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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  May 6, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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>> 777. >> as long as it's not 666. >> i definitely agree that ashley is right it's definitely not three and going with number one. >> i'm feeling a different 398. stuart: there must be some genius who memorized 406 numbers in one minute. 342. from pakistan set the record in the longest number sequence memorized and four seconds is 30, that is the record, your four seconds, that's pretty good, photographic memory, unfortunately we are out of time that was fun jonathan, lauren, ashley, wonderful stuff, "coast to coast" starts now. >> thank you stuart, many worries so many not worried.
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peter has a warning for us all that these markets have been barely climbing he says were running out of oil and were here to detail how much plenty of new worries about an escalating war in israel and what were told the tense phone call between president biden benjamin netanyahu higher oil prices as a result don't count scott martin saying that somehow there is a shift that is hitting the fan i had to practice that a number of times. scott, always good to have you what you make of this all the sudden we had these worries escalating war the whole 9 yards, peter is coming up saying get ready it's going to get bad where are you on this? >> is amazing when the shift hits the fan in the family keep spinning no matter what even as the shift gets heavier, that's really what we need to remember as investors as almost as dark as it gets the dawn is coming and that's why i believe as we run out of wall of a climb in
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the intake there the reality is the market will build other walls to climb. when we go to the geopolitical issues in the concerns about oil prices, the concerns about prices of things that we buy at the store these days the reality the market will adjusted the federal reserve knows what's going on in the federal reserve has engineered one of the most understudied or underappreciated soft landings in history and therefore the market has a lot to build on going forward providing that we settled down a little bit and get through the volatile times upon us right n now. neil: we were up a lot for the earlier this morning, earnings have been coming in largely better-than-expected and we also seen interest-rate stabilized market rates in this view with the slowing job growth picture that we had last month the federal reserve might be back onto a cut this year, do you think that is still on? >> i think that is bad news i think a cup would not be good and that's the funny part about data and investors that we
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forget at times when the market does best when the fed is out of the way we were not talking and counting on them for the monetary rescue that everybody screaming about that the market was clamoring for months ago and we were talking saying there's going to be six cats that was a prediction therefore, two, 0 because when the fed is out of the way and prices are stable employment has been maximized that's when the market can do the markets work that's when the economy can do the economic work and if we got the fed out of the way which i believe were getting there couple more months after the june meeting i think the market is going to realize were in a sweet spot when it comes to federal reserve interest-rate policy. >> election-year presidential election year is usually good for the market this market had a pretty good run and i know there is a consensus building i was reading on the wall street journal that a lot of animals expect 10% more of market gains by the end of this year. are you in that camp?
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>> i am i think the 10% gains are going to be a little bit more challenging to achieve the gains of weird he had which is been amazing the market was going straight up from october of last year till the end of march, certainly we have hit a little bit of troubled waters but i do believe were getting get another 10 - 15% in the major market averages overall but how that comes is going to be the challenge. money managers, wealth managers need to be strategic and tactical about how we get that next 10 - 15% but it is coming and you have to hang in there and wait for but also don't get freaked out like we had a couple weeks ago we were talking about business how these were buying opportunities not opportunities to sell when the market pullback for your 5% that's a great long-term opportunity for investors to commit and reload their portfolio positions. neil: thank you very much scott martin on that. uber peter has a slightly different view than scott and he will be coming on later on. we want you to hear both sides
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of the story. i want to go to jeff paul in tel aviv about the heightened fears of this rafah attack apparently attends phone call with benjamin netanyahu and the president of the united states, jeff is in tel aviv with the latest. >> we know the idf has been dropping flyers in eastern rafah urging civilians to evacuate, so for the israeli military describing this as a limited scope operation saying the evacuation is temporary not a large-scale evacuation but nonetheless it could be impacting roughly 100,000 palestinians who are in the area in eastern rafah they have been told that they're not only flyers but calls and text messages to move to the humanitarian zone is along the coast and north abroad for. all this happening is ongoing negotiation between hamas and israel appear to be collapsing, hamas left egypt yesterday and
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did the latest round of negotiations but there are reports that could be heading back tomorrow but on the same day when they left on sunday there was a deadly mortar attack on the crossing that the idf says was fired from an area near the humanitarian zone and rafah, hamas claimed responsibility and during a call with u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin israel's defense minister said there is no choice left but to eventually conduct an operation and rafah. he says it appears hamas is not serious about coming up with a new cease-fire deal. >> we recognize worrisome signals that hamas is not planning to accept any deal or agreement with us in the meeting of this operation and rafah in the entire gaza strip in the very near future. >> earlier in the day hamas released a statement about the developments saying any sort of ground operation and rafah would not be a picnic.
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we should also mention the idf has not signaled or come out saying this is the start of a larger scale ground operation into rafah it could be a move to apply pressure on hamas to come back to the negotiation table and figure out some sort of deal. neil: thank you, my friend, i want to go to jim hanson on the fast-moving development in the middle east, chief editor retired u.s. army special forces. i do want to pass along a little bulletin from saudi arabia warning israel on the rafah move as part of the bloodied cam campaign, obviously the pressure is on i can only imagine how the phone call went between the president and benjamin neta netanyahu, the president is not a fan of the rafah planned attack what do you think this is going. >> i think the problem that it has right now is they cannot refuse to finish off hamas, they have done it before and they
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backed up to international pressure and every time it is come back worse than before, this is their time to do so, the only chance for peace between israel and the palestinians who live in gaza is for hamas to no longer be involved in any form of governance. the problem for the israel also is joe biden is getting a lot of political pressure to end this. i think he's caving to some of that with the calls for negotiations, calls for cease-fire and also we are hearing and ammunition shipment was delayed or stopped and maybe putting pressure on benjamin netanyahu as well. >> that happened a while ago we were seeing deliveries of certain arms delayed presumably as punishment for the aggressive tactics that israel has taken. that's on the baha'i of the boulder and the president of the united states does not like what he seen, what do you think of a punishment like that? >> i think it's abjectly unfair,
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joe biden more than anyone else knows something lost in the entire narrative. idf conducted a campaign that has a lower civilian enemy to combatants ratio than the u.s. military did in urban combat in iraq. the entire genocide in gaza narrative is a lie, for joe biden to say this is a problem in the buy demonstration pressuring israel is more u.s. politically facing then an actual reflection of the reality in the ground in gaza. neil: i'm curious what happens now, there had been help in the eye of the beholder that maybe this will bring hamas back to the negotiating table and the cease-fire can be put in place if you get a hostage exchange and all that that might be to sorted and all was perfectly planned but this would get benjamin netanyahu to back off a
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little bit on this, i don't see him backing off but what do you think. >> he can't and he should not. this is their chance and they need to do it. i do believe hamas has been negotiated in good faith, the problem that people want to ignore and it's a sad thing to consider more of the hostages are dead then anyone wants to believe in the ones that are still alive are going to be in a sorry state that hamas giving them back is not likely. in the end they will disappear. and will israel tolerate having on their border even if it's the remnants of the full hamas control gaza or will they go ahead and do the one thing that is not happen and that is gained if he over hamas and force the palestinians to decide they want somebody else to rule them someone else to be the government. israel has prepared for that and they are prepared to have other parts of the gazan populace in
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charge but they have to finish hamas for that to happen. neil: thank you very much for your time and expertise, we have appreciate it. there have been a number of campus uprisings to start this week off, nothing worrisome or dramatic or hostile but it's been happening all over the country in san diego and in new york and washington, d.c. were getting detail all of this, the latest at the university of virginia i want to get a read on that and the anti-semitism founder and executive director former soviet union refugee, she knows a good bit of what she speaks when it comes to threats very good to have you, i am wondering the plan assault on rafah that benjamin netanyahu is apparently contemplating that's going to repeat the protest movement here, what do you th think. >> the turmoil that we see on college campuses from "coast to coast" are going to continue regardless of what the idf does
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in regards to the operation and rafah and what we see on college campuses from george washington to columbia to ucla as shifting from anti-jewish sentiment to clear anti-american sentiment among we see the george washington statue at george washington university defaced with palestinian propaganda it is clear to us that this pro-palestinian mission is a mask it is anti-jewish, it is anti-american and is looking to create chaos throughout the united states. neil: knowing that you were coming on i was trying to understand the wisdom of the universities allowing this to proceed in one argument i kind of see it depends on your perspective but they want to run out the clock school year is essentially done most kids are taking exams they have not finished them already the school
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year is done and it's a little bit with trimesters and all of that but the good around-the-clock and hope they go away and that might be wishful thinking. >> is also the cowards way out we just got word that columbia university had canceled their graduation most families have invested $400,000 into a student's education some have taken a large portion of student debt and for the culmination of the hard work in the financial investment in all the time spent completely wasted, why columbia's president and board of trustees have given into the mob. >> where does this go if we reignite as is happening in san diego right now protest and encampments that won't come down george washington university they are re-in camping and it
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might embolden these kids especially if they don't see any real effort to dismantle them or their camps. >> 100% and should been nipped in the butt two weeks ago as we saw in florida and states in schools such in ohio and indiana unfortunately we do not see that at ucla and we did not see the columbia and nyu in northeastern and what is happening is a hateful retort continuing to spiral out of control and more outside agitators are joining the students it is about a one to one ratio for students and outside agitators in the administrators must do more to bring in local police to put an immediate stop to all of this it's not fair to the majority of the students who were there to study in the faculty that are there to teach. >> the irony a lot of these kids were denied a commencement and graduation from college were the
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same ones because of covid were denied the same privilege and it's happened again it's gotta be tough for those kids and their parents. >> it is heartbreaking, four years ago we were in the midst of a global pandemic everyone was running around with chickens with their heads cut off not knowing what to do we understand what most universities had to cancel their commencement but for four years later when something is controllable the onus is on the administrators and the board of trustees and nip this in the bud to obtain local law enforcement's presence when needed and unfortunately that is not what we're seeing right now. neil: i want to thank you very much. you know very well as a refugee. on the developments we are following developments with donald j trump a 12 of his trial in case you didn't hear has a
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whitson was saying donald trump is constantly clouded and ignored of the gag order he says is going to find the for the president could temper the tenth time in the $1000 fines don't seem to be working because donald trump will keep violating that. and he will consider jail to the former president if he keeps violating that, the pressure is on him to do something donald trump not swayed one way or another and he'll promise to keep talking we will keep following after this. ♪
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful...
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quickly that when you stop $1000 fines on a billionaire you not necessarily going to get in the ways or the comments or when he is otherwise this is the judge that he would consider jail in violation to the extent and prosecute will that likely happen, let's get andy mccarthy on former assistant fox news contributor that would be a big leap but what do you think. >> i think would be politically disastrous or democrats to have donald trump be put in jail over this i think it would cause more scrutiny for the case which is very politicized and i don't see how that helps them politically so i think the judges backing himself into a back corner by continuing to draw a line in the sand that i think he really doesn't want to cross
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incarceration. neil: you are the legal as i told you i watched a lot of loss shows so i think i qualify. what struck me, kenneth the judge make this easier on himself and everybody else if he said the standards i'm applying to you donald trump all apply now to michael cohen. >> there is less law for the proposition that you can stifle witness then a party but you are quite right it's what the law exactly says and what the judge could do if the judge really wants. if the judge made it clear to prosecutors that he wants their witness to stop talking about trump talk about the case that would happen quickly he's not doing that on the rationalization that trump is only one trial but if what he is saying he is trying to shield the proceedings from high in
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publicity and other potential things that could undermine the proceedings they really doesn't matter what participate in the trial is doing the talking whether it's trump or somebody else that still generates what the judge says he's trying to shield the jury and the rest of the process from i think it's a disingenuous argument. my own view for what it's worth is that the judge does not want trump talking about the fact that the judge's daughter is a political operative for the democrats who gets a lot of money working for people who define themselves by how much they loathes trump, i think that's problematic for the judge in his pretextual he saying that trump is threatening witnesses which trump is not doing so he has an excuse to tamp down the line of argument by trump. >> that embarrassing connection would be a reason to get tough on trump and whether it's justified or not.
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>> it makes the case that the judge has bias and should not be the judge on this case i don't think the judge wants to be here. >> would you think this goes the former trip organization controller he's been talking about payments that he handled for and by michael cohen where is this going. >> i thought you were going to ask you the very question and consider thinking about that, what i would want to know right now is what to the jury instructions say both is supposed to provide the court prior to trial and certainly by this point in the trial with proposed jury instruction and what the jury is going to be told on the legal standards that apply to this case it would be very interesting to hear what alvin bragg being district attorney is telling the court that he should tell the jury about the federal campaign
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finance laws that he really doesn't have in the court does not have jurisdiction to enforce an brad does not have jurisdiction to enforce, that's what i want to know this is going to come down to that more than likely. neil: into mccarthy thank you, the banks you've heard a lot of this in connection on who's providing outside money presumably agitating on some of the student demonstrations much has been native george soros is a budget connection to any of this in the follow-up on reports that a bit of politico i know some quoted them but they appear to be more wholesome than a good delicious slice of swiss cheese not only the grantmaking organization with the foundation denying any role in any of this but there is no there there, the washington post separately has reported the students for justice in palestine has separately denied proceeding
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eating funding from a group that you heard a good deal about for the westchester action coalition foundation. that is a george soros backed fundraising group to which they are saying there is no connection at all and a representative of the group telling the hill that the company needed funds nor influences in the organization political activity but instead extends the tax-exempt status in order to support our mission but when it comes to this particular mission there doesn't appear to be at their their, when it comes to the open society foundation itself, reach weeding something that is submitted with a lot of these college uprisings starting say we have a long history of fighting anti-semitism is llama phobia and all forms of hate and advocated for the rights of palestinians and israelis for peaceful resolution to the conflict in israel and occupied palestinian territory. i want to respond to some viewers who said it's incredible that i would challenge george
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soros team knowing that he had to be behind it and even question what i said george soros is jewish and had escape oppression and hungry and the nazi's when he was a young man, i said that is probably not true and he most definitely is not jewish. i don't know any other way to stress to you that is very much jewish and given to israeli causes that yes, he is open to settling the palestinian homeland issue but he is not denied his country, not denied his jewish heritage and he is denying the latest charges that are out there. in the end it's in the eye of the beholder on who you want to believe i try to stick to the facts and try to stick to the area that is out there but what i heard people starting to say that george soros is in jewish i thought we were on a slippery slope, i just wanted to clarify. i hope i did, we will keep up on after this.
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neil: it is not a plane it is a rocket but we never think of the line for the big launch of the starlight airspace under spacecraft kelly o'grady will solicit. >> this is a really big day for boeing today even if they are successful this is going to be the first time a boeing spacecraft will carry astronauts into orbit and is set to launch at 10:34 p.m. eastern if your space nerd like neil and me set your alarm it will carry
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astronaut to the international space station, they will spend about a week before returning this is been a long time coming, the test flight comes over a decade after nasa awarded boeing a 4 billion-dollar contract, if it is a success this would make the emerges of a competitor the spacex and that's really important having a viable option for nasa provide them with backups, it will accelerate the need to achieve cost efficiency for spaceflight boeing starlight or is not without its issues it is been flagged by delays and design problems for several years but despite the bumpy road the astronauts say their safe than ever. >> we got to a point that we feel very safe and comfortable how the spacecraft flies and we have backup procedures in case we need those. >> what you can go into a backup mode and in entry and hit the bullseye when you don't even have your computers, that's pretty remarkable.
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>> this is coming as a commercial aviation arm is under intense scrutiny the faa the d.o.j. launched investigations your spacing aviation arms are two different parts of the company and presents an opportunity to have good press i just hope whoever is running the last check their tightening the symbols. >> without somebody delays with this. thank you very much. kelly o'grady like an astronaut. maybe not but they're both into the stuff. i look like a nerd, she does not. leroy joined us for menasha astronaut iss commander, an honor having you. a lot of us take for boeing and a lot of delays with this thing and lost a lot of ground to others who thought at this point it would be a leader in this and maybe it still will be, how you think it goes. >> this is something that boeing desperately needs they need to win as your folks are saying
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boeing is not a lot of bad press over the last several years basically they have problems ever since mcdonnell douglas merger many years ago but it impacted the space business as well, this vehicle has a long history and boeing was selected by nasa because it felt the boeing knows how to do this they could get it done, spacex for a little more than a half of money that boeing got has been flying astronauts to the iss for over three and half years, we do want to have more than one source in of starlight are successful that will be the second source and that will be good news for the space program. >> they have other interests, the artemis and some of the other stuff, where is all of this going as we build bigger and more efficient rockets and as we go way beyond what is happening orbit around the earth to the moon and mars. >> as you just said the artemis is a completely separate program, the crew commercial is
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to get astronauts to and from the international space station and lower orbit. that is going to be after tonight and boeing will join spacex, artemis is a completely different thing is been designed to go to the moon and beyond, spacex is a big part of that too, spacex has one of the first contracts to develop the land for humans in the future for lunar landing using the starship technology. maybe later this month we will see a number four flight test on starship that will be a real disrupter or a game changer, really exciting stuff going on mostly in the commercial side but with nasa as a partner and is a part of it. neil: we were talking in the days hitching rides with the russians and at least we have some choices here is practically a number of goobers to get up there. all of our goobers, right? >> that's right, the idea is the
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contract for the services. on my permission to the international space station nicely with the russians and years ago the spacecraft look a lot more modern and a lot more comfortable if you will is a great experience but i heard dragon is really a dream to fly on and start lander looks like it's very nice as well. neil: we have to suit you up and get you back up there. always a pleasure and honor and thank you for your inspiring work to the country. leroy on that. taking a look at wallin broad we have gains tempered a little bit, peter says we are due for something more than just tempering those gains. we could have a dramatic reversal after this. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under
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a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. neil: i hope frequent viewers in the show or by other show and balance from a democrat and a conservative on make sure you hear from a liberal, vice versa and the mayor when he hears from bulls and then you decide, my opinion never ever mattered or should they, this is the gentleman who had known for many, many decades whether you agree or disagree he is an
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uncanny read of the market and historical trends that go way over my head, the stock market editor and publisher peter is a tad more bearish than the gas that we had at the outside of the show, i wanted you to hear from a bowl and hear from someone who is not so bullish, good to see you my friend you don't like the same market that a lot of bulls are seeing, why not? >> you and i spoke a couple of months ago and i pointed to february 9 because what happened on february 9 was rather historic and if you asked someone other than wall street was stored they would say what you talking about. on february 9 the ratio of the mdx divided by the dow industrial and thick about that for a minute i want your audience to think about it for a minute that tells you how the mdx is performing in relationship to the dow, speculative technology versus
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theoretically more conservative on the dow and on february 9 we reached a 46% ratio with the reading divided by dow. neil: you talk about the nasdaq 100 i just want to clarify that. >> that is correct. exactly and we reached a ratio on february 9 where we've only seen twice before in history, one of them was march 10 but it was march of 2000 and the other was november 19 of 2000 the first one led to a decline of 83.5% the second led to a decline of almost 40%, now that we saw the reading and you say i guess you were wrong we are basically where we were back on february 9, the important thing is we have not gone any higher the highest since the 46%
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reading on a closing weekly basis is about 2%. i'm getting a little stir crazy myself because i think the way i interpreted and i may be wrong is that this market is so speculative that people do not want to give up the hope that we are indeed in the type of market that might not ever go down for a long, long time. the reason as you when i know as artificial intelligence. everyone thinks that changes the ballgame completely and i would propose every market in history people think that something is happening and is going to change the ballgame completely and somehow that something never happens. neil: i didn't mean to jump in but your technician you look at a lot of things other things don't fundamental types this is
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a presidential election year almost always great for the market in the factors favor the market continuing to advance on that basis alone the federal reserve for example might be holding pat but it might be more prone in the months to come to cut rates, none of that matters to you? >> is difficult to say not of it matters to me but it has very little significance to my outlook in terms of timing the market let me give you a statistic, you know how i am with numbers let me give you a statistic that i think will blow your mind and those of your listeners. this is something that is fundamentally oriented but there have been only three prior times in history where the dividend i'm thinking of, what do they call it, the yield curve in negative territory right now
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there have only been three other times in history where the yield curve has been negative, and getting my data. >> longer terms rates are lower. neil: that could be worrisome, go ahead. >> this is important this is a very specific statistic it's only three previous times when the yield curve has been negative for over 500 days, those times were 1929, 1974 and 2008, each one of those lead to declines greater than 50% of the equity market. >> is that what you are saying now? >> yes we have now had an negative yield curve for over
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500 days. that is not my statistic and usually i try to get attribution but i don't remember where i saw it. if i don't do some research myself i don't want someone to say you stole that from me i did not steal that. >> that would never happen, let's say you're right and a lot of people are have an equivalent but if you are right how soon does this happen i know you cannot time these to the day or the week but sometimes markets have a way of going beyond what the statistics say should be the case, what is the latest that this begins to unravel. >> that's a good question it's not my research i cannot give you the exact numbers or dates on that, all i know after the 500 days expires of the dividend negative yield curve, that is the point in which market decline not immediately begin i would guess looking at the three
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days that i'm looking at 19291974 it occurred pretty quickly after you saw something like that happen i made another discovery wait a minute, that is the nasdaq and technology stocks but not all directly related to a.i., i said what the indexes and it is the sos the philadelphia semiconductor in index. neil: a chip index. >> semiconductor index, chip index which is very closely aligned with artificial intelligence, let me throw the statistic out on march i'm a screwup but on march 10 of 2000
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we had a ratio of 13.4% billed under divided by dow industrial, that was in exactly in 2000 we came nowhere near that ratio for the next ten or 15 or 20 years not even in 2021 with the mdx ratio equal to 2000 ratio. neil: bottom line and jumping on you rudely i wish we had more time bottom line were in for a storm i hope you are wrong but i wanted viewers to hear from you because your widely respected and big crashes that we seen in the past. but have you back and see how this works out. if that did not give you heart palpitations, a lot of times the stuff does maybe all of the anger that people are experiencing and reflected on college campuses and everything else maybe that will do a good doctor to say we have to take a few minutes to calm down really the doctor is in the house after
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>> shut up already enough already boasting who cares about him anyway the man has only one look for christ's sake, blue steel, ferreri, latifah, they are the same thing, doesn't anyone notice this i feel like i'm taking a crazy pill. >> if you're not careful the same thing could happen seconds after that the character had a massive coronary at the hollywood movie a very funny movie but if i next guest is right, this is the kind of stuff that you worry about because we live in polarizing times and we get angry and you're more likely to have a heart attack or worsen such an environment, we were chatting electronically as these kids college today in anger
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feeds on itself. >> you are absolutely right on top of that it says in the bible be quick to speak and to listen but slow to be angry because anger is toxic it's a poison to your health and the new study that came out that was published in the american heart association journal they looked at 300 individual volunteers and they put them into groups one was the angry group one was anxiety and one was the stress group and what they found those that are angry had a hard time relaxing the blood vessels so that means the blood pressure shot up, the heart rate shot up in the breathing became erratic that could lead to heart disease, stroke and kidney disease as well. neil: isn't that nice to know. a lot of his advice on being slow to anger was written way
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back before cable news, it's a different world right now. everyone has to be angry about something so everyone gets angry about something. but you are saying you have to dial it back. >> absolutely. you need to be careful if you have underlying health problems already may be high cholesterol, diabetes or high blood pressure then you're at higher risk of developing heart disease all it takes is eight minutes of anger according to the study eight minutes. >> doesn't break apart eight minutes during the course of the day? >> great question eight minutes consecutively but is the cumulative impact. if you have repetitive episodes of anger and stress it takes a toll on your cardiovascular system it is a strain on your body and your blood vessels constrict and squeeze in the blood pressure shootout in your body has a hard relaxing and controlling the circulation and that's why it's so important to make sure if you're an anxious
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person a type a personality to have covid mechanisms in place and if somebody upset you or cut you off on the highway or you're upset the dow dropped, what you want to do is pause take a deep breath and you want to communicate calmly you want to have covid mechanisms like exercise exercise, yoga, meditation you want to learn how to cope with the stress and anxiety and the anger so we can control your circulation in your body and learn how to forgive. some people it is okay some people might need therapy and help it's okay to seek out and ask for help talk to a counselor in a family friend or your doctor. neil: a pug for everybody. thank you very much this was a free visit with a good doctor, we need to begin down a notch taylor riggs already has you never see them screaming we're cool, calm and collecte


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