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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 6, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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smaller scale but the large and chronic graduation ceremony that is canceled because the protest on campus. >> you said it, now we have the news madison alworth, thank you for jump jumping on the breaking news, security is a concern at columbia, number graduation. >> it is infuriating, these poor kids are going to have the graduation because the administration is too cowardly to basically enforce the rules. >> the rewards emboldens in its cowardly spirit columbia has had many universities across his country, a lot of problems. thank you so much for being with me. i would've the all of you know tomorrow morning 6:00 a.m. eastern time maria is going to be in los angeles at the global conference come alive with lots of amazing interviews. that is it for me, i yield my time to stuart varney. >> good morning, you yielded it well, good morning, everyone.
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movement in gaza, hamas has left the hostage talks, benjamin netanyahu has told the people in rafah to evacuate the destruction of hamas is about to begin. so far no negative reaction on the market, the dow coming off a big gain on friday, up again this monday morning looking for a gain of 150 modest uptick for the s&p and the nasdaq. interest rates at low levels the ten-year way below for an half percent, 447, the two-year way below 5% you are now at 479. bitcoin up to 6,465,000, 635 at the moment, gold is moving up not that much 23, 33 not close to the record high but up $24, no change for gas, 3.65 in diesel down one set 3.97. politics another positive crowd for trump at the miami grand prix over the weekend there is a
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pattern trump get a break from court wows crowds from new york to florida and biden stays home. biden is in trouble on the issues and abc poll puts trump 14-point had on the economy and inflation, anti-israel protests continue graduation ceremony is disrupted columbia just canceled their commencement ceremony, senator bernie sanders is a democrat he says gaza is biden's vietnam, on the show today, quite a story out of chicago the teachers union demands a huge pay increase money for migrants, big bonuses for teachers and a gender-neutral bathroom and everyone of chicago 646 schools, total cost $50 billion. it is monday may 6, the day when president biden will celebrate cinco de mayo, "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪
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♪. stuart: a pretty good start to the show ain't that america with the flag flying there in new york in front of you. with this donald trump received a very warm welcome at this weekend's miami grand prix, i would like to know more about this. >> i would say the former president can draw a crowd and he got a reception in florida at the grand prix similar to the pizza delivery on the bodega workers in new york city. >> usa, usa, usa, usa, spivak they love him, that's enth enthusiasm, with all the positivity is a criticism did you know maclaren had to issue a statement clarifying why that happened, he respects the office
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of the president, it is not political but he went to where they are stationed and they had to make a statement about the. >> maclaren steen one, trump took it over in the race they won. we have a developing story, very important israelis warning civilians in gaza to evacuate rafah as it prepares for a ground attack, meanwhile bernie sanders issued this warning to president biden, roll tape. >> the terms of his campaign i'm thinking back it other people are making this reference that this may be biden's vietnam, i worry very much that president biden is putting himself in a position where he's alienated not to show people but a lot of the democratic base in terms of his views on israel and this war. stuart: guy benson with me. is gaza biden's vietnam?
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>> i don't understand this comparison at all and vietnam the u.s. was at war in a foreign jungle, tens of thousands of americans died in that war. in gaza the israelis are fighting the terrorist enemy that attacked them and started the war and by the way hamas killed americans and still holding american hostages, yes we are helping them, 80% of the country supports israel not the same as vietnam and we have 0 boots on the ground, maybe in the protest culture or some of the people looking back and nostalgically at the days of the 60s and all of the agitations against the war but in terms of the substantive differences it's not even comparable in any way. stuart: will get back to ennis i want to get to the markets, monday morning we have a little bit of green for the dow up 140 this is premarket, the nasdaq up 62 points, jeff sica, i want to talk about apple a big
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announcement 110 billion stock buyback and bounce back a little. >> if you look at the earnings, they were not that impressive. the numbers were big but they were not impressive. why impressed investors was the size of the buyback $110 billion the biggest share buyback in history, what does that mean to investors, apple is putting a floor under their stock theoretically in their buying the stock back, the reducing the number of shares outstanding. if you look at apple historically they have reduced their share count by 37%, now you are seeing all the big tech that the seven biggest tech stocks buying tens of billions of dollars up to hundreds of billions of dollars of their own shares, that will help apple, apple will get momentum on this but they still have issues, the
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iphone sales declined by 10% and they have the issue with china which is not resolved. stuart: you think the stock buyback of $110 billion is bigger to get apple it is 182 now. >> absolutely think it's better to get $200 a share just by that momentum alone they will move the stock up. >> i very much for being with us, i'm sorry it's so short we have a pack news day. donald trump met with potential vp pics at mar-a-lago over the weekend, what is he actually saying. >> we have a lot to get through. >> axios obtained audio from the private lunch that he held, do you want me to go through all of them. >> senator tim scott he says as a candidate he did a good job. her vice president senator jd vance he wasn't a supporter of mine at the very beginning as a non- politician he has become
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one of the great senators. let's talk about south dakota governor christie l he is been a supporter and i been a supporter of hers for a long time, congressman byron donalds, someone who has created something so special politically, i like diversity, diversity as she would say, look at this congressman wants a man that knows more about the military and what i want to know about the military i call him and look at this elise stefanik, she was in upstate new york when i met her, little did we realize she would be such a big factor and she has positive comments about the rest senator lee, marsha blackburn, doug burgum the governor north dakota and congressman hunt of texas. >> so much to say about every single one. >> this is a long list of vice president, when you asked these potential vice presidents, when
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do they expect trump to make his selection, how do they feel about being the front runner, they're pretty modest. >> they want to speculate on the vp front, isolate this weekend the amount of talent that we have of the republican party is extraordinary, he doesn't just have a bunch of choices for vp. >> there is a lot of names that are in the mix i would love to have my name is one of them in the mix right now but it's a true testament to the strength of the republican party. >> we have no conversations if i'm on it who would know that amount supporting the president right now we've heard from all of the moving from from donald trump. i have no idea. the inside track i think trump's going to drag this out as long as possible, the one piece of drama left, it is a replay of
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action, it's a rematch between two men that the whole country knows biden is by under vice president and this is an x factor and there is buzz around it and trump loves that, i think you be playing this exact game for the next few months all the way until july. stuart: you're absolutely right, why commit now when you can spin this thing out. >> you could have me saying i'm not sure for four more months how exciting. >> you cannot people competing, supporting you as your surrogate and know when you might be watching figure might be a surprise in the end. stuart: we didn't have sarah huckabee sanders, she's my pick i met perhaps that is a sur surprise. >> always good to have you on the show, next case is a kentucky derby and celebrated the 150th anniversary true children of the weekend, i only watch. >> is perfect it sure it's a
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most exciting two minutes in sports this one especially the closest two minutes in sports, mystic dan finished first, one buyer knows three horses neck and neck in the last stretch, sierra leone took second place, it was the only time in the history of the derby that a horse one by a nose, mystic dan 18 - 1 odds to come $3.1 million against the owner and the jockey get the piece the junkie gets 300,000. good race, check the futures the market opens in 19 minutes the dow up about 140, nasdaq about 60 points, here's what we have 21% of eighth graders in chicago are proficient in reading despite that chicago's teachers union wanted extra $50 billion for pay benefits and bonuses plus they were migrant facilities, lgbtq+ related school training and more, quite
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a series of demands. anti-israel protest on college campuses putting the democrats donald trump's is the primary reason is joe biden, carlos gimenez on that next. ♪ asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances can make a new tomorrow possible. better questions. better outcomes. so, you have diabetes, and your glucose is heading low. [ alert sound ] dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, can alert you before you go too low. now, that's more peace of mind with dexcom g7. ♪ ♪
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when i was a teenager i had some severe trauma in my life and i turned to food for comfort. i had a doctor tell me that if i didn't change my life, i wasn't gonna live much longer. once i saw golo was working, i felt this rush, i just had to keep going. a lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. my life is so much different now that i've lost all this weight. when i look in the mirror i don't even recognize myself. stuart: monday morning a little bit green dow up 130, nasdaq 5760 points. less than six months to the election the democrats are divided vigorously, big time divided on the anti-israel protest, chad pergram on capitol hill, here is the question, how are republicans trying to take advantage of this female it's
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the big hearing and investigation, one that focuses on how the district of columbia how to feel tonight with george washington university republicans are highlighting democratic fractures. >> this is radicalized far left democratic party that joe biden owns today it's about lawlessness, anarchy and attacking a most precious ally israel and hurley anti-somatic slurs against anti-jewish against physical harassment and physicals on assault against jewish students. >> among democrats as they try to sort out what's happening on campus democrats hope this die down as summer break approaches. republicans contend president biden should have done more to quash anti-semitism. >> he needs to show leadership. you cannot allow to have lawlessness in our country and intimidation. today jewish students tomorrow christians than the day after tomorrow will be all of us.
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liberals like jamaal bowman say college campuses are being militarized but top jewish democrats are turning to law enforcement there were threats against synagogues in new york. >> the fear and trauma when they have to be evacuated stays with the congregants and people they go the next day wonder is it going to happen again, am i safe, this is lucius aimed at synagogues above all by ha mosq, churches and temples and it has to stop. >> wrote israel senator john fetterman of pennsylvania says campus protester working against peace, columbia university is canceling the ceremony may 15 and there are concerns about security. stuart: donald trump blames president biden for the chaos on campuses. here's his quote the primary reason for all of the terrible
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protest is cricket joe biden he's unable to talk, unable to reason and unable to put two simple sentences together in other words his mind and body are shot. carlos gimenez republican from florida joins me now really that's pretty harsh language from mr. trump, do you think it's justified. >> as it is justified the president needs to lead and is been very ambivalent about the cause of all the violence and unrest at the colleges in the has to be very direct. he says we will stand for anti-semitism is against the law and you need to be strict with it. his wavering back and forth gives them more fuel and ammunition to keep doing what you're doing which is disrupting our institutions and spouting all the anti-semitism going around the country. a pretty frightening time i've never seen this happening and never thought it would happen in the united states. stuart: and 40 you dealt with these campus protests, then
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pretty much gone in florida. >> yes, because you say no and you say we won't stand for we will allow you to protest but we will not allow you to disrupt and we will not allow you to intimidate jewish students on our campuses and we put our foot down, you can protest all you want to over there but we set the parameters and that's it and they understand that that's what happens in florida so they don't even try us here in florida they go somewhere else, they go to new york, chicago, seattle in those places where the blue states where they allow this kind of stuff and allow it to get out of hand, they won't do that here in florida and for good reason because were law and order state. stuart: changing the subject china xi jinping arrived in europe he's looking to reinvigorate ties with leaders, you are a fierce opponent of china what do you make of his visit to europe?
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>> i think he's starting to see the europeans have caught on to him and is trying to see what he can to try to help his relations with them because they see the tactics of the chinese and the chinese communist party, how they are trying to corner the market and a lot of the products the europeans make in the tactics around the world including europe. i think you china make amends with them but if i were the europeans i would just keep them at bay. don't believe anything he says they have one thing in mind to be the dominant economic and military power in the world and to change the world order in the world order does not include europe. if i were european leader, listen to him but don't believe anything he's really telling you. stuart: before we close i would love your thoughts on trump's very warm welcome at the miami grand prix, my question for you to think that president biden
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will get that kind of response. >> i don't think so this is a red state but was really interesting about the f1 that the international event so that reception shows a president trump is not only welcome here in florida but is probably woke up around the world so i was very happy to see them very happy to have a bring part in the f1 to miami along with steve walsh and i was not surprised but it was pleasant to see and i'm happy the president got a warm reception in his home state. congressman carlos gimenez, thank you for joining us. thank you so much. i'm going to look at the price of gold it's been hitting a series of record highs that is not a record high but is up $24, who is buying gold.
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>> chinese citizens are so nervous about their own economy and the stock market in the real estate market that their buying gold some are buying beans for little speck of gold the size of a fingertip for $80 just to get a piece of the action and that's what we sing gold prices hit record highs topping $2400. under circumstances that would be bearish for gold, higher for longer high interest rates and strong u.s. dollar that is not good for gold but gold has gone way up with those things happening because of china. stuart: the market opens at about seven minutes time and were looking for a modest gain across the board will take you to wall street for the opening bell
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got. >> google, amazon, microsoft, for the simple reason of the cloud, the cloud, the cloud, amateurs talk strategy professionals logistics. from logistical standpoint how will corporate america invested artificial intelligence how will they harness their big data they'll do it on the cloud and pick effective cloud partners. you could not be making the tech investments without what are the big companies helping you putting altogether from a logistical standpoint on their cloud, i think were in an era where the big get bigger in these copies have balance sheets and spectacular earnings in the be the head of aggressive expectation and they raise guidance ahead of aggressive expectations. i was here a few weeks ago same big tech earnings will lead us out of this kind of selloff that we are seeing and i been proven correct for the time being.
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>> i have three on the. [screams] 's are, alphabet and amazon. tally where microsoft is going are you bullish? >> i think you more than 20% upside more than 500 alphabet gets to 200 and then amazon 300 over the next couple of years. stuart: that's kind of a long timeframe. >> i would love to tell you where it's going tomorrow but i think my predictions take a little bit longer to play out normally. stuart: one last one, meta. you like that in the past, what about that one? >> i think the street completely got it wrong when the stock sold off on earnings, that was in part due to the investment artificial intelligence in a.i. as we know is about data mining and data monetization, what is facebook at its core, the mind your data so they can sell it to advertisers.
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it would make sense for them to make an astronomical size investment in artificial intelligence to the tune of 40 billion. the market is a little gun shy after the disaster that is the metaverse but i think this is going to work out extraordinarily well for them. stuart: to sum it up you are bullish on big tech for the next couple of years, they're all going up basically. >> i don't also be in a straight line but i think it be much higher couple of years from now. stuart: mike lee, thank you for joining us. you will see you again soon. monday morning about 20 seconds to go before they press the button and open the market, looks like it's going to be exciting. we are looking for an upside move across the board, that despite the fact that the israelis have told the citizens of rafah to get out, that the pro-lewd to the ground attack on rafah. doctor b mideast action coming up but the market has open higher. we are up 180 points for the dow
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industrial from the get-go, 170, 180 and look at the dow 30, almost all in the green, plenty of buying across the board this morning, the s&p 500 also on the upside, what is the percentage gain, .40% the nasdaq, same story did gain is one third of 1%, most of the dow 30 are in the green, big tech a stumble for alphabet, apple and amazon, meta and microsoft on the upside right there. then we have warren buffett berkshire hathaway they reported strong first-quarter profits and they have another increase in the size of the cash holding that they've got. we don't know why but is warren buffett cutting his holdings of apple. >> the prior quarter by 1%, now by 13% is still brookshire's biggest holding worth $140 billion but two times in a
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row he slashes brookshire's holdings of apple. with that we see the cash on hand for berkshire hathaway searched almost $190 billion that is a record, this would be bad news why does he have so much cash on hand maybe he does not know what to do with it, is that a bad sign for the market here on out? in the quarter you can see the stock is up great numbers earned a record 11-point to billion dollars a lot of strength in business at geico. stuart: he would've cut his holdings if he thought it was going to go up more from here, that is why apple is down a little bit this morning. >> he made his money, he walked away from the looks of it. maybe he think they can make more money elsewhere with the money he takes out of apple. let's look at the quite this morning i was looking earlier 63000, it's on the upside, ticket the crypto stocks are up and running. >> break point started its rise after the soft jobs data its continuing over the weekend and into today.
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if you look at micro strategy in particular, that is a proxy for bitcoin it should be up 70% as we speak. stuart: howard schultz is the founder of starbucks. >> the ceo three times out enough. stuart: it is struggling, what is he saying. >> he has no attachment formally to the company anymore he is not even on the board he is not keeping a low profile as one might expect, he wrote the linkedin post and he said starbucks needs to improve operation of the customer experience, he talked about a maniacal focus on the customer experience. executives need to spend more time with the breeze does and reinvent mobile ordering i wanted to hear that your venti latte should not cost $8 it is gone too expensive and you often place your mobile ordering is not ready when you go to pick it up. stuart: and then take latte dente is the biggest one and you pay eight bucks for that.
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>> at times but is superexpensive. if you look at the past quarter their sales was down the traffic was down in the stock is down 17% this month, maybe because receipt of one point to percent increase this morning and maybe because howard schultz is still respected and current management at the company say maybe we really need to figure things out. stuart: i wonder if they'll bring him back. >> he is 70 i don't think so a young lad. what is nordstrom's problem and san francisco? >> no traffic, who's going to shop there this summer both of the stores will close 379 workers will be out of jobs, you asked me what is nordstrom's problem and i tell you the story says the changing dynamic of downtown san francisco but i can also tell you the mall, westfield that they are in is blaming crime and the safety of workers, employees and people who shop there. stuart: palantir i know the report "after the bell" this is all about a.i.
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>> absolutely data analytics software company that uses a.i. for commercial and government customers. the stock is up three and half% the stock is tripled in the past year received another rise into the earnings and with army and artificial intelligence in the commercial business skyrocketing in the last quarter was up 70% the ceo, incredibly and comprehensively good quarter. i guess investors can think they can follow up that quarter with another woman they report later today. stuart: hyperbole, earnings before the bell spirit airlines came up and looks like it not doing well. >> towns have it in our present, bad guidances quarter they don't see domestic demand and then 25 grounded planes not because of boeing but issues with the engines from another company and a lot of competition in the
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market which is florida. stuart: some headwinds as they might say, tyson foods is selling more beef. >> beef largest segment sales rose 7% unfortunately it's down 5.5% even though they saw profits for the first time in two years. >> the market is open in your five minutes with the business the dow jones adjuster is up 167 points, four-point to percent 388 is a level. dow winners topping the list, caterpillar, salesforce, american express change the s&p 500 open and on the upside the winners are paramount, micron, western digital, uber tech technology, i own a little bit of uber, ingersoll is on the list, nasdaq winners headed by micron technologies, tesla doctor 184 today, global founder and fortune on the list shall be some other indicators the ten year treasury data for 50 the
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price of gold up 24 to $5 at 2335 bitcoin 63005 the price of oil well below, 7852, nat gas below $2, 222, that is a valley, the average price unchanged at 365, diesel at down another set at 397, that is diesel, some of biden's biggest donors are funded the anti-israel demonstrations. watch this staged. >> money is coming from overseas and from soros. we need the federal government investigative capacity to look at this whole situation, where is the money coming from. >> george soros and jb pritzker's family on some of those involved we have details on the whole story trump's fundraising has surged since the new york criminal trial began it seems like biden's law fair tactic is not working that well.
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we will get into it take a look at this headline biden's economic malaise is starting to resemble jimmy carter's dismal economy steve moore wrote that he says america looks like the 1970s stephen moore is next. ♪ as an independent financial advisor, my promise to you is simple. as a fiduciary, i promise to put your interests first, always. i promise that our relationship will go well beyond just investment decisions. it's the intersection of your money and your life where we can make the biggest difference. [announcer] charles schwab is proud
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stuart: this is just coming at us donald trump has been find another $1000 for violating his gag order the judge says the fines do not seem to be working and he's going forward in this court will have to consider a jail sentence. he says it's a last thing he wants to consider as trump is the former president and possibly the next president. that just happened, back to the
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market, the dow is up 145, nasdaq strong 83 points higher, when it comes to the economy and inflation, donald trump has the edge over joe biden, grady trimble with a sound, how is biden's campaign tried to counter that. >> the white house is sending administration officials to key swing states pull enough the stops to try to show president biden can handle economic issues. you mentioned the polling not only shows that the economy is the top issue for voters but it also shows overwhelmingly voters trust president trump over president biden on the issue here's the latest from gallup out this morning 46% of americans say they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in trump to do the right thing for the economy gallup says confidence in president biden on the economic front is among the lowest it's measure for any president since 2001. today vice president kamala
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harris will be in the battleground state of michigan on the second stop of what the white house is billing the economic opportunity tour jennifer granholm, acting labor secretary julie su and their announcing millions of dollars in grants to help auto parts suppliers transition to electric vehicle parts as well as a program to match government-backed loans with private equity capital, these announcements come days after a speech by treasury secretary janet yellen and another swing state, arizona and rare political remarks, she warned democracy is under threat mentioning january 6, trump and putin and tied that to the economy. >> a strong democracy is critical to building and sustaining a strong economy and also the job of all of us to do everything possible to protect
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it. >> a separate abc news poll looked specifically at which candidate the poll trust to handle inflation, 44% responded trump compared to 30% for biden, once again a big gap for the administration to close it for the biden campaign to close with the election months away. stuart: not much time, thank you very much here's another headline and it reads biden's economic malaise is starting to resemble jimmy carter's dismal economy steve moore wrote that and he joins me now. >> i remember the 1970s and it was not pleasant are we going to have to go through the all over again? >> i remember the 70s as well and that's what inspired me to write this piece i don't know if you remember the famous speech that jimmy carter gave in the summer of 1979 the infamous speech where he said americans feel like there were soft today than they were five years ago
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and he said there is a crisis of confidence in the country and he also said that we were going to get out of this is investment green energy that was 40 years ago and that did not work out so well. here's the point to your viewers this is an investment show. if you look to what happened in the 70s with inflation especially in the last half of the 70s when carter was president we would see minor progress in inflation and you would see it come down then it would go up and come down and go up that is sort of what you see right now under joe biden he had progress last year with inflation but it shot up again and that's largely because of the massive borrowing and spending and i don't think the emir can people want every prize of what happened in the 70s but it sure is looking at it especially when you look at the gdp report and the jobs report that came out on friday what it is suggesting is a stagnant economy with inflation you know
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the term for that because we invented that in the 1970s it is called stagflation. stuart: do you remember how the carter presidency ended in 1980 he was defeated in a landslide by ronald reagan who promised to make america the shining city on the hill all over again and cut taxes, that was the end result of the 1970s. >> it sure was and if you look at the stock market this is an amazing statistic the stock market the dow jones industrial was roughly 1000 when they came into office now it's closing in 38 or 39000 been the greatest period of prosperity when we cut taxes reduce regulation and inflation under control, it's not complicated. >> maybe we can get back with the trump second presidency we shall see. >> if you want to ensure that trump is president in 2025, put
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him in jail these people are crazy if they put him in jail he's going to win a landslide election. stuart: always good thank you for joining us will see you again real soon treasury secretary janet yellen defending president biden's economy, now what is she saying. >> an indirect job at donald trump in the process, watch. >> i admit this does not seemed like a typical dream for treasury secretary. but democracy is not just important and it always itself. i believe democracy is critical to building and sustaining a strong economy, undercutting democracy undercuts the foundation of sustainable and inclusive growth. >> that is a warning shot to businesses. if trump is back in the white house and your tax rate goes down and regulations are lessened that cannot be good for democracy of the united states that would be bad for the economy, a lot of spin.
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stuart: thank you. coming up, like him or not donald trump is running a dynamic campaign president biden is not this is important politics how you come across makes a big difference to voters that a be by take the top of the hour leftist websites teaching protesters how to break laws, seize buildings and vandalize property. we have a report on that next. ♪
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1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. on college campuses. william joins b. what exactly is on the websites? >> everything you need to know to join one. brown and northwestern and a few other universities agreed to divest but others have not. as a protest drag on you have to wonder do the demonstrators want conflict and not resolution with some demand so unrealistic they ask is it meant to be answered without gain attention student sharing secrets online on how to break laws, seize buildings rate clocks and confront police
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created example we found the deer rest primary teachers protesters how to physically resist arrest and assault police another had a break in the buildings using crowbars and electric saws. another website offers strategy. we can wield the most power by occupying space where classes are held. encampment is escalation. organizer should not concern themselves with remaining peaceful. >> it is amateur, it is naïve, it is spiritually in some ways unbalanced because it's completely unaware of the limitations of politics. >> some of the demands, princeton the university must declare israel's response to hamas and genocidal campaign against palestinians. l.a. student say the entire cal
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state system must refuse money from zionist and imperialist private donors columbia demonstrators are demanding more from financial legal academic amnesty for all and divestment of any company associated with israel including amazon and google even if students can use them every day finally denver students refused to leave their tents even after the university offered to donate 15 grand to the red cross, why it might help people in tel aviv. >> you have to ask about the effectiveness of the tactic of tying your issue to so many other issues and demands. >> sunday usc nla needed lapd to clear protesters who reoccupied the campus to harass students, block walkways and a phase property according to officials are. stuart: check the markets a reasonably solid open on the monday morning we have the gallup 116, the nasdaq moving up a little bit close to 100-point gain caterpillar, goldman sachs, salesforce three dow stocks all
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up the ad 73 points to the dow, got that's still ahead jason chaffetz on some of biden's biggest donors funded anti-israel protest. kt mcfarland on how soon israel could invade rafah and what happens if they do more problems for kristi noem she won't say whether she met with kim jong-un or not she done politically, joe concha on that getting angry may increase your risk of a heart attack doctor siegel will explain how to keep a lid on it. we cover it all, the 10:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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