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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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ship membership in the united nations is open to all other peace loving states, which accept the obligations contained in the present charge for a peace loving number to the admission of any such state to membership in the united nations will be effected by a decision of the general assembly up on the recommendation of the security while if he went to just joining us here on out his era, it is now $1500.00 g n t and you're listening to get loud or down he's. he's really ambassadors here, nice of nations and he's addressing the un general assembly as that chain of has devised best on resolution cooling on the security council to reconsider its position on giving palestine full membership. and we would like to mention is that is continued on. you are the exact opposite of peace loving you know this since they rejected the un partition plan in 1947,
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they rejected the they have only tried to destroy is read time and again, they are terror loving. not piece of being there anything but peace loving. the palestinian authority pays lifelong salaries to taylor terrorists. it's in their budget. they teach marty, or durham and jihad in their classrooms. they glorify depth and murder. they put a senior in doctrine that their children to murder is rarely even commit there with x. and then, when is the defends herself? the policy number presented, this comes here, stands here, shedding his crocodile tears as if he did not send all of them to commit suicide or tear with tx. not a single part of the senior leader, not even one, has condemned the silver 7th massacre. because of how much his brother is and this is what you want to bestow the rights of a states upon
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a terror entity. as long as you, as long as so many of you are jew hating. you don't really care that the palestinians are not peace loving. despite your obligation to the un charter, you are here today to expose what the charter truly means to you. when it comes to the lives of these riley's and jews, the un charter means nothing to you, not the cup of tea by ignoring the charter and granting the part a senior as the privileges of a member say, you are proving that morality is just the slogan for you, what politics an interest prevail to you? the un charter is just a meaning less talk to me and the vote to day will prove that you know what you're doing to day to day. you are guarding, getting the charter and you're doing it in the wake of the most brutal domestic
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care of my people since the holocaust on the ashes of the october 7th mess secure. why this day will go down in him for me. the un. no. getting eyes ation that was established in the aftermath of the system . i think murder of 6000000 jews pays no him to do its founding charter and he's advancing and not their genocide, the regime. that's correct. and the existence of the jewish people. and i want the entire world to remember this moment to remember this a more of the happens. so today i will hold up a mirror for you a mirror. this is your mirror so that you can see exactly what you are inflicting upon that you are in charter
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with this destructive votes. this is the you are writing that you are in charge or with your own hands. yes, yes. that's what you're doing. reading that you on charter shame on you. thank you mr. president. by farm to distinguish representative of is ro, well, you are kind of a watching event is on the falls at the united nations general assembly in new york, york, who just over 3 weeks ago the on security council project should've been 5. how this time to get in for you and membership with us be ser palestine county holds non but inside the state, just in the general assembly is now about divided well very shortly about to vote
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on a resolution calling on the security council. let's listen to the revision one for your information. the draft resolution has closed for the sponsorship i know, given the floor to the representative of the secretariat. thank you, mister president. i should like to announce that since this is the permission of the draft resolution, and in addition to the delegation to list it on the l document, the following countries, i've also become co sponsors of ace through us. then. stroke out 30 univision, one of gone is done oh, j area on gola, also good john, bahamas, belgium, botswana for sale. boone, i, dido, sell them. but if you know fossil, somebody, a jeweler, china who morris, the democratic people's republic of korea,
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the dominican republic, eddie today, a 100 us indonesia, iraq, ireland stock, a son killed just on low people's democratic republic mode issues. mozambique nigeria, norway federal synagogue, saturday on sort of the somalia spain 3 long ago, sooty nama the deepest on the island. dream that then to be a go to the kia, united, the republic of dunce, i me, yeah. so you have now and same by the way, if any other countries wish to co sponsor a, spans through out 30 or vision. one, please signify by pressing the microphone button on the run bar. beautiful new shift deck
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sickness, the precedent. i think i found the representative of the secretariat before giving the flow for explanations a lot before the votes. may i remind allegations of explanations of vote limited to 10 minutes and shouldn't be made by delegations from the seats. i know give the floor to, to distinguish delegates of the russian federation a cause funding for the to the to send me stuff. most of which associated nice go out so, but assume that you guys could come pick that way and you wouldn't bundled us downloaded some of your daughters because what about the products you would just need?
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would you schedule them? you're supposed to get the boots idealized when they go to the to the alteration board to move in 35000 people have died in gauze alone. many of them are women and children. i never 78000 civilians or been injured, who put to boost? they was monstrously tragic stuff to me. they have nothing comparable to it to me up in history, which it is okay for israel goes ahead with it's planned to us. so rather than with all the one in the house, many and people have congregated who fled from full coolness of gauze that we just had. some students interest rate will be on screen just enjoyed, practically will the future, the civilian, if a structure including schools unhealthy and have been destroyed with people that's bringing a correspond, is that okay, but i wonder, he is watching events for us at the united nations gave can you give us some context here for our, our audience that might just be joining us here, and i'll just hear what's going on right now. talk us through the significance of
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this resolution and the bite that we're about to see. or yeah, that's right. what you're watching, that right at this moment is an emergency session of the un general assembly. that's a all 193 countries that are member states of the un. what this is, is they are in the debate stage about an era group, a resolution that would call for expanded rates and privileges for the state of palestine. it would not call for and does not call for full un membership like the majority of the member states want. uh, so this is basically expanded membership, enhanced privileges, and it also if it passes and we expect that it will pass over whelming we, when they go to vote, probably after the rushing representative is done. speaking here in the next few minutes, it will pass overwhelmingly and what it also calls for is for the security council
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to revisit this issue again. now, why is that important? that's important because for a country to become a full member of the united nations, it 1st has to pass the security council. and in april last month, the security council review this and it did pass a 12 the security council members voted for it to abstain. and one, importantly the united states vetoed it. so it basically blocked it. so a lot of countries are frustrated with that us veto and no, so now the countries of taking it to the general assembly, they're debating it and they're going to have a boat. and if it gets 2 thirds majority, it will pass here in the general assembly. and it would immediately give palestine more rights in the united nations, but not a full membership and not voting rights in the general assembly. so that's essentially what you're seeing here. if it then goes back to the security council,
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the united states has already said they would be taught. again, we have more than a 100 countries that are on the list to speak. but what's happening now is after russia speaks, the president of the general assembly said we're going to take a vote after the vote is done, then we'll let more countries 10 more minutes for each country that wants to speak in explaining their vote. so it's gonna be a long day here at the, at the united nations headquarters. but importantly, this vote will give you a real, a real, a, a real flavor if you will, or really take the taking of the temperature if you will, on how many countries really feel that palestine should have full membership in his body. gabrielle, as on the, they keep an eye on things for us at the united nations when he with us and now gave him come back to off to receive the support we are currently hearing from the russian ambassador out to you in general assembly. let's continue listening and, and then we'll be taking that vote here live on always interested history can just just to was the long suffering kind of seeing people who have full to do, but over the last 7 months, left and present a number,
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but civilian the consequences of a, one of the cases we buy, it was at fault by the united states and what we felt for many years and to put it out there. no, but coming them, palestinians for me to be maximally enrolled in the work of you and specialized bought a you would just be for today's draft. 6, we do provide as much assistance to this as possible, right within the goal that makes it just like bail draft and toronto and we believe will be draft resolution was not, you'll shut up. it's not to mention the occupying powers on the united states have dentist and all that this decision because they've been kind of run off and you point us, but it doesn't, don't 12 months does that work. i showed him a test text of environmental precedence looks like we intend to vote in support. to put me in the publish document in memory of those type of student in the living, the institute because of the data for the 2 international community on the rent and stuff in the bloodshed did not live long enough to feed policy times of admission or as a fully fledged member of our organization,
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we quote on the east pretty well enough to indifference to the bad faith and to fax and it's not today right and stay the same. every is the original trans. at this time its adoption elizabeth solution does not replace the main task here which never lets which must be the above address very soon to palestine must be coming from the feminist. but for the un books and the recommendation to the security council in the drums to once again, consider the application. i'm probably going to put you in membership or something . we the one on a big list, important elements. it is a model to, to every one they own. a fully fledged membership will allow the site is found alongside other members of the organization fully enjoy the right that governance writes that ways this state just implies the way we should before. basically, the past will set forth in the un shots has still needs let me spell out when we hope that this time for us who today has had every opportunity to see for the move . those that are in the middle of the vast support of the table. mountains or below grab a security council, a positive decision to this question will soon but un, within the same global agency, i will be able to consider upon to publish
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a recommendation of a council address pollution on the admission of palestine and to the you and family . the policy and then people have long merited. thanks. thank you for your attention. i found the russian federation ford statement and i know invite the delegation of parking stone to take the floor to thank you, mr. president. well, it appears as we all going to hear from a number of other countries here at the one general assembly ahead of that and hopefully bringing you live here on out dra 0 and all the other events at the general assembly. but for now, let's show you what's happening on the ground in gaza. all that and we're ready, desperate humanitarian situation is getting even was, is really forces expanding attacks on the southern region of a rafa. more than
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a $100000.00 palestinians of warranty, fled that southern region. since monday, the united nations says these riley armies take cuz of the roof of border crossing has to the crucial entry point, freaking non adherent. and has warranted that found into is spreading axles on which has been it is really forces having testified their attacks and rough or pushing deeper into the city's eastern areas, buildings around a q, a hospital or under fire or civilians have been sheltering for months. well, let us show you in the flood. i see that rafa cannot bear to be invaded by israel. we are many casualties. most of the injured and martyrs that are arriving at this hospital are women and children, and mostly displaced persons on a mazda is armed with the cosigned brigade, say they have hate 2 tanks in a vehicle of carrying israeli troops. this fee or is a full scale ground invasion grows and the city comes under intensified attacks
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from dear to you and estimates more than $100000.00 people are fleeing to try and find any form of safety. for many there's no escape the this motor pizza through welters. soon as he dies in her arms, despite global calls for restraint, these really army has launched a multiple strikes on the roof of this week. on monday, this way of the army truck leaflets or drink palestinians to evacuate. families who wants to hold her off the home are now heading to alamo bossy and darrow bella. but they are struggling to find food, water, and other supplies, and to no, no part of gaza is safe access, i mean which, which is 0. well, how does,
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how hurt is with me now? i end up bring us up to date with what's going on on the ground, as well as really forces are escalating their attacks on garza southern and most city deaf off. more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians have salt shelter and safety there for months. that's after the flood northern areas at the beginning of the war. on monday, these really military dropped yet more leaflets into the eastern parts of it, off off ordering, more people to evacuate. palestinians have since started moving north to escape the worst of the fighting. but many say there was still no safe place in gaza. and there's no one. no, no, no, no, no, go ahead. we don't know where to go. tell us where to go. is all my wife seeing con eunice, a safe place? are there tense? is there water? is there electricity? is there food and drink? is it a safe place, cause a now has no safe placing it, and this is really military has taken control of both the flaw and get them upset
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and border crossings preventing vital humanitarian aid from entering the gaza strip . no, a trucks have been able to get through since sunday is really forces are stationed here and engaged in fighting that is said to be intense. picture is released by these really are racial. what's forces operating an eastern drop off? an overnight israel intensified it strikes, but it's still unclear when any full scale round invasion on dropbox will begin as well. we can now speak to our correspondence. our a couple of things is on the ground for us. in darrow, the in the central part of the gaza strip and tart people were told to evacuate ruffin and hedge. to where you are in durham vall, that most of which i understand has been pretty much leveled by his really bones. tell us windows saying that now
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will panic, traumatized, and completely frustrated and exhausted. all palestinians who have been tools again by these very minute 3 typically run up to the top to the be had been told that is a search and safe place to them. and we have a big play you see and come back to the antonia population of rough districts started to graduates, leads from roughly due to the expansion of the fight thing that is specifically that these really minutes we were issuing orders for the palestinians to flee from that area now dramatically is that we see that move people up lead from roof our district. they have been taking a rescue coastal road in order to get to devin bye. some of them have been displaced to the 5th or the 6th time since the will began, as they are right now was the get to dairies by these talk to, to reach out to even to find food places to shoot. i'd been even receiving calls from a colleagues for a relatives from eye witnesses on the ground that we did not find any kind of show
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till now. this is absolutely devastated as nights is about to full palestinians are sleeping in the open without having any proper place in order to sleep. and we have been hearing from eye witnesses in a rough ha saying that street so rough up completely empty a residence and like to the ongoing bombardments that is completely exhausted. painting the security conditions that they're at. bella has, will, has been on the wide military attacks in the course of the past couple of weeks. but literally, this situation hayes unbearable as there's been newer ms crush on the humanitarian pacific. it provides civil services for more than the hundreds of thousands of palestinians in that very small space of land here. what appeared to be as randy turns about here, yes. again, we were hearing from him that just a minute ago that it does seem that is what it has intensified it's bombing campaign in the south. and rafa, what are you hearing from there about is really minutes reaction both from the air and on the ground. well,
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these really military alteration is this too long, going to be used for a portion of the seats. and then we'd been hearing from these very media reports that the is ready. mediterranean is about to expand the military operations for the areas. and we have been seeing new video with the matching from the minute treat wrinkled from us regarding the back to that's our imaging and even a waging from the palestinian side in the eastern portion of roughly district series back to complete destruction of residential neighborhoods as the ministry is bounding calling towers, agriculture, land services, been showing houses, and it's worth mentioning that the vast majority, both residential pickups in the eastern portion of brooklyn has been target. it means that the ministry is working on cleaning the entire area in order to give me a probation availability for the maneuver and the troops on the ground as we each valley up. the services have been operating on the using blue
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t tools that were presented in completely banning the entire atlanta centuries. and we're trying to power it. but we do want to take us back to the un general assembly wherever it is currently taking place on the resolution. we were discussing that just needing to take a decision on draft resolution, a stroke e s 10 stroke l. 13 stroke rav one. i wish to address the question concerning the majority required for the adoption of the draft resolution . in the light of optic, the 18 paragraphs 2 and the 3 of the chapter of the united nations. is there any objection to taking auction on draft resolution a stroke e at 10 stroke? eligibilities true? read one by a 2 thirds majority of the members present and voting. i
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see no objection. the 2 thirds majority of members present on voting is available for required for the adoption of dropped resolution, a e s 10 l. so t stroke rav won. the general assembly will now take a decision. on draft resolution a stroke, e s 10 stroke el 30 stroke, read one, entitled admission of new members to the united nations. a recorded vote has been requested. we shall know, begin the voting process. those in favor of draft resolution, a stroke, e s 10 stroke l 30 stroke revision. one, please signify those against abstentions. the general
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assembly is no folding on draft resolution, a stroke espend stroke out thirty's through position one entitled admission of new members to the united nations. we'll all delegations confirm that the folks are accurately reflected on the screen. defaulting has been completed. please lock the machine. the well,
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you've been watching events that unfolds at united nations general assembly in new york. and the general assembly has literally in the last few seconds, just while you're set on a resolution to give palestine will rights and privileges at the united nations. also calling on the security council as reconsider its position on giving how this time phone membership of the united nations. now this resolution requires a truth as majority to pos and you're just so that the guy will go down. it has paused the voting was as far as a $153.00 countries full, that resolution 9 against just $9.25 giving and standing. well, let's go to our correspondence. gabriel is on that. he's been following orders. this for us out, the united nations gave i understand that this resolution was somewhat molten down from the original language, but it does give palestine more rights. so even though it's not a member, a full name, but what does all of this now mean in practice from what we see a well, 1st of all,
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i think we should just quickly go over those numbers one more time and just take that in a 143 countries voting in favor of palestine to getting more rights with united nations. that is significant. i mean, what we weren't hearing before the vote was anywhere perhaps between, you know, 12130 at the top. and 140 is the fact that got 143 meets and or exceeds all expectations, only 9 against do, of course got 25 of stains. so it's over whelming we passed. i mean, that's number one. and i think that can be reinforced one more time. now in terms of what exactly this means, let's get to it really because it is important is not just a symbolic vote. there is some mean if you will, to this. it now will allow palestine a further rates with in the united nations, uh the right to be seated in the united nations that are alphabetical order in the general assembly. the right to make statements on behalf of
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a group including representatives of major groups and the right to submit proposals and amendments and introduce those as well. and the right to make explanations of votes. and importantly, right now, before this vote, palestine could only take part in meetings at the united nations that dealt with palestine or the bright or middle east. that's why you saw palestine in this meeting right now. meetings that have to do with anything else. they could not take part in that no changes palestine to will be able to take part in meetings that do not necessarily have to do with them, but at least or palestine in of itself. those 10 will be able to take part in other un meetings as well. so that's kind of an overview of some of the enhanced rates that palestine will have in the un. but this is also very important. they are not a full member of the united nations. it says the state of palestine in its capacity as an observer state does not have the right to vote in general assembly or put
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forth fits canada, did shirts to the united nations in the united nations, oregon. so they will remain an observer status, somewhat disenfranchised as they have been for more than 50 years now. but now at least have some more rights. and you could see after this boat was calculated, the majority of the general assembly chamber erupted in applause. deborah, that is under who has been following or that very close a for us. i do, and i the nation is. thank you game. well, i want to not bringing out is there a senior political? i'm the spelling the shower. he joins me now. here in our studio and uh, more than just starting with those numbers that, that the game is running through again, a 143 countries version for this resolution. i got, i don't surprised what or the 139 countries recognized by the stein as a state. so for additional votes, probably a couple of european countries and couple of others who dad, the united states,
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was rather disappointed by $25.00 extensions. just because i can see the point of abstaining, foot of what's of this nature, they know that they're going to be 2 thirds majority. and i think if anything, a good number of the votes were against the united states as much as they are for palestine. and a good number of those watch stations, but also i've standing under pressure from the united states. but clearly the kind of hyper bought, hyperbolic clownish speech by there is ready to invest. that does not have very much electronics shredded to you and so on. so with the puckett shred, i mean, he talked to pull kind of a hobo chavez, about getting a job mom, or could that be a stunt at the united nations? except if he's very insignificant, instead of a boarding on hold a secular repetitive. so it didn't work for him. he thought, is these clownish diplomatic kind of moves? it never works. he continues to repeat them. i don't know why, because it's just not exactly healthy for any country like,
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is there any that's or any isolated international audio, not to be insulting everyone and, and to be so short on logic unsold loans on lies because these people are not stupid. i mean, the impacts of that i did. i mention understand that you want to try that probably better than these really do, but kind of way be that as it may, this is for what i but it's worth a diplomatically. he started today. mm hm. the magically on the lines of them, i think later started today because it's right because part of side has kind of a, you know, there's another treatment at the united nations. of course, i'm sure in your mind and everyone's else's mind is how is that where you get in on what's happening and goes on palestine, whether it's probably not going to wait in a toys and what's happening guys. in fact, there is almost a negative correlation. the worse it's getting in palestine, the fact that it's getting, i think not to mention it say it's, it's
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a huge diplomatic achievement for palestine. ontario single lined how much difference this actually makes in practice. because we know that the security council was what just over 3 weeks ago, that the u. s. b code that resolution of the security council to make policy on a phone. and they've made it clear that they've time to be ta again if they're faced with the same decision, the deepening divisions that we've been seeing between 5 in the nation. yahoo don't seem to have changed washington's position when it comes to international diplomacy . no, absolutely not. i think by then has a problem with nothing. you know, he doesn't have a problem with his drugs. he has a problem with the way nothing you know is government goes right. them governing the war. he's the way he's conducting the war. the way he's embarrassing the united states, the way he's exposing genocide, the more crime shows us the world to say that's what biden's problem is. it's not with his right. and he will continue to be consistent when it comes to defending as it where for texting. she thing is read. i think we're not the admissions on other
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international forms. but i think the over whelming majority more than 2 thirds majority, i think united nations is definitely an embarrassment to american foreign policy. and it's, for everyone understands now to be a hypocritical double standard on the part of the united states by not even recognizing by the steins, right? to have some more privileges if you were at the united nations lashara saying it's the thank you for joining me again. this new zone, the cost of the head for you here on on says era. however, months of protest serving georges. so for the foreign influence, phil is impacting the countries next generation to play is reunited as manages healing 20 is off to facing each other in the champions league. final that's coming up shortly is forth with some of the
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the, the hello. i'm afraid we do have more writing the full cost of southern parts of facility and see this every red cloud here that is a warm front and it will slip its way further south, which as we go through the next couple of days running back in across those floods it pops up as sales as the problems to come here. you can see signs of that as we go through friday. you go into assess day and it continues to just slip a little further south with some of the problems coming in here. and also that it is very warm re i 31 celsius south of that good deal. cool. 16. 17 degrees. a full rest. santiago. i will say for one us heiress across the kyra pam. and go to a rash or shell is still in place just around his spine. you know, that you make a stand a few south of them, posit cuba as well. let me so i was just extending their way into the leave with dollars for the brain. would system to be fine and dry for the time big. have you
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said that will say some shy? was there in to southern parts of central america? so the correct to our costa rica sing some lobby shots right down into panama. shots have one or 2 showers to just slipping into what know them areas of mexico, so potty to cool off a little here. cooling off across at least disabled of the us. whether in place here, take showers down towards the se. grassley slipping further east after a controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, se, asia's largest economy. a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups. political power comes through the people. we're not going to be determined by for in a narrative. the presidents alexis, indonesia, provo, sabean,
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so talks to l. just 0 of the . ringback the, the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories here. the sound,
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the united nations general assembly has passed a resolution to expand the palestine rights at the us. a 143 nations versions in favor. 9 against 25 of stains, palestine county holds. no, none of the inside of the state, just at the one. is there any forces, meanwhile, or expanding attacks on garza southern region? a rough on more than a $100000.00 palestinians of from that area. and the last 5 things you and says, these really on you take a valve, the ross on board across the is chris trying to monetary and operations. unicef says food supplies of foss, running out on the death of children, must be present. the 2 people have been killed during the russians selling and ukraine's ne and khaki region. the local governor says the town of of chance that's less than 5 kilometers from the russian board,
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was targeted. new kinds armed forces of rush reinforcements to call k visit fights to hold off a russian attempt to break through the front lines that at least 3000 people have been evacuated. when you came in president brought to me as landscape says they will face the russian challenge. and the russian federation has launched a new ways of counter offensive se in the khaki, the area you can let them know with that troops for guides and all tailoring. it's important that they pull forces in this direction. military commanders knew about it and calculated the forces in order to meet the enemy with retaliatory fire. now there's a brutal battle there. i believe we stopped them without tillery science for the moment. on hold on has one on for us from tease this is coming not was a complete surprise because for some time the been a gathering of russian forces in not no faith regional the russian side of the buddha and talks about a possible offense. if the president vladimir putin of russia,
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it was so i said early in the one, it's wiping up a buffers so that you crank, couldn't show or get into the russian territory from the body. the, it's really important, especially the city of hall cave. it's ukraine. second city rustic came close to taking it in 2022 and then was seats and back. so they'd obviously want the full service is important as perhaps the 2nd from we don't know if it's going to develop as not as yet. or if this is just a probing attack, which ever way at the moment to ukraine's non power and ukraine west from rate is vastly over stretch that come on. this are assessing that it's at least 7 russians . so just one ukranian. so the parts of the front line and it's about the same ratio for went from rates at the us, i don't. so europe and all the way to promise them in place to get to move weapons, the us has approved a 61000000000 dollar minutes. right. bill, but it hasn't, most of that hasn't arrived yet. so it's given this window for rush, it's
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a really press 5 minutes advantage. it's been expected to do that and loads and offensive. and that is what we could be seeing at the moment. young people in georgia, i'm actually on some big pulse of protests against a so called foreign influence bill demonstrates as have been gathering at the parliament building and simply say for the last month now they're demanding that the bill be withdrawn under the respect one protest about the choice, the country faces. my name is george. uh, to buy the i'm from but to me a job. i'm george and i was interesting into politics from early age. right now. i study low in georgia and international institute of public affairs. of course i love my country if you are going to fight for freedom or you are going to become like colonial of the country. of to me ladies. georgie always had 2 choices, either european countries or in the north,
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russia and post some of it a countries. we don't only want us, but you were up and you were communion. we consider ourselves, you were. i was actually at the 1st lights, i was one if they were going to think there's be a for these per this i was giving you to the tune at least 50 seconds. i hear my name is sunday and often one second, i am interested ios. my glasses and they were beating me, they were shouting at me and that continued like for one or 2 minutes when the moment is calling you and giving you 2 choices. every time georgia has accepted only into one correct choice, and that is for fighting for freedom. that's what is great in georgia and people
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a 113 people on our data, nearly a 150 on missing and the floods that has hit for sales. we are going to sole rescue operations are underway in the country. a southern low state following storms bounced week over 300000 people have been forced from their homes and officials say more rain is on the way of a neighboring uruguay heavy rains that have cost flooding in an area close to southern brazil. more than a 1000 people that have been forced from their homes, found the storms and tornadoes of also swept through central and southern parts of the united states. these 2 people were killed in tennessee, spain's catalonia region as holding elections on a sunday. they came out of the regional parliament, rejected the minority governments budget and much has happened since the last election that 3 years ago. and the attempt associated from spain. funding gaga takes a look at what focus will be focusing on ahead of this pulling day. that has cut
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salons prepared to vote on sunday. they will be facing a choice. continuing with the pro separate as government opt for change under pro spanish unity leadership. city, 70 years ago, this region was plunged into chaos as a referendum that was declared illegal, was held in a bit to separate spain. it triggered off one of the most serious constitutional crises in spain. since the return to democracy, with the full or against independence feelings ran high. there's pushing the succession, engaged in a power struggle against spanish. he knew this well, leaders of the independence movement were arrested, tried and imprisoned for that pos in the referendum. the regional president academy squeeze them on, went into self imposed exile, where he remains risking the rest. if he was who were to the regional president cobbler squeeze the want, went into self imposed exile where he remains risking arrest. if you were to return
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to spain majestic, la spain's prime minister pedro sanchez issued a pardon and released the other convict to separate his politicians in 2021. he held a bond on the holding public office, a controversial amnesty deal. he's struck with a separatist has gone some way to call me the tension between madrid and boss slow to get throughout the time while the desire for independence has diminished and other issues all taking precedence. yours instead of industry to me, i want to see a change. the issue of independence has been, i've done some of the issues have been neglected to say no, there are more important things to focus on, like employment and social welfare. they could have done that. but they haven't because of these elections. so those who say that the dream of an independent catalonia is a false long prospect. there are those who believe it is the only credible future for the region usually can see. but as he does, it was the money because it was done,
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but with regard to which the money and everything he did, it is important that you have, especially since some time has passed. so we can achieve independence in a called more fashion. regardless of where they sit on the debate, most people his say that should be legitimate referendum on the matter to resolve this question, once unfurl with a pro spanish unity socialist policy leading in the polls, the appetite for an independent catalonia may not be enough for those wary of the instability, so when you go out to 0, also now induced top cause has gone to val to jail, and opposite strongly to aven kendra, while you were quoted, was arrested in launch on a corruption case seen by many as a political move. 5 prime minister under, under moody is government. the supreme court ruled on friday though that the daily chief minister be temporarily released and able to campaign and the ongoing general elections kendra while there will be required to surrender to authorities again after the election finishes in june. well,
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it's now time for sport and his father. thank you very much. the size. yeah, well we're just 7 to 7 days until the powers olympics. many of the walls, the leading axis are here and contact to continue their preparations. they hear for the latest around of the diamond league, the high is the said, sop on the global series of lead to track and field events with the action taking place on friday. all of the competitors are building out to this. he has games that which will start in the last week of july. well, i'll report to and do attendance and is at the cutoff sports club for us and a who should we be looking out for today? of the yeah, st, as you mentioned that or i'd say simulink the so will the athletes here are very aware of that since it gates and added incense facing every event on the global addressing side island. and if you build up space or escape is so hard time and, and impulse and mocker is the who's going to be facing for plant re mattresses tend
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to live so easily. uh, the creek loading jim. well now let me check the email. sometimes hopefully these that just started his events tonight and he said he considers the big games to be like a separate schools such as the added level of pressure and focus and intensity. that is based on trucks and sales at that time. and there's a big tenure next, not true population. i'm hearing that such a lot of the friends here. busy in the middle, this is right, me come up a little later on tonight is maybe already a soldier makes a well champion human trying to win half those living cycle in paris. also in the 1500 minutes a mens timothy cherry table 9 goals. but can you run the wheelchair even though or in 2019 struggle to form and it will been in the last year or 2. so he'll be hoping a has some sort of pay to get ahead of paris and then the other big crowd pleasing here is the chaplain's not for me. in the near as shown front is completely changed the way
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a truck in mail saying and has gotten very 5. he said to me that he's not on the same hard sense of the same with cricket stalls in india. but he is well on his way . i spoke to around the prospect to the lympics one day being, wasting my end in his house. he sent me to change, raise the profile of truck and failed in his country. it's good for athletics in india and you know, it's not only good for me or other getting told from it. yeah. but what are you like because in india and we have lots of people and they have full audit on the old zone into us. other building towards mentioned me, oh, you have really like you mean the audience? so many people as they know about jillions, they support zone. and yes, ideally wanna compete in india with these guys and olympics could come to in there one day, 2036 is being sold. it's about how how with that face of the countries is india ready? to host analytics maybe yes, because the new some of the he already said in one way. i
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was also there, but the yes. ideally one that i'm thinking in india, 2010 only games was good. so my dude said be to be really good. i really, really liked the so yeah, the india already know about ok. you can control this game. maybe on a disposable and the other thing. so as a good news for a and then pick ashley still be competing for more than just go tell us more about that. the gold medals. understanding the big gold medal is kind of the pinnacle in any drug populates. korea, these gold medals will be special, like on a little bit in the old style on time every single night, a little side with a lot of extra time. well, that's less expensive, governing body of trucking available will get a gold mine when a $50000.00 cash buyer. so that is a complete right from the picture issue now both known and they would pick has been
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16 rama to these days in the day. so it's the grievance on the spirits of a i'm a citizen has long since going to be dealing with change back in 1996. the welcome one more like makes regardless of the space as an impulse by concise phone, sales and save money from the national governing bodies and not normally from the international multi veneration the i cities. and i feel like the committee noting, sorry, happy with the plan on this fact that president has that he draw that will that not expire on getting money to some of the countries to address financial inequalities rather than having outcomes surprises me. will that less excite me, right, the way to generate the revenue to bring in the crowd, bringing the small institute nails, they should also say in directors and by money that, that's will not generate. and that kind of is a head of well that's not the excitement to visit just by the time of the ally day . and then also on today's monday, the 28th. no. just that gold medal winners will be rewarded with capital side
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silver groans and possibly o olympic finest will get money, as well as metals. and do is just and live home because of sports golf. thank you very much for that and we'll catch up with you later. on then and pick toward has started. it's do any on a french soil ahead of the games must a hosted the, the 1st lego of the really the round $200.00 towards bears taken parts include individual box. we used to plate for the cities at football team, the torch will travel all over from us and will visit 6 overseas territory before arriving in paris for the opening ceremony of the games on july 26th. maybe 20 years off to play against each other into europe and champions. the final harry cool and 9 crystal, we'll go head to head as managers in the final of the asian time. disney who is in charge of japanese side the oklahoma f. money knows, well, crystal is with that line of the u. a. e both played in the famous 2005 final
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assembled where fuels livable came from sweet goes down to the crystals, milan, and lift the trophy the the final it will be played over 2 legs. and the 1st one is coming up on saturday in your oklahoma. it's amazing situation that we, we face and a, and i know that a jump does leak fine a was a very difficult night for me. but the now we, we face, i gave him and, and this is how pleasure to meet him. a again, after a long time, the headlines a, a very difficult team debate. they've gone i, i feel that they've created the same kind of a journey as us always kind of in the, on the dose as well in a group, but always coming through. so again, it's going to be a fantastic challenge for both of us. and i'm really looking forward to it. okay,
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then cavalier slash the top. see the boston celtics to levels the 2nd round and b, playoff series off the losing game one or 2 days ago. the cat took the lead and the said casa donovan that mitchell taught scored with $29.00 points at cleveland, west onto the boston $118.00 to $94.00. series is now level one game, a piece to serious move to cleveland for game suite life assessment. i mean, it's always good to get it within the road, you know, but at the end of the day it's one game. so it's good to get to when we do a lot of really positive things. but at the end of the day, you know, doesn't matter. we are going to take your home course. so it's nice to get this when by the end of the day, we got a got one day to prepare and get ready for it to protect from court over in the western conference. the dallas mavericks at the top, the oklahoma city saunders to 5, the best of 7 series at one o. 2 cut don't to to add $29.00 points, 10 rebounds and 7. this is the, the mazda,
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its a 11900. and 10 with this was the sun, those 1st last, this po, sees in dallas hosting suite on saturday, indiana tell the new york rangers be the carolina hurricanes to win game 3 of the stanley cup playoffs. here is, the ranges overcame an early death assistant to beat post the hurricane suite to an overtime. the ranges now have a huge stream, nothing lead and the best of 7 series. they can complete assist in game for on the saturday. and it's all, it's open, the western conference host, the dallas saw at the colorado avalanche $53.00, and gave to, to even the 2nd round playoff series. at one game, a piece game fee is on saturday. in denver, for me, us open champion, dominique team says he'll retire at the end of the season. the former was number 3 has been struggling to attend to for home after a wrist in 3 year old austrian said in january,
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this was his last chance to get back to playing at the level he expects from himself and talk with most of the cuts to try has taken the lead, the riley portugal let following a dramatic a day to the japanese driver, one the opening stage and kept a strong pace. toyota driver has a 2.9 seconds lead of a t l e. and that's a spot for me, a $100.00. and i suppose you thanks so much center. well, thousands of publish fonda is, has launched on the country's capital. so to protest or even environmental regulations, they're angry at restrictions placed on them by the european union's green deal. which ends to achieve 0 carbon emissions by 2050 across the content of on the say the regulations will drive the national business and a bit and tie 6 address a alarm mental act west and germany have threatened to no wrong. just threaten to trying to storm tesla's factory and you have
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a capital violin. hundreds of people broke through police, lions, and attempt to occupy the factory. the asterisk want to stop the comic has plans to expand its manufacturing capabilities. several demonstrations were arrested and at least 3 police officers were injured. on the 5th, i'm back my so including i did some work here and we are here today to draw attention to the, to the factory for the environmental destruction here. but also for the environmental destruction in countries like argentine, olivia with less, he and his mind that is needed. so these pantries and that causes terrible environmental destruction for the people be, but also the environment. that is why we're here today to draw attention to the spectra cut off. now company in south korea has set a new wild record for flying. the biggest number of drawings in a single lights are moving 5000 drones has made up the display. it's also gonna headline attraction to the international expedition, showcasing the latest and unmanned aerial vehicles. law mcbride reports now from in
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shown in south korea. in the night sky, over the port city of inch on a synchronize show comprising 5293 points of light. each a single drove just a few years ago drug and shows like these when measured in the hundreds increasing in scale and sophistication. they represent the cumulative efforts of a small army of technicians all working to put an optimistic vision into the sky. a mission that this team says it never ties of just the level of creativity that goes in and the level of passion. it's always, it's like art. there's always a sense of passion, excitement, when you see something. when you see that what people to do with technology, that technology now allows for drones being moved in swarms with an accuracy of less than one centimeter. it's a stunning demonstration of grown power that's on show with the nearby exhibition
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center, showing off the rapid integration of drones into virtually every aspect of our lives. the business of commercial drones is full cost to see double digit growth in the coming is enabled by rapidly developing technologies from the occupational intelligence that controls them to the factories. the power of the whole industry. that until relatively recently, didn't even exist and like other, technologically driven industries, promising boundless possibilities. we don't even know about yet. so even with us, 5 years ago we saw we were doing shapes and the skies as we pushed the limits of the technology. as we push to other technology that there's going to be more and more new industries evolving, we kind of are just barely looking over the horizon, getting a sense of but horizons, it seems that will increasingly be filled with drugs. well mcbride douches era in john south korea. well that's it for me in the stalls here to tell you for this new
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the don't go and i'll be back in a couple of minutes with all the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera business, latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination, and due by the
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business latest has to be sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in dubai. i love that can do it 14 years of enforced and separation, they missed their children growing up in missed all of the things that i'm doing my to a son who fault for his parents, freedom from incarceration for their role in
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a rather cool black revolutionary group. of anything that's worth finding $45.00 for the senior team, and it's worth it. growing together. a witness documentary on that jersey to uh, the draft resolution a stroke e s 10 stroke eligibility stroke. red one is adopted. palestine is right. so the united nations are expanded off to a resolution as cost in the general assembly with overwhelming support. the other one sounds you pay, this is all just the red line from the hospital. so coming.


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