happens.
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says about articles of impeachment on his threat to withhold arms to israel. a single article citing abuse of presidential power. it reads in part, in violation of his oath to faithfully execute the office of president, president biden abuse the powers of his office by soliciting a quid pro quo with israel while leveraging vital military aid for apology changes. not only compromise the credibility of the united states but also undermine the interest of our long-standing ally is israel. we will follow that an update you with the latest as we get it. new york versus trump, the defenses cross-examining the second paralegal from the manhattan attorney's office. phone records with trump's former lawyer michael cohen. the star witness is set to take the stand on monday. can't wait to see that
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cross-examination. the criminal defense attorney. brian earlier in the day, we had on the stand. some interesting things came out. one of which she said president trump with signed checks on auto without really looking at them. very helpful to the defense. she also testified to this thing that the access -- the stormy daniels story would be hurtful to his family. really helpful to the defense. i'm starting to wonder if the prosecution witness is on the team. >> agreed to be with you. absolutely. every witness they have called to date has backfired. stormy daniels helped prove she had bias. she hated president trump. she laughed when they talked about the indictment in front of the jury. she had a financial motive. she made a million dollars. now, you have other witness is
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that are confirming a couple of things. president trump was removed from this unedited incident. he is in the white house for sending checks from new york. do you think is going to figure out what all those checks are for? this is a train wreck further prosecution. >> this gag order. the judge refusing to alter it yesterday. brian, making even the legal side out of this, i think the american public looks and see the stormy daniels cross-examination where you had susan say to her, you are making minutes off of this indictment. this appalling tiktok. we will pull it off. abc news took a screen grab. wearing a shirt out donald trump in an orange jumpsuit. trump and respond. >> couple of things before i talk about the gag order. social media is going to be the most devastating factor. we saw that with stormy daniels.
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the tweet she put out about flushing an orange one. and now, cohen will be destroyed on -- if i would take every single interview he has done, every single social media post saying how much he hates president trump and spent five hours going through every single one. he is biased against president trump. he can be believed at all. i hope trump's lawyers make this argument. trump a rigidly sign these texan 2017. the financial records were allegedly made in 2017. why is that important? the election was in november of 2016. this was done after the election. their argument is trump was conspiring to defraud financials to influence the election. it looks like all that was done allegedly after the election.
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>> pen testing point. thank you for your brilliance. among the best thing for you. you and i were talking about this during the break. there was an appeal filed yesterday to the gag order. i don't know that decision won't come out before the end of the trial. he has left without the ability to respond. >> and their attorneys could argue that it materially affected his ability to defend himself including in the court of public opinion. it might have a real impact on the appeal that say if he is convicted. all of this, nothing has been working in the prosecution's favor. the witnesses nor the facts of how the prosecution are going about their strategy. it is frankly a little curious that we are even seeing such a mockery made of their positions the role that they are playing. i have seen nothing worth any modicum of respect. >> someone say blatantly
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>> the trump trial breaking for
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the weekend. but we can expect with our team of legal eagles coming up. trump with an expected huge rally. the garden state in play. will the image counter everything that is happening in court this week? criticism building over biden's move to withhold weapons from israel. is it different than when reagan did it in 1980s? "america reports." we will see you then. >> witness number 19 is officially off the stand. the jury has been dismissed. we are awaiting former president donald trump. he is expected to speak at any moment. we have been told by his team he will be going to the microphones. we do expect to hear from him recollections about the judge as we heard earlier today where perhaps reflections about his rally coming up this weekend. it is only wednesdays when he can have these rallies.
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he will go out to wildwood new jersey where he will engage in his first amendment right to political speech. something that the judge has tried to tap down on. it is amazing to me -- the aclu who brags about bringing hundreds of legal actions against trump and said in the case of the d.c. case, this is inextricable from politics. he is the nominee. he has to really control himself in the way that he reacts to these witnesses. >> this is why you don't indict someone who is running for president of the united states unless they did. when it comes to these arguable things, business transactions, whether or not your records were kept accurately for misdemeanor offenses to elevate two felony offenses. when you go after it, someone running for president, it messes everything up. that is why you have gag orders. a president who can't speak.
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it doesn't feel right. the american people. they should be settled for the elections. democrats. then unless they indicted him, he might actually win back the support of the american people. they can have that because they can't have democracy prevail or work. if it does, and might result in donald trump winning. don't indict political oppo opponents. >> we expect former president trump to walk out. you mentioned how measured he was. it is incredible to me he's reading an article by jonathan turley. it was in fact -- he is having to add it in real-time things he can say and things he can't say all because of his gag order. >> a column, i think it was published yesterday. it was a juxtaposition of president trump versus joe joe biden. she said simply, this election will come down to trump showing
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strength in joe biden just showing weakness. in every way. this is a show of strength. again, this is a man who is being persecuted because joe biden can't win an election on his own. in terms of what has been going on in that courtroom, the prosecutors -- i've flipped over to msnbc yesterday. one of the analyst, there have been no witnesses who have directly tied to donald trump to the payments period. with stormy daniels, the prosecutors are wasting the jury's time. there is nothing that you want to avoid more than the backsides. that is what they have done. >> this just in. the d.a.'s office planning to call 2 witnesses next week.
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presumably one of those witnesses is michael cohen. set to take a stand on monday. "it is entirely possible we will rest next week. and you would go to the defense if they have any witnesses to call. this can wrap up before memorial day. >> that is sooner than expected and was projected by the prosecution's office. i want to point out to where it was just sad. the strength component. there is a component that president trump continue showing. you contrast that with our current president and call the lead at 10:00 a.m. and can't beyond two hours. this president since in a criminal trial all day long and still campaigns and goes out. this guy as an infinite reserve of energy. the american people see that. that is showing that he has all this energy that he will use to fight for them. >> as a new yorker, i can
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understand why he would go to wildwood new jersey. >> it was actually great. it was a great rally with a lot of energy. one thing i want to say to you. you have on one side hope hicks who speak knowingly only president. the defense, michael cohen who is going to be torn apart. stormy daniels who was torn apart. then jerry has this choice before them. >> trump is being gagged. i keep asking myself, how is he still standing? i recently moved anxiously for a week. they are trying to jail and bankrupt this man. they are making him look strong. that is what they are doing. >> attorneys will be discussing evidence. we still wait to see former president trump. he will take those microphones at any moment. with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms.
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10:00 am
speak of the jury has been dismissed, witnessed 19 officially left the stand and we are keeping a close eye at any moment former president will walk up to that microphone. he spoke to us earlier in the day and he's appeared to have a stack of articles he walked us through on the case being very careful not to mention any of the witnesses to comply with the gag order. he sold he mentioned the judge and told us during the first session he was prepared to bring more articles for us so we will listen to them there. also he mentioned his rally in wildwood new jersey this weekend he'll be back on the campaign trail and next week the d.a.'s office two moore witnesses one of whom will be michael cohen and they say it's entirely possible they rest their case so this could conclude soon. we will hear from the defense, closing arguments and we will see what the new york jury decides. all right, happy friday everyone come onto "america reports." >> kaylee, thank y


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