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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 12:30am-1:00am CEST

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to assume about the sounds of power and inspiring story about the volume music under the swastika starts may 25th on dw, the when people stop texting, resolving and proactively engaging with the communities hang straight. hello and welcome. i'm saw the body annual watching, eat going down. there is an enormous fall water in people's narrative, especially when they tell their own stories. and this is the best community, is having up pillows and deep understanding of their own issues. and therefore also the problem in today is episode we need some people and communities will tell us
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how it is that let's start with photographers in gen nice. the capital city of the southern states, aust, i'm a lot of the city has space. several environmental challenges that have only worked in was with climate change. but despite all the challenges of people who live you are, are proud of it and have taken it upon themselves. to tell the story of the city, the struggle that the encounter on the streets. and does he already or what brings it? and they have done all of this to the lenses on the cameras. logical, anything hazardous to humans as dumpy. i didn't not chain they. we need to tell you the story is because via the ones who are affected by the what amount of a sceptical is one of 8 photographers, somebody, i say, thought i'd go a while intuitive and you'd connect to the sort of yes, a party in not you and then they put together for doing solution called english, that a good english kaiser, which means our streets, us studies. so they've got those duties via the prepaid lead door dot from losing
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power, right. and people end up being powerless and voice less on this immediately was the beginning of the question. what will it look like when people deliver stories? indemnity language isn't fine minded, but for the find me for much the ink to showcase the life of much in most communities and not to me to personal experiences. subdivision to collect some incident that left a huge mark on him. although it was in an automatic set up and just suddenly as watch that he learned view it in my neighborhood by stop by and say, oh well that's why the yeah that if most of you to is by the people here i'm going to it's the most you those that day, but not the people he employed that we are be and by his and as a lot of that really hard about the people to. but he acted like we are different so you wouldn't bite this incident shifting and decides to do a for the series on the coding you dump you located just to can only did of the,
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from the borders of the acid body. they get a sites coordinate with one of the city still dump the quotes, the waste of more than 4 p as in an area equivalent to about a 190 football field and the bottom. well, i remember this, incidentally, lately bodies were dumping base and there was a water bottle across the actually the open the bottle and drank the water. and i asked her why she was thinking from it. she said it's 30 outside, but the water inside is good. this is what we think that would people say time. so i think, but the truth has been, it's been people like her was struggling to said right. is putting up the model and things like this work and according to your dump yard is important. if a far let comforting documented, they would never discover the people's, their stories, what their life like, how to believe, how many generations have been they have. they would merely show the visuals and deep. what's like the bill for those that been helpful examples by getting it for them doing flex. i've been going this extra mile is really important for this
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process. by documenting the families affected by the dump yard supplements photographs sit at the intersection of environmental and social injustice and unravel the discrimination not to mention space but generations. social act was spinning shot, who worked on the report on the air pollution 11th and not to ne points to told this part of the city, which was the highest population of marginalized communities. is also the one that's burdened with highly polluting industries that so tonight is pretty of lot of people who did the undeniable the explorer thing, not to nice resources and extracting the energy to the everything we need to get from the thing electricity from some of both loans and petroleum products, but throwing it into downloaded it along. even this is getting neighbors from not sending my through understanding bottle out of 18, but he lives on uh on the, on the east with those bad news on how this excited that this has a better than it was in fact on who is most affected by climate change,
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events like extreme feet and unpredictable things in the city. calling me modern mind magenta once you open one be and in fact, every one holds up all got the 5, it's slowly effects on the tools word. been subjective, distortion injustices, and have been received for generations to find any leg got out on them. and they could do it again. so yep. and on the, because this has that whole lease for the 1st time, but unique take on the complex a piece of late fee up on like that quarter or then it won't even how about the only thing like i think the one of texting is what does it as of the devastating effects of the 2023 each. and i've loved barney and this is kelly from modern nice communities do far more justice in capturing the immediate impacts of climate disasters than outside those military. what places in chain they like military and money back on, but likely colored by, like, not in naples droning at the same time. no one was documenting this. we live deciding that it goes up to meet the document this and i took that is that my
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umbrella and took the photo from the status of the building. he had the of the bill for the but and voting you with extra premiums for imagine less communities that students. i'm dishonest as a whole year generation of both and study tailors who pay attention to social environmental issues are introduced. what don't we deliver due to days of and this about the situation here because no one is going to take historical fact and many other, cuz what if the only for that reason doesn't need to document this lot? will these images change people's views immediately or no good on the but photographs can establish connections between various nuances that may otherwise go unnoticed. what is the way we say i want to continue documenting life and not see me and she had my walk with the lord. i believe i'll be able to do it will on that and i'm with the the to the exhibits in the young photographers. so that's the spotlight on the hardship, injustice, and being just faced by people in knox. and judging by the codes who came to see it
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. it's in fact could be to validate the valid beyond the boundaries of the community. what are on demand to the rights while these are basic human rights that out and shined in the constitution of india and among other things in for equality and freedom. but where does the climate crisis fits into these right? by the supreme court disease simply is ordered that climate change is intrinsically linked to the right to life and to we quality. so avondale, well it's in its 7 phase long general election is climate and election issue is development. when it goes out in dallas climate goals and bushes enough and is green growth, no way forward, a new style proudly shows off the solar panels on the roof of daily's. metro. metro is one of the green flagship projects of the cities, energy and transportation transition. the solar panels are not only installed on
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the roof, but also on the trains themselves. any micro asthma and non conventional n a d, a mock on the one of those america by the grid we want to generate a lot of energy is a round, a 3rd of the metro is electricity already comes from solar energy to share a set to grow to 50 percent within the next decade. but this is just one small building block in india is plan to become an international power house for green energy, with several mega projects. the country aims to triple, let's renewables by 2030 and do use renewable energy capacity as multiply it in the past years. it's sharon, the energy mix is almost equal to that of the us today. china clearly out performs both renewables or just one side of the coin. india is pushing in all directions also into the dirty ones. cold production is on the rise in india today, while industrialized nations like the u. s. and european union are closing down
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plants of the fossil fuel. coal share in india is energy mix is almost 80 percent, hulu still the cheapest source of electricity. and even get continues to go remains . because one of the things people don't bought is electricity shortages. no longer, but if it goes to start, at least you have like the good public goods, no chevy. they would not get your level electricity. 347. i, you know, things have improved dramatically. and deeper lot people have because it's the have the books using buffer to buy it if need you to do it so and so forth. and they want electricity to use the massive electrification and infrastructure projects have squared leaders, points among voters in the past 2 years. in india, however, climate is still not a priority in politics, say experts is duplicate students in india is very, very focused on, it cannot be developed. and that's what people want. that's what people who bought
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. uh, there's a massive bush for leaving for stature. there's a drop in because you wanna do the bose and under a boost in guys projected to become the 3rd largest market for most of these bins soon. so, you know, it's is amongst the fastest growing economies and the water i didn't do yours is the world's 3rd largest emitter of greenhouse gases. one factor, it's huge, population of $1400000000.00 people per capita. carbon emissions still don't meet those of many other countries. though, as strongly as the effect of the climate crisis is already being felt in india, there should be a clear interest in pursuing climate protection. but the bottom for voters with energy security and economic growth based on cole is taking a toll. scientists estimate more frequency waves like those currently happening in bangalore, are leading to more than a 1000 deaths annually all over the country. among other impacts. last june. fast food companies couldn't offer tomatoes on burgers,
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drought and flooding and destroyed farmers harvest. seeing how that impacting the truck use different activities, and they might, they may be good if you look at the example or schools to assist you in communities who are seen sea level guys. plus times they have kind of a federal view into that kind of slow but damage. in fact, the destruction of natural resources, the expanding water crisis and the change in weather patterns is hitting large parts of the society. in early april india, supreme court officially recognize that climate change affects the fundamental rights of the entire population and the current election. the countries 2 largest parties include environmental and climate issues and their manifesto, prime minister and a rendering bodies, b, j. p says it wants india to reach net 0 by 2070. they want to also increase tree cover, improve air quality, and 60 cities and clean up rivers. the opposition congress party says it plans to
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set up a fund to tackle the challenges of climate change. for many environmental lists, however, the plans are too vague and don't go far enough. and there's still no strong pen indian climate movement or a green party movement like that would have to be done since march declared value is of a geographic differentiation. cost band. yours income patios, different education levels, and that kind of coordinated time it's movement is do something that is involving and doesn't disturb you just right now, the way that it does need you to go to. cindy is goal is to become climate neutral by 2017. that's not ambitious enough to fit with global climate targets to limit warming to $1.00 degrees celsius according to the energy or climate action track or india is one of the climate swing states. we have to get in the right to get emissions and to be able to really combat climate change. i think that is just no
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question about that. contributing 7 percent of the world greenhouse gases. india is roland climate protection is becoming more and more important to adapt to the climate crisis and get on track to the 1.5 degree target. however, india would need green investments of a size not far from its entire annual budget, but accessing fresh money is tough due to high interest on the international financial market and increasing national debt to the credit rating agencies of the place. and then definitely the monthly that the development batch and bilateral institutions from western countries have a very keys or to play in reducing those risks for that got better to be able to go . i think those are the key at those that are involved in getting in creating the ecosystem from the capital. private concessional. i'm but i've got got money to be able to go to emerging. my develop me, i didn't do despite massive green growth,
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experts don't predict, india will raise its climate ambition soon. unless easier access to credit investment from abroad and support from ritual countries suite in this step. but when, when additions are startling, individuals are taking up jobs that are benefiting. meanwhile, in our next phase, we look at such green jobs and be stopped by meeting a woman in delhi, who is up skilling herself and is now a proud owner of a business that is benefiting her and also changing the lives of those around her and to local in life in daily, you know, cartoons opening up for the day. she's going to have her own material recovery facility or a monitor. just a few years ago. she was working on the streets as a race pickup in all kinds of ed. so now she's especially happy to have her own business. he's the see if either the benefit of running an em out of his dot. it protects me from the rain on hoss conditions, outdoor well goes on,
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even in hot weather and during, during the season. and that the but to start a motive, she had much to learn how to separate the waste, who would take it for recycling and under what conditions? housing negotiated with business partners. it's justin dot hood adults. then why mental and you fights for sustainability and social justice by helping people escape regardless employment. her new job has changed into an, a cartoons life. helena, that someone remember the day i see the difference before i had to ask my husband for money and had to be very cautious by spending every cent. now the way i look on save and spend has been transformed at the time now. and a good kind of to you some of the by so no cartoon makes around $10000.00 piece per month, roughly $110.00 euros. she's just one of close to 50 for most base because now
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owning their living this week. this means she and her colleagues about of the green economy, environmental protection, the sustainable use of resources and renewable energy use all these areas, brothers, new employment opportunities and exposure expect that india would need more workers to fill these jobs in the future. we have estimated that the complete the work forced engaged in the wind and disorder sector is that $1000000.00 additional job of capacity would be added off world war $3500000.00 is by 2000 to ask them a hand and, and we finished his engineering degree, he owned an extra qualification in the field of energy management. today he's working as a consultant at a big hospital in debbie who's power consumption is far too high. i bet you laplant . he arranges but medias modifications which would save the hospitals. lots of
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energy in the long run. in the area of building energy management, the need for skilled workers is already great. data analysis and artificial intelligence should help make structures green, but specific training is required. all the large booth walks fidelity is department afford as she own her qualifications during a state funded training program at and you the word wildlife fund. today, she is mapping, and adrian dell is freedom of low the gardens liter. this should pay through the domain, the best habitat for such a blond and animal species. but her new knowledge is useful in other areas to the i've use that i'm on the same thing with like, oh, in the band sponsor for the stay the all the words live. we all bird though of what the sources are or they are located on the of,
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at our door like slamming things like where they can of the more do this, what has been good, easy access to the fire or incident if it happens so many projects come due to development projects in the lease on. so i have to check that if it is coming in to the for the stadium or not for i'd be notch boot, the extra training is paid off g. uninsured was a training officer at the time. he tells us that such programs have more than 2 thirds of the bosses opinion, find a new job afterwards. mex most have gone into this search and put the money into the beauty of organizations. like the kind of blue to blue if has joined in various projects. then various research institutes have joined and forest departments. that is the major place with these guys, school and board watches, joint predicted areas as guides, new sources of energy,
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bring with them new challenges for the labor market. so workers who are prepared to keep learning new things don't need to worry about their jobs. there should be plenty for them to do in the future. so there are many creative ways to tackle the challenges that face and watch is more creative than not. it has the fall was to change on perspectives and expands. mine says you must have seen these tiny bunched flowers. they are called len tanaka model or on why they might look harmless. they have invaded over 44 percent of india forest forcing a major attack to biodiversity. so how does one be with such an oil for these effects? that is a drive in india that has done this into an asset and it's scam painful, sped awareness. the massive of the all these elephant is coaches, crafted from lung, done
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a delicate works of fox that represent the connection between nature and conservation and symbolize to a specific problems. the 1st problem is the lend, done up on an investor dispute is that spread throughout india's photos. this leads to a shortage of native blown, so bind or be was to graze on including elephant and that accessible problem. number 2, conflicts between humans and elephants are increasing. got to pull up a lot of waters, disability and done that's on the left. so the defensive, the started encroaching on our property and then it can be dangerous to go out, especially at night. and even in the evening is the interest to go to the forest and get vegetable roots and honey for cooking, the land and up line so. so pick, pick on the spot if there is an elephant with di, good in the vicinity. so we can get, what do we need in the forward est anymore? well, the, the,
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the la donna kamara is considered one amongst about 10 person visit the species of flowering plants, introduced as an ornament with blonde and 17th century link done to come on has taken over. more than 40 percent of india's farthest shrubs compete with native loans for the space and resources. the fruits out a tractor for various animals, especially for boats, which helps dispose of the lawn further. that i stick, i caught has a ph. d on elephant behavior and ins go found out of 2 organizations that are tackling the lung down. no problem that i'm done. i listened dropped because i'm part of an effort to help the real allison's a get some of their haven't done that in india's southern major deserves. so the huge problem, almost 30 to 40 percent of these box allows the unavailable for large members because there's nothing there that they can eat. and that's pushing animals out quite a bit. going into the fields and farmers were living around a box and fading, a lot of conflict. and the cost of the moving is huge. we need people ebay,
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who are using land and up on the livelihood, who in order to start taking it out of the forest and do something on skills like these women from better good room, but try and who live in the middle of the biosphere, is of in south india, the 5 and a half 1000 square kilometer does this home to the largest number of ition of the prince. and the word this, the women have learned to croft alarm the sculptors from ladonna symbols of human wildlife cool existence. the blood provides them with a livelihood and an email on the file more than you see in the view allison's in the forward as awesome. and when we saw these mornings, it made us view and have a hit. and that's what it says on that. as in the divorce, we are trained to make b besides elephants for it. and then we talk to me, does size allison's good 11 in the 45th? good. so i'm not on the,
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on island and i have been doing this work for 5 years. and the 1st for the 6th structure, if you have 2 more lead to remove the skin and clean it, the vendors will give us the free look. and we use that to make the elephant down because the and the on a video could see that the correct or not the light died good is of in the state of dummy not 40 percent of its 600. the square kilometers is covered with invasive lent on a plans the local members from the gravity communities. a theme from the non profit organization show a trust approved disrupts with heavy machinery that remove 2 to 5 tons of lung done every day. the polluted blown has been shredded using valuable bios. that by mouth can. that'd be shipped into a factory that owned and sold. it's about 3, the people, you know,
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i almost didn't even into anybody would buy any amount every defect to be, for example, in any of these bodies about 10 tons of fluid. what are the dates since 2020 the sort of trust has cleared about 150 tons of them don't. from about 100 has is of forest land across the states of thumb is not good. not, and kind of with positive effect for the animals of the modem, a light tigers of the phone number section on the floor plan. we have extracted and done up lines from applaud via the initially there, but no animals to be seen. now we can see a lot of somebody other than sports ideas more than 100 of them in be expected lot every day or the low on the number of block loan that they knew guacamole on the left on elephant, around $400.00 of them have been exported to various countries, the project employee is a $180.00 trouble artist. in 2021, the collection of lending the funds were shown in london. event was
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a huge success. in 2023, the non profit enterprise, the real elephant collective, received a by live production, the board biking johns the in the queue. and then the i have work now. the deposit died reduced into our bank account and we take out what we need and keep the rest in the bank for the expenses like our children schooling or hospital bills. i really liked this job. it's great a the been selling a lot beloved on our lessons and aspiring and creative examples of how to approach a human wide life conflict such and fighting reports today. have you come across any such unique stories or solutions? let us know you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media handles . i will see you next week until then take care goodbye. now most gosh, the,
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the books view will tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use that course and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 30 minutes on the w. the gas guzzlers polluters, climb is offenders. but the cool rise or say
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all pickup trucks, the older men trying to few young again. all they just popsicle, the world's most popular pick ups. and what makes them in 90 minutes dw, the get ready for an exciting. i've been trying to look surprised. i wish up and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window of quote on that. we've got a response on the on expected side, so slight via humming does not get drunk. so, why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies?
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how much do we need per day? do i stop comp, claim for help find beyond this is getting smaller on dw science out, take 10 of the it could be green, very green. all this b. b s. twine, twine to some lovely red. definitely pull just a yes. yes. that's what you present. pull purple apples. very special. that's in the georgia. choose your favorite color. the
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. this is dw news life from phone and the usa is as well may have reached the national loan. while using american weapons in gauze, i would have more than the result of these by the us state department for coming up . the un general assembly process of resolution calling for the recognition of the state of palestine as well as invested though reactive by shredding a copy of the un charter in protest. the .