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tv   101 East Solomon Islands War Legacy  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm AST

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after joseph goebbels, propaganda minister of nazi germany, the 94 year old had helped build personality called several countries and 3 domestic leaders. now accompany in south korea set a new world record for the biggest number of drones. in a single light show, more than 5000 drawings took part in the display for the headline attraction and an international exhibition showcasing the latest and unmanned aerial vehicles. robert bride reports from ensure in software in the night sky over the port city of inch on a synchronize show comprising 5293 points of light. each a single drove just a few years ago, thrown shows like these when measured in the hundreds increasing in scale and sophistication. they represent the cumulative efforts of a small army of technicians all working to port enough to stick vision into the sky
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. a mission that this team says it never ties of just the level of creativity that goes in in the level of passion. it's always, it's like art. there's always a sense of passion, excitement, when you see something. when you see that what people to do with technology, that technology now allows for drones being moved in swoons with an accuracy of less than one centimeter. it's a stunning demonstration, the drone power that's on show with the nearby exhibition center, showing off the rapid integration of drones into virtually every aspect of our lives. the business of commercial drones is full cost to see double digit growth in the coming is enabled by rapidly developing technologies from the artificial intelligence that controls them to the factories. the power of the whole industry. that until relatively recently, didn't even exist and like other, technologically driven industries, promising boundless possibilities. we don't even know about yet. so even with us,
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5 years ago we saw we were doing shapes in the sky as we pushed the limits of the technology. as we push other technology that there's going to be more and more new industries evolving. we kind of, you're just barely looking over the horizon, getting a sense of but horizons, it seems that will increasingly be filled with drones. rub mcbride, douches, era in john, south korea. 101 east is next and i'll just say that i'm going to be back this morning using about 30 minutes, including the latest on the situation and the guys and stuff. i'm about to some extent with the the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from landlines. that helps a lot in many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino with a phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that down. it
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doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says when it will bucks flows . the water comes to that. how is this? the problem in that ruby has been watson by pull drainage and he's taken the bill settled next people's leaving near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. this is solomon on america, the serious scuba dive is stable. these guys have traveled from all over the world to be here to see some impressive and deep will go to rick. rick dog is attractive. just boy. order is the history of just the challenge. many people on this is found one of the greatest see graveyards as world war 2. but what
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lies beneath is an environmental time. but the reality is there is a tremendous amount of pollution that solid base racks. they are literally the sense of taking time off. the question is, how much was inpatient briggs and kennedy seem to be done about it before, eclipse. mold and id usually go a ferocious bass or true place here between japan and the allies, and the legacy of it extends from the sea to the shore, with deadly with hands and munitions still lease ring these on the one. 0, one east makes. the solomon islanders who caught escape a brutal or that ended decades ago. the
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12th the coast of guadalcanal on the solomon mazda dive place, is going to put a plug in knoxville for you. i'm here with neil yates. i 1st met him when i used to leave here and he was running a dive company today to see, to share his deep knowledge of solomon's war time passed. with these dive, his walk along solomon islands and the 2 arm button sounds. you're unaware why this is called on bottom sound. it is because there are on around the $200.00 ships out there. there's also $690.00 aircraft out there. so this was one of the most densely populated rec sites in the pacific data. guadalcanal was the longest campaign of any of the campaigns which report throughout the orleans and the pacific. on august 7th, 1942 american marines in their 1st major on the ration landed on. but on.
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this landing on guadalcanal, an island in the solomons, was the 1st time during world war 2. the us had invited japanese held territory, triggering a series of massive specials on land. and it's saying, by the months, an extraordinary amount of amunition was exchanged by both sides of the name of the doctor is my doctor's office. solomon includes the camera with the losses, were numerous around. 30000 men were killed. moving a 1000 planes destroyed in thousands of ships sunk. guadalcanal is extremely significant. that stops the japanese advance across the
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pacific and the american forces and push them eventually back to back to my mind japan. the wrecks, these divers have come to see, have been corroding some ice and there's mold and just rusting mitchell down there . there's also an unknown amount of toxic black oil trapped inside the, corroding rigs. the salt, whole lot of moral on things around here. trying to plumley will like i can only as an a guess, but yeah, we're talking tens of thousands of tons the today. new is going to be my dog buddy. we're going to see if we can find any oil and see what impact the corrosion is. having on these ships in a few times, the
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we're heading down the more in line to see us as kind of well, an oil tank. it sunk during a japanese a ride in 1943, the sitting 60 maces below the surface with its guns still pointing sky wood. it's a haunting sun, a will grave. it's quite a large ship. total fuel capacity was a bit of a non 1000 tons. this is the opening to one of the ships many fuel bunkers. just a few years ago, they was oil in this hold. and daughters would leave covered in a sticky black sludge. now it's empty, but it's just one reservoir. there are others. dive is con, getting to the by
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the use the country and all the holes on the ship so so we can focus on the section. so don't know what is the big mix dive side is just off the coast, about 10 kilometers from the capital. honey, are the, it's a japanese transport called bay here, a color memory. it's a popular dogs thought we'd be use a full corals and fish the inside part of the ship, new funds of pocket of oil trapped in a space on the roof. there are more oil patches like these in here enough to
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pollute the beach if they were to leak out. as we had to the surface, think about how big these problem could be and how much we comp see a lot of the racks are really, really fake and really hard to access. no noise, exactly how much coolant oil was on board when they went down. know how much 6 deal with having dived only the solomon islands these one rec, nearly as particularly worried about the american cruise. uh us us, atlanta which is funny. are that stuff it's uh yeah, there's a major rupture fuel. so
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the atlanta lies in a 130 mazes of war, so it's to date for us to dive today. these pictures were filmed by an expedition crew in 2011 of oil bubbles coming to the surface. how likely do you think it is so have possible, do you think it is that a ship like that could rupture at some point in the future? likely. yeah. it's highly likely. it's fairly hipley built, but it's eventually oh, it will rust and collapse. you can see what the service structure area he is collect. doctor mat casa, and he's a marine archaeologist cheese investigating the corrosion of world war 2 ricks in the pacific. so we work for the g or science company called sage. and of the item you said lots to actually map or slips on spice to you can say solomon islands. and as you can see here,
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the court oil slicks from thousands of individuals move or taisha brooks. what's the swan that's right off the coast? if any are, so that's the easiest atlanta, the, the amount of oil. what's coming of that is, as a low mountain, these changes been documenting pollution elsewhere in the pacific in march for nisha with the rex and notice data. it's a warning about what could be happening in solomon's versus their daughters, and this kind of one of the rigs and real quick. and as you can see here, it is a mess of all kinds of, of oil side. that's what we're leaked out of the bunk of tanks themselves and come out of stock. and those roof cavities and pots of the how well it would take is a small hole in the how full the soil to spill out. potentially 1000 the latest of oil released at one guard, which is not, that's kind of one of the worst case scenarios for, for this kind of problem across the pacific. japan and the us tennessee on
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a ship of the rigs as will grapes. but in solomons, they not doing anything to stop them from causing environmental problems with the rex and solomon islands. do you think it's a case of when not, if there is a significant spill, the rates are crowding we know that it's, it's science and they will release the oil that they have the remains. but the question is, how much was in these they short breaks and can anything be done about it before like lips? is it clear? who has the legal and the moral responsibility to do something about these wrecks? it's not clear. it's a really complicated situation by the end of the day, the solomon islanders the more canadians, you know, they shouldn't be the ones picking up the, the, the cost and things like this and page of the game. the funny are, is it busy, rapidly expanding seasons that was built on the battlefield. p a. people
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still rely heavily on the land and the sea. the u. s. will memorial is a spectacular spot to take it only and get a sense of how different the land looks during the war. on these sites, they will not see. no houses whatsoever. only for us. you have come here with saint michael. been a world war 2 to a god, hold on this uh, unexploded bones, greenage and all of this is this thing on the surface. so many times when the people make thousands, they never realize that the unexploded booms just a few feet down on the ground. so when they was, the brass is old, the trees, the southern, the, the, the world exploded, the sport. but the
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money forever spend a $1000000.00, there's nothing upstairs. this is the solomon islands police farm squad. i was wanting offices there among some of the most experienced world war 2 disposal experts in the regional since 2011. they've recovered nearly 50000 unexploded ordnance code us. so is, so the most common thing is some degree, like almost every week we have call out the boys, they went out and responded and get the green 8. and then we have the project, those especially the 75000000 with the color, but a clifford to no key is the department's acting director. he knows about the dangers of us. so is but many local storage, some of the ordinances. they have some very sensitive elements within the
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bottom, which is really sensitive the moment. so the moment the project, it just just exploded for the past 10 years about that in that, in people that have been queued. so for a small population, it is a high number is quite consuming. the bill, this is job is to respond to reports of buicks always found, find the crowds they headed to a house on the outskirts of the city. these hilltops nearby will part of the evacuation route taken by japanese soldiers as american troops post them off the island. so just
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arrived at the spot where a bomb has been reported and the police have just gone down to check it out. we have to stay here because they don't know if it's safe. a lot of the rooms after i talked to local allan velocity because the us so was found by a child. and it's not the 1st time you have the funding, small confidence, a little bit of feelings when you 1st apply, hey, way it's of a finding, the telephone level to you see him home for. but how do come little uh, what wouldn't meaningful selling. boom, boom campaigns are too much done with give me what i see. and it's a small projectile, but still contains high explosive materials while we're here. and now the cold comes in.
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there's so much development going on in honey. all right, u x o is often found on construction thoughts post behind a shipping container at the front of this building size. this is 60 millimeters or more around. they found this one today or before. yeah. and excavations has on us to move us just sticking around. if any other ones just lay out um do you think that could be more on this side? could be more, but some might be other people they should be cleared into before construction. but it's not the job of police to check below the surface. it's fascinating to me that i've just pulled some motors out of the ground, but these guys just keep on working. if you're looking at any other place in the
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world, if that happened, a building start like this would be immediately shut down. but here in solomon islands, paperless, so reduced to having these bones and these folding and flying around. so they just have to get on with the police off and get calls from the halo trust benji or has been given a $1000000.00 by the us government to serve a the land for will to us. so is there any reporting what they see on the surface today, they found 38 projectiles and a pile near a tree. and another $79.00 in the bushes is old, empty sales, but we are ready to take them and throw it at the house, cut off by a tail split, locals moved one you excited to a tree branch to keep it away from little hands. the
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sand retained goss uh, leaves just up the hill side. it was right there on the banana. i just like, i don't even picked it up. i just moved it and it exploded it now. and what did you think when you saw it was like, can use like a little kettle, like a team or seen or that like a m a. see it here. he was 11 when he found a world will to round containing want phosphorus which causes excruciating bins. and he's been left with severe injuries. but he's one of the lucky ones, rosary astray, you have helped him get surgery and rehab. can you pick things out full? yeah, i can pick the full quite this is smoking, not a big thing. the most of the offensive
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spent on clearing us always from the surface, leaving the most challenging job of looking for them on the ground to a handful of private clearance oper. right? to me by me safety also for you me to day. so if anything i'm up in this put them on, blew up on to say something so so, so the model mac has spent 16 years in the police bomb squad before starting his own company. what's the deepest you've ever found? the u. x us the go about the 3 meet us and we found both hands is $236155.00 project that's using military grade miss will detect his he charges just $0.65 per square meter to check the land for us. so is that most solomon islanders come to food even. that's very, very expensive for that. how do you feel that in the times that you've you've,
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you've heard that someone's been injured or being killed by us? so what goes through your mind when that happens? the, the very most of the story, i think the government is not, you know, so help full enough to help these people. they are not to fight as they are peaceful in a peaceful, civil it. and if solomon i, when the war ended, us japanese black processed, went home, went home in peace. we still do not have please. on doing we, we sort of say for me it's in
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the, i'm struck by how the actions of japan and the allies, 80 years ago continues to effect. so in many solomon islanders the in cook and fishing village the day stopped early. one must fly would or will finally seemed naval and peter know a has been up since for i am preparing to make coconuts guns for school lunches. so this is migrated coconut. this replaces the a milk plus the rough with the how the milk ben doesn't have that island taste. but now even cooking is a struggle. and these 2 fingers being removed. and
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this one being really less, are rated right to the wrist. it doesn't give me any strength at all. 3 years ago, milan and 2 of her friends were cooking on a traditional 5 page. when a world war 2 projectile buried underground exploded. the show was americans put it there to hand legs and abdomen to shreds. and to her 2 friends, a troll in the cab beach and i was tearing it. and just when i was saving it into the bowl that they were holding onto, then the thing exploded. i didn't hear the explosion. i had the hissing sound and then i realize this something is happening to us. i i
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so my next time i'm on hanging, load the skin and the flush with a low hanging right to my ribs. and then i, i realize i'm in big trouble. she lives with pain, had to quit her job at the national university and doesn't get support from the government or any of the countries involved in the role. in other places there is support and in the slow months there is no support is really frustrating to me, emotionally. i'm really, i don't, i don't know. it affects me to think that the u. s. and japan and the allies should html yes. sometimes i want to blame the of the allies for doing i mean the will and had it not for
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them. i wouldn't be having this issues, but it's because of what they came with and what they leave behind. that's cause some of us to have. please enjoy reason last life similarly, so they should be coming over in person with the resources to do the clean up the back at the police fun score. headquarters, the offices, the heading down the range to dispose of 2 rounds of want phosphorus by blowing them up the we have to stay at a safe distance in the radio room to
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down. but there are many, many more to go. what is out there is unsafe in just my estimate maybe more than a 100000 items still out there. the cleaning up the solomon islands will probably take decades, and it's highly likely in that time, more people will be injured and even killed. mavenlink doesn't want to let that happen. she's now training in us. so risk awareness in the hope she can one of those of the dangers and spit them the hara and hardship
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has been given a 2nd chance to me. so the 2nd chance that i have now is to tell others about my experience and be more careful with life. because once we lose it, that's it. finish somewhere for us, we never have a 2nd chance. i have one. so i will use the 2nd chance that i've been given to house office. the knowledge is the width of the for showcase of the best document refills from across the network. on al jazeera,
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the amazon home to indigenous people, and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum, prepare border, and so in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in a battle for survival and to save the lives of the world. how does he was view, seems doing the fine glass of coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel, whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on their suffering, but also on a more top listing and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in a t n on biased and as an applicant. i couldn't be more proud to be part of
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the is where the attacks and eastern roughly intensify. more than a 105000 people have flooded the area so far. the math isn't it. this is on to 0. live from don't have also coming up. israel continues to block humanitarian aid from entering the strip, leaving the medical system just days away from running as a fuel and supplies. if israel has to stand alone will stand is really.


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