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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 11:40pm-12:16am MSK

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a fuss will arise, you never know who collaborated with anyone, you don’t understand, a scandal will be provoked by inspections at the museum and it will turn out that valuable exhibits have been disappearing from the fund for a long time, everything will be covered, business, career, life, so what are you proposing, we need to get rid of girls as soon as possible and keep in mind that if they take me, i’m alone. i won’t sulk, thank you for everything, but no, really, thank you for your help, and in general , thank you for your letter, and don’t think badly about breg.
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i love you, i'm very afraid of losing you, i i understand that i’ve been obsessed with my work lately, we will definitely have children, i love you. art museum, well, this
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is a grave, contact, excuse me, it’s something of an invitation, but i have a good reason, you know, my granddaughter, our granddaughter, left something and i would like... you’re just like a mirage, i’m afraid to close my eyes , i’ll close it, you’ll disappear, but don’t close it.
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so very good, and even a little more crowded, and where is anya, let’s go too, that’s it, everyone is here, everyone is talking to each other, super. super and smile.
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many cities in belarus have streets named. in the name of the glorious patriot, vera the warrior, a terrible day for the soviet people , june 22, 1941, found vera in the city of pintsk. without hesitation, she and her husband joined the partisan detachment. the brave underground woman lost her husband in the first days of the war. he died heroically in battle with the nazis. in august. 942, at the head of a group of underground workers, she goes to work in vitebsk, which by that time was overrun by fascist troops. thanks to the data of the underground fighters of the weapons group, soviet aviation carried out precise strikes on warehouses ammunition and barracks of the nazis, causing
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them great damage in manpower and equipment. anticipating his imminent defeat. the german fascists are intensifying the fight against the people's avengers and seeking to decapitate the partisan movement. as a traitor, vera falls into the hands of the gestapo, where even under torture she did not betray her comrades, for which she was executed. there is evidence that hitler’s executioners hanged her publicly on vitebsk square. vera zakharovna kharuzhie was awarded the order of lenin and the gold star medal, the order of the red banner, and awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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they are the most accessible source of b vitamins, as well as c, d, e, pp and seventeen types of amino acids. in addition, they contain antioxidants, enzymes, chromium, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients, so they are inferior in nutritional properties. even meat. they are the basis of bread, which saved a person from exhaustion in the most difficult times. surely you already guessed that i’m talking about dragee, we’ll talk about them in the next half hour, of course, with relevant specialists, to find out how
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researchers have deduced the ideal recipe for yeast and what, and most importantly why , research is being carried out by our scientists today. this is a science project nearby in the studio of ekaterina beretskaya. hello, look at the program. they have been used for thousands of years without even realizing that they were essentially working with living microorganisms. let's study the history of the issue together. let's find out how the manufacturer grows yeast today and why any domestic bread can be called alive. and what biologically valuable product were you able to obtain? our scientists from a yeast cell in broadcast very soon. back in the sixth millennium bc, the egyptians began making natural leaven in the form of a paste. with their help they brewed kvass. this starter culture became
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the first prototype of modern nutritional yeast. and how man eventually came to produce modern yeast, i’ll tell you right now. our ancestors, following the example of the egyptians , used yeast for culinary purposes for thousands of years; for example, in russia they prepared sourdough with rye flour, wheat, barley and oats. however, the quality of the products was unstable, because knowledge about themselves technological processes were lacking. for a long time, people could not even imagine that yeast was living... it was only in 1680 that the dutch scientist anthony van leeuwenhoek was able to examine it under a microscope, which he himself invented, but he did not recognize signs of life in them, he did this already in in 1857
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, microbiologist from france louis pasteur proved that it was yeast that caused alcohol fermentation; the scientist was the first to understand that fermentation is not a simple chemical reaction, but a biological process for which yeast is responsible. just under 30 years later, danish chemist and microbiologist, emil christian hansen, identifies a pure culture of road, which... in 1883 was first used in brewing instead of unstable starter cultures. after these discoveries, it became clear that yeast is one of the most ancient microorganisms on the planet. they belong to the group of unicellular fungi, however, they have lost their fungal structure in the form of branched threads due to the transition of their habitat to liquid environments. today there are two main groups of yeast. ascamycetes, their reproduction occurs with... participation different sexes and based on domicetes, they reproduce more primitively, by simple
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cell fusion. from that moment on, technologists began to hone the recipe for yeast production, the basis of which has survived to this day. synthetic yeast produced in belarus is an incompatible concept, because carriers of vitamin b... living microorganisms are carefully grown for hours in special rooms of factories in a natural way. but what stages this process consists of and what it looks like, see our next material. yeast production is essentially a natural process, since yeast is a living organism. the main thing is to create the right conditions and not interfere. this is exactly what the sludsk yeast plant, a joint venture between belarus and germany, is doing.
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we have bakery and alcoholic friends. their main applications, of course, are in bread products and alcohol-containing products. and all the magic begins with a small test tube in which fungi come from germany to belarus. here, a sample of the crop grows under the influence of nutrients, in particular milasa. this is a waste sugar production. by the way, this is why the yeast factory was built in. in lutsk , there is always sugar at a neighboring enterprise. then we distill them from this barrel into a large container, nutrients are also added there, mainly molasses, in a larger container they are again at a certain temperature, under the air supply, they multiply and increase. this multi-stage growth of the fungus is called fermentation; when it is completed, another process begins - separation. in simple words, this is a department nutrient-sugar medium in which the yeast grew from the yeast itself, then the resulting liquid is sent to a
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storage container, where it is kept at a temperature of 28 to 32°. to ensure that there is no doubt about the highest quality of the product, the plant has its own laboratory for its control. i deal with microbiological control of the yeast production process, that is, this includes control of the air environment, control of auxiliary materials, control of the water that is used. in the yeast production process in order to produce a high-quality product, it is necessary to control a lot of different parameters, so in our practice we use, well, probably the most modern equipment, which allows us to obtain a high-quality product. among such parameters are bacteria from the group of e. coli, mold and lactic acid microorganisms, their harmful microflora can cause poisoning, and also provoke abnormal growth of the fungus or... suppress it all, to identify foreign organisms, microbiologists perform
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the so-called sowing, this is a procedure at in which different nutrient media are applied to special chemical dishes, for each microflora its own, then liquid yeast is poured into this dish and they are seen to see if the foreign microflora will germinate, if not, the product is clean, but if on the contrary, defective our main task here is to ensure that the finished product is finished. .. foreign microorganisms have entered, which could lead, for example, to poisoning or even worse. after the yeast has passed quality control according to microbiological parameters, it awaits the final stages of production. because food production, you need to be completely in specialized clothing, and moreover, undergo absolutely complete disinfection, otherwise you won’t be able to get into the workshop without this. in the filtration
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department , a small layer of starch is applied to the vacuum filter, liquid yeast is applied with the help of a vacuum pump, with the help of a vacuum pump, in one revolution of the filter , the yeast, let’s say, turns into a solid product, it falls into the extruder, where it is directly kneaded well and enters the mold. well, next the yeast is waiting for the packaging section. this is where the product gets its clothes passes again. verification only after this the yeast is sent to the warehouse, from where it will soon be taken not only to the bakery enterprise of our country, you are looking at the science project nearby, today we are studying one of the most ancient microorganisms on the planet, this is
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yeast, here’s something else we’ll tell you about: raw materials for production and research object for... why do our scientists use yeast, what is highly bioavailable yeast extract? and what use did belarusian microbiologists find for yeast? the anglo-saxons have a main line save. the only way to maintain global dominance is war in europe. indeed, preparations are underway, the majority of the poles really don’t want to fight, but it’s one thing for the population, another thing for the elite. in order for the gun to survive, it must first be loaded and hung on the wall. and in order to start a war, you must first accumulate weapons, accumulate armed forces on the border, and then some trigger can lead to the outbreak
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of hostilities. it’s not for nothing that our president says that we are preparing, including for military action. make our union stronger project objectively, do not miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world. i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in selenograd, that is, there is, so
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to speak, a little history there, first there was telinograd, then okmala. in minsk there are very good conditions for living with a family, especially with small children, i love belarus and i proudly declare that it was here that i acquired my great happiness. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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scientists often conduct a variety of studies using yeast, since these are living cells and multiply quickly, but for some specialists the yeast itself has become an object of research, for example, for technologists, on whose scientific activity the quality, taste and color of yeast depend products that we love so much, bread, buns, loaves and much more. today our guest is the head... ekaterina, vitali, let's start, so to speak, with the basics: the scientific and production center for food is, let's say, the first stopping all products, after which their journey continues and reaches yeast stores, including. please tell us, from a scientific point of view, yes, why yeast
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is interesting, how are they studied? yeast is, in fact, a unique living thing. we are engaged in optimizing technological processes in which yeast is used for more efficient use of raw materials and improving the quality of finished products, we
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are searching for new directions for the use of yeast, for obtaining new products based on them, and of course - we are engaged in constant monitoring and analysis of the quality of products produced, including from yeast, based on yeast, as we are talking about them today in order to ensure food safety, quality and consumer expectations. let's move on to new directions and specifically to your research activities. you have developed a technology for processing yeast cells, what is the essence of the technology and how did this idea come about? this technology is associated with deep enzymatic processing of the yeast cell, that is, enzymes are... biological catalysts that break down the yeast cell based on the components of the yeast cell, we obtain completely new products, such as
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yeast extract and mycotoxin adsorbent, we developed this line of research due to the fact that breweries have an excess of yeast in the technological cycle, which is usually disposed of. are already used as dry yeast cells there for the feed industry, mainly somewhere maybe for the food industry, we went further actually speaking, as a result of this research , a completely new direction was developed, two types of a completely new product, yes, yeast extract, let's first talk about it in more detail, yes , yeast extract is a product that... is found in yeast, we isolate, it is yeast, all those valuable components, which are vitamins, amino acids, free macro-microelements, and we obtain
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yeast extract based on them. the scope of application of yeast extract is quite wide, it is used from the food industry to microbiology, in the food industry it can be used as a natural flavor enhancer to replace the well-known monosodium glutamate, it is food grade. with index e , these properties are due to the high content of glutamic acid and arginine, it can also be used as a source of biologically valuable components due to the content of vitamins, amino acids, macro-microelements, also for enriching food products, in the feed industry it can be used to increase the palatability of feed, because - this also makes for more attractive food, of course, of course for animals. well, and as a source, again , of valuable substances necessary for the growth and development of the body. in cosmetology , it is also used in creams that women
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use every day, as a source of biologically valuable components, vitamins, essential and non-essential amino acids. in microbiology, as food, when cultivating the same yeast or bacteria, and since it is a very complete medium in its composition. it’s unclear, but it seems to me that all the best things, vitamins, amino acids, what is left for the organic mycoadsorbent and what it is needed for, where it can be used, the second product is the organic mycoadsorbent, it is also unique in its properties, its main property is the effective binding of toxins and harmful substances. the main purpose, of course, of an organic mycoabsorbent due to its use in the feed
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industry is to neutralize this negative effect of mycotoxins in feed , if present. the mechanism of action of the mycoadsorbent is simple; it is added to feed in a certain dosage, and when eating feed, if it contains mycotoxins, it binds mi in the animal’s stomach.
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given parameters, starting from the enzymatic hydrolysis of the road cell and the preparation of raw materials, i end with the drying of the finished products of mecoadsorbent, yeast extract, and of course, requiring certain technical equipment, that is , it requires its own equipment, but it is certainly economically beneficial, because, as a rule, new products are being sold. already more expensive than the original ones, than the raw materials, the same yeast, yes, of course, despite the fact that it will be more expensive than yeast, the economics are visible here, because the products are a completely new direction and intended purpose, but the cost will of course be more expensive due to the fact that the costs of the technological process are higher due to the fact that that
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quality control, both the process and so... my department first of all, because, as i already said, all products, most of the products that we deal with, they are obtained only using yeast, alcoholic and including non-alcoholic non-alcoholic products that kvass
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is developing today. direction of various - non-alcoholic, fermented drinks, which also require the use of yeast, without them it is impossible to obtain such products, in fact, in this direction - we are starting our new research, one of them together with the institute of microbiology for the development of technologies for obtaining fermented non-alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic beer based on domestic dragee races. because in these products we need certain properties of the yeast that are not are needed in strong alcoholic products, this is a minimum of alcohol and a maximum of flavor-forming aroma-forming substances, that is, for this we will need some, yes, for this , research will be carried out and certain races of yeast will be developed that will allow us to obtain vitality from such products, well
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then... we wish you and your team only success, we are waiting for new products produced using new strains of yeast, as you said, thank you for taking the time and coming to our studio, thank you ekaterina for inviting us, more interesting stories for you, thank you, the properties of yeast also interested microbiologists of our academy of sciences, it turned out that the nutritional properties of these microorganisms can be useful for animals, about the new project: my colleagues, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look at overseas countries and came to belarusian city, in which alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time, and we set off on an exciting journey, many centuries ago
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the lower ones were here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident on a wobbler, that is , i caught a plastic fish blende weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called fashionable. board, house, ship, they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program "cities of belarus". on the tv channel belarus 24. an ancient asian proverb says: “strong is he who is wise.” export - this phrase is directly related, because it is not
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by strength, but by mind. not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. this asian city was the first in the world to host both the summer and winter olympic games. vladislav beijing. according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering difficult questions. third level. paris, london, new york. name the last city , provided that we are talking about tennis. sydney. you were very close. let's do it again. which league winner gets the larry o'brien cup? nba. nba. this sports equipment is installed at... 2 m 43 cm for men and 2 m 24 cm for women, what kind of sport are we talking about, let it be volleyball, watch an intellectual sports show, heading
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on our tv channel. one of the things microbiologists love about yeast is its microscopic size. to understand how small they are, you can imagine that, say, one gram of yeast contains 10 billion cells, and in order to somehow get it into your head, you need to say that this is the number of cells, if you line it up in one chain, this will be more than 80 km, and in order to search our land along the equator, you will need less than... but the main thing is their metabolic activity, that is, their ability to synthesize a huge amount of biologically active substances; it turned out that they can solve a rather complex problem: the lack of protein in animal food. they are a kind of factory for
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protein production, here are specially bred strains of yeast, they can accumulate proteins in their cells from 50 to 70, even 75%. and if you consider. that these are fast growing microorganisms, that they can be grown on cheap nutrient media, that they are very a fast process, independent of weather conditions, well, you can understand what the potential is for solving such a problem. they began to study it at the institute of microbiology of the national academy of sciences of belarus, using waste from one of the richest protein products in soybeans as assistants. we have developed a method based on the strains we have selected, which allows us to increase the content. this waste contains 5-8% protein. this is a very big indicator. to achieve this, scientists treat soybean meal, or soybean waste, with yeast, then hydrate it for a small amount time and wait for the yeast to begin
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to develop and produce valuable nutrients. they secrete certain metabolites, these are enzymes, these are polysaccharides , for example, you can see what, what quantity of polysaccharides yeast can secrete, they synthesize the enzymes that participate. protein breakdown, they destroy the anti-nutrients contained in soybeans, they synthesize vitamins, and at the same time synthesize protein, the so-called yeast protein, as a result we get a product that is enriched with protein and more protein, and it is also enriched with metabolic products, which, for example, are polysaccharides, they are hepatoprotectors, they have an absorption effect, scientists from the institute of microbiology of our academy of sciences were the first in the country to propose the use of live yeast cultures for dietary supplements that enrich the diet of animals. we started this development probably 12 years ago. these were the first studies in belarus concerning the use of live yeast in feed additives. we
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also managed to select such a strain of yeast, and if all of them were mainly yeast of the genus saccharamicys, sugar is produced by srevisia, which is used in brewing, winemaking, and so on. and our researchers selected a local strain that synthesizes an enzyme with prebiotic properties, and thus we managed to obtain a feed additive that has not only probiotic, but also prebiotic effects, this was our first development in terms of creating feed additives, more or multifunctional action, we have always performed this work carried out in collaboration with our livestock breeder colleagues, who always assessed the quality of this product, how it affects... animals, the rating was received very high. research that began more than 10 years ago became the basis for the creation of modern, very complex in design and biologically active additives for animals. one of them already combines two strains of yeast. and when we connected.


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