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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest. the more his ready attacks on rocks on these homes and lights destroyed, full sing displaced, palestinians to flee once again, the whole rom, annuity. oh, does it are like my headquarters here in the also coming up desperately need today is blocks from entering galls or is there any protest of staging a sitting stopped trucks from crossing into the street.
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0 we live for mama in sweden where hundreds of people have been demonstrated against israel taking part in the your vision, song, comb test. and instead of got a bang planes, kids on the runway and kind of just thought of at least 10 people have been in just the welcome to the back. i'm going to have you company we begin in gaza. what is ready time? some more planes have continued to attack the southern city of rafa, despite the international condemnation across the street. because right, the forces have killed 60 people over the past day. the increase the tax on rather a forcing palestinians. we've already been displaced several times to play again. the un says around 80000 people who taken shelter in the south have left since monday, many leaving raffle and other cities in the south, such as the bottom,
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all correspondents. and i will call drake starting sort of coverage from the to this place. for a 3rd time. i could find a farm and the are fleeing beautiful as best they can. and with what little they have left. and the more they move this from gaza and told us to go to the south after the south, they told us to go to hun unit. after that we came here to say rod and from say rod to derek by left and then they brought us to rough off. they said it's a safe place, it was insane. we keep moving from one place to another. this child was born during the war. what is his fault? the family members say they've been told to go to newness, but they have no food or water and our boyd. well, the how does this situation is it has, we just wants to solution. what do we want? we want to solution and we want to go back to our cities, gaza, the road leading out to reflect now look like this. thousands of harmonies are
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being forced to sleep once again. but as the is really bombardments continues across the cause of sleep. safety is hard to find anywhere and not a 5th. not them is dumb. we're tired, our mental wellbeing is tired. it's been destroyed that there is no wellbeing offense. even the young ones had been destroyed. my children were not like this before the work. no education, no food, no drink, nothing. no one sends us any money. we have no age. and just where are we to go? beautiful. once again, those in the north faced farm and many have let the central gaza, but the only one water station is working there. the reality is there is no safe place for them to go in the comedy central, gaza palestine. i just need a to tell us it ends on facing a critical shortage of clean was ups. as israel continues, as strikes on eastern rasa window by line, just one more to station is still operating honey. my mutual thoughts,
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these exhausted palestinians have waited for hours to get clean water at this station and their children are also in the queue clutching containers too large for their hands. this is the daily reality for palestinians were diminishing water supplies during every day into a struggle for survival. the have to wait 3 hours just to fill one container, lots of people we have to q and the work to pressure the week. and sometimes the rotors completely shut off and the world is just watching. since as rose bombardment of eastern europe has escalated, many habits linked to central garza increasing of pressure and supplies. their garza has been suffering from water shortages for years. the means stores the coastal aqua fires is contaminated by sewage and pollution, making nearly all of its water and fit for human consumption. before the war,
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people have access to 80 leaders of water per day, and that was already far below what the you are recommended. but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders per day. the, the situation is worsening each day due to water infrastructure being damaged by is really air strikes. we came here today looking for a safe place. i will for 10 or 15 minutes looking forward to and i heard of the descending nation station here. and i hope the water is drinkable and fit for human consumption. and this is what we are hoping. and as palestinians into a long waits for dwindling supplies of water, diseases caused by the shortages and war are spreading rapidly and even more. oh, just the palestine. the city of the central international concern is rough. uh, a garza southern by city which is massively crowded due to the number of displaced palestinians taking shelter from the city as well. let's look at how the situation
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and drop a has changed. covering around 65 square kilometers, dropped off, was inhabited by about $275000.00 people before israel launched it's we're ongoing . so with repeated force displacements swell back to one and a half 1000000. that's the same population as munich in germany. that's nearly 5 times as large as 300 square kilometers. these images show tense and displacement caps now filling, previously empty areas, as well as gardens and other spaces between homes. these really army ordered palestinians to leave the eastern part of it off and head to the l y. c area. an estimated $100000.00 people are now sheltering there, but it's only 6 and a half square kilometers and has little infrastructure. these really military
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sealed off the only exit from gaza when it took over that off of border crossing traffic palestinians inside, as well as what it is bulking ada entering garza from egypt through the russ. across like nebraska is the main crossing for 8 to enter. the strength is really demonstrates as of added to the stronger. ready the 8 by blocking of right near the cut them up with. so i'm crossing israel, shut down, i'll just there was an operations on weird reporting from outside of israel. so stephanie deca reports done for the jordanian capital a month. the rocks scattered across the road. an effort to buy is really for testers to block 8 trucks. from reaching garza
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from the sky, the backlog becomes clear. many of these trucks are meant to enter goza to the get them who signed them crossing in the south of the strip police use, walter tended to disperse the demonstrators, get them up asylum reopened on wednesday, after how master walker to talk with the current operation by israel's military, the one says no policy and workers can safely reach the other side to process the goods. domain aid archery into the south. the crossing with egypt also blocked since israel moved in with tanks a few days ago. the by did administration has put a lot of pressure on israel to allow more aid into garza. the northern arrows crossing opened on the day us secretary of state anthony blinking was here early may the 1st time since it was damaged and the october 7th attack. and the 1st
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shipment has left the cypress on its way to the american built floating dog. the controversial move that would bring aid into garza from the sea. but aid agencies say if the land borders were open with new constrictions, that would be the easiest fastest. and most efficient way to get a to the by listing and people. jordan is also send a trucks to gaza and some of those have come under attack from right away is ready, protest or is jordan. spar ministry has condemned the attack saying that hold israel fully accountable. and that israel should do more to ensure the swift and safe entry of aid into gaza. that's a legal obligation as the occupying power. stephanie decker, i'll just narrow on that. so is there any appointments that benjamin netanyahu says? is ro will stand alone if it has to his comments coming up to the us, threatening to withhold um, deliveries. if israel proceeds with its attack on rasa?
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no, i don't feel much moved. we're on the eve of independence day, in the war of independence. 76 years ago, we were few against many and we had no weapons. there was an arms and bar go on is a real, but was greatness of spirit, bravery, and unity among us. we won. today we are much stronger. we are stronger, we are more determined and we are united to defeat our enemy and those who seek our souls. if we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. one of us. let's go sorry if it's all whitehouse correspond. kimberly how kit to standing by. hi, kimberly. i mean it, these ready probably minister says is, or what will standalone if it has to. i mean, i wonder how those comments are being received. why you are as well. we heard from the national security council spokesperson john kirby and she characterized the conversations that these really prime minister and the us present to have had for some time. and that they have been ongoing in terms of the message
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that the us president has sent to israel. and, but there has been no support for it is really ground operation into rafa that that has been something that has been imparted over and over and over again. and there are a number of reasons why not just because of the norm, a civilian casualties that would be resulting, but also because there seems to be no strategic value in it. according to the united states. they believe that in terms of negotiations taking place in cairo, the united states says that this would only strengthen her mazda as habits the negotiating table. and further that this would not bring the in, during the feet of boss. that a v as really prime minister believes it will, according to the us president of the state department's folks 1st and matthew miller talk further about this, about why the united states believes that this would be a mistake for israel to go ahead with that intensive take a listen, they have taught gardening quite openly about conducting
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a major military operation. in rafa, we're opposed to that, but we'll see what happens. we have made quite clear, we don't want to see it happen. we continue and i should say, we do continue to engage with them about other options that they can pursue. we have presented a full range of other policy choices that they can make that we think would achieve the goal of dismantling moss and choking off them off battalions that remain in rasa without without further endangering civilians there without causing this mass, population displacement with no place for them to go for the united states is trying to force israel's had an they're doing it in a way that they have been encouraged to do for some time. and that is by leveraging military supports. the us gives an angle of nearly 4000000000 in military weaponry to israel. but in addition to that, since october 7th, it has been providing a stream of western research of watson rate until the last 48 hours or so. that is
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when lloyd austin, the defense secretary confirmed a pause of more than 3000 bonds, 2000 pounds as well as 500 pound bonds. what we know is that as an indefinite pause according to the us president, depending on what israel does it rasa. and he, we further know from john kirby, the national security council spokesperson, it is too soon to know whether or not israel has changed its calculus. as a result. can we help? good, thanks so much for the update will be keeping in touch with. kimberly, how's the day progresses? well, that it was painted by the political commentator or goldberg that he says as well as offensive in russia is a military style again. and this is a remarkable strain and you'd say even an unprecedented strain in us is early ties . i don't think is really struggling off. american pressure, i think is what is pastoring. it's horrible to say this because dozens and hundreds
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of palestinians are dying because of this battle of the goes. but this is not yet a ground operation. israel is hedging gets involvement in the situation you left off as i say, it's a horrible thing to say the right now, the palestinians not offer our ponds. and the game is mostly being played between israel in the united states and not with so much. remember, the israel is now entering what it is probably its most solemn, symbolic week on monday and tuesday is a celebrate or observed memorial day in his early independence. there is nothing y'all can deliver on a deal, which is the only achievement. he can have instructions on most of his not considering achievements, even as well as he can deliver on a deal. and he will seem like the prime minister most definitely will be having his cake. and 82 we've seen is when it isn't in negotiating, the you see measure of attack, designate destroying mercilessly your tax. now is off of sad as it is to say are still more of a ploy. i mean, they are an expensive plan is one has nothing to accomplish in golf. i rushed off
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and its inhabitants are now punch in a game. played by i said before is on united states from us is a part of you, but how much has made its decision? how much? there's no way to do to the files of the people all gathering in the sweeter city of mount. uh so the 68 the eurovision song contest, but the spot line is all days royal, with demonstrations on the way against his participation. it one of the wells most high profile music events the, these really entrances food during the so the final rehearsals goals to expel as well because of its war and guns that were rejected by the oak noises. deflect the protests in the past. russia was expelled on fritz invasion of ukraine, and salaries kicked out of it, clamped down on the scent pole, reese. hence the light is for a moment why the univision is taking place. the outside industries of mile know the
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potentially tens of thousands of protesters protesting now totally israel's war and goes up. but the fact the israel have been allowed to enter the eurovision song contest this year. and that contrasting that with the fact that russia were bought after that invasion of ukraine. now the e, b u, the european broadcasting in the hosts and organizers this event has said for one that it's not a political event, but secondly, that's the, is riley broadcast. the housing is broken, any of its rules and they side, in contrast, rushes broadcast to did. but in terms of the protest as we spike to outside, very simply, i mean there's a huge muslim population in my, on my lots of people from, from syria, from lab and on from palestine as well. and they say it's as in a way robust, i'm paying israel's actions in gaza. now alongside those demonstrations, that is also a pro is riley money for station that calling it of the jewish community. and mama
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that saying is not the demonstration. they just want to show show solidarity with the jewish community. they say they've come under lots of threats in the past 7 months. and they want to show that show that presence still had here on out of sarah unions of the origin. tina goals, another nationwide protest and strike against the government schools. devotee covers the the hello will say lots of warm spring sunshine across a good positive year. probably with the next couple of days. love the big area of high pressure keeping things set low everywhere. we got a bit more cloud coming in across the northwest and it's still saying some movie shows for a central pilot. so somebody try it in
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a couple of areas of low pressure here which will bring back to windy or weather away from the balkans. whether that to some showers, just pushing across greece, easing a bit towards the end, pushing across towards the talk. you guys are going through the next conversation, the sun shining to central to west about 23 celsius in london and domestic woman's in athens. as you can see, we did it around 291 or 2 showers, just cropping up across northern parts of spain. as we go on through the weekend, what to weather coming into ireland by that stage as well. and what's the weather? moving across a good positive, touchy, i will sunshine in between probably your son. so i may want across a good pop of north africa per square is lifted center across the so as per usual, quite a per screen that you can see across northern areas of algae area pushing across to was egypt shall, is gathering quite nice the now the seasonal range, doing quite nice day across a good part of west africa pushing that way. but i don't know of
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the love your 14 years of enforced separation. they miss their children growing up in miss all of the things that i'm doing my to a son who fault for his parents, freedom from incarceration for their role in a rather cool black revolutionary group of anything that's worth fighting for the fight for it and send you a chance if it's worth it, growing together, a witness documentary on that jersey to the the
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book about kill watching officer with me. so robin in doha. reminder, all the top stories is by the time some more planes have continued to talk. the southern city of ruffled despite the international condemnation, the when says around to 80000 people who taking shelter in the south of left since monday demonstrates as it stays a sit in on the road and some of the as well protesting against the delivery of aiden to the golf and strip these kinds of drops across the way to prevent a truck and shrink casa is really and how boss delegations have left seas trying to get a chance to call you right is around that submitted reservations about the proposal that says it's going to press forward with its assault on rafa. this president says he'll stop the supply with his israel. if it launches the attack. brushing positive that a bit to, to has mocked victory day celebrations with a ministry parade and most k. now he says, rush, it will do everything to avoid label confrontations, but would continue to carry out nuclear drills. there's a box, ease of unions,
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victory over nazi germany. in 1945, either shop of oliver reports, not from red square in russia's capital in the main elements of the victory parade, remain unchanged from the dead sea. yeah, the head of states traditionally oppresses the participants and guests of the parade, as well as the citizens of the country. but i see it would just deal with your so, but you, the russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us ah, strategic forces, not always in combat readiness. russia is now going through a difficult, critical period. the fate of the motherland its future depends on each of us what it is today. on victory day, we realized this even more acutely and clearly you use a picture day is considered the main hold of a russian 70. 9 years ago. nazi germany was defeated. the soviet union became a possible around the world war 2 on pays
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a terrible price losing 27000000 people the war and gauged the efforts so being tired of civilian population as well. so today is the day of remembrance, people of russia and the former soviet union. remember, here is of the war homefront war cuz those who survived i'll keep pace of the simon bombings for dies and lots of stuff and concentration comes, it was furnace a. we remember those millions of for fault and died, sacrificing their lives to defeat the not the son of our fathers farm. summary john from the front. others didn't. my father came back, but his brothers died. every family was affected, but i believe is of age countries of visiting the parade and most good. this freezing saturday morning. the main part of the parade is, of course, a procession of various types of troops and ministry hardware. in total, the 9000 minutes for personnel taking, causing the brands over 70 historic and most of the weapons,
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including much personnel terrace, the s $400.00 and the air across the missile systems. and the sped teacher missile systems are in just play. i'm the most big talk to the part of the parade. this yeah is to perform is by the countries are renowned a base in groups. the russian knights of the swift, followed by close support, see 25 across releasing fumes in the colors. oh, the russian national lot. you last are pop out of a to z, right? most good. chinese present, featuring ping and hungry is probably but a civic to open assigned to what they call an old weather agreement. she is in hungry for the final stop of his visit to europe. he was received and through the past where they signed a number of agreements, china has invested close to 10000000 dollars in manufacturing and infrastructure across the country. she says the 2 countries are looking to deepen economic corporation for just as a gather then the median capital. yet of i'm to demand the resignation of the prime minister. nicole position that contesting his decision to see several,
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both the villages in the to the region to neighboring on supplies on the valley as part of a grassroots movement cold to wash for the homeland is the most. i'd be marching towards the ottoman to voice the opposition to the board to deal. they accuse the government undermining all media, sovereignty and security major trade unions and often tito, according for a nationwide general, strong for the 2nd time in less than 5 months. for 24 hours, public transport, including trains, buses, and flight services will be shut down. people in argentina have been protesting against president how the malays will start routine measures. well, since taking office in the sun, but the light has announced a raft of public spending cuts. he's the us politicians to approve a reform bill the union, se, weekends, labor protections, moments you have the care of reports or form point designers. this time,
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contrary to the 1st strike, they suspended uh, public transportation safe uh, except for some buses. but as you can see, this place where i'm standing now, it's normally bustling with people. millions of people go by here to take the subway, but the subway is closed and over there on that side is the largest train station in windows side as it is also close. so this whole area, normally crowded with people, is now empty. and this is what the trade unions want to show the government that not only they're able to put lots of protesters on the street, but they can also empty the streets, empty the factories, and put a halt on the economy. all the flights have been cancelled until midnight. so the country is really has come to a halt and even people that didn't want to participate in the strike, many were forced to stay at home because they have no means to get to work. so this
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is what the trade unions wanted to show and make a put a lot of pressure on the government because it is now trying to pass legislation labor reforms and also to cut public spendings and to change the economy drastically. austerity measures that have had their impact on people's daily lives . because although inflation has come down from 25 percent a month to 9 percent, people still have no money to put food on the table by the end of the month. the stones are forecasts for brazil flooded via rome to agree a ground to suit region will forward the same. all right, will big risk if it's even more difficult move than a 100 people have been killed by the floods in recent days. a lot in america does at least see any of the reports. well, the on getting relief efforts from the capital photo like right. a legless military cavalry field has been turned into an airport for helicopter street victims of
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unprecedented rain. we accompany a team of relief workers from the air. you can see what's left of a nearby city, submerged in water and the worst floods in the history of rio grande. it'll shoes a state larger than many countries. these firemen, a specialized and evacuations, and for state chopper lands just long enough to get one team out. and another one is to continue evacuating the 50000 people who lived here before the dead. that could come to the general in charge explains the helicopters of the only way to reach many areas more dismissed. for many people didn't want to leave their homes, but a few days later then now asking for help, they have no food or water. so this means we have to fly in mold and wants to evacuate people that makes that work even hotter. he's in charge,
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what they call the board room. here, all the armed forces, the local and federal military police, local authorities, and health services. a coordinating efforts to help survivors of the catastrophe, but what is missing to try to deal with the situation are large airplanes, which we normally see in natural disasters. and that's because there are no airports nearby and all the roads leading to this part of the country are impossible. right now. the government has committed an initial $4000000000.00 for the immediate recovery effort. but preserves communications administered tells l g 0. that's only the beginning of the company. we have 70000 people with know where to live and we have more than 200000. we have taken shelter with friends and family, which is unsustainable. and we don't know how long it will take for the waters to receive 1941. it took $32.00 days today. the metropolitan area has less ability to
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observe water because of expanded organizations. in the meantime, many are living in high rise walkways like this one. first we went to the neighbors house because we felt the water. we didn't reach the but it did. then we came here to the what we, what, what the rescue mission still the priority. it could take a long time before many of the, nearly 1000000 brazilians impacted by this disaster have a roof over their heads. a get to see and human al jazeera worked on legs a brazil the $25.00 republican states and the us of lost a legal challenge to block a rule limiting emissions from coal gas and oil power plants. they want the appeals go to decline the regulations by the environmental protection agency, unlawful rules require sweeping reductions and carbon emissions from existing coal fi plants, a new natural gas facilities, types of funding. so long as we're building collapse in south africa,
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all fading is rescue work is dig through the level for a full stay. for the full construction workers accounted for. 8 people have been concerned that emergency services had been in contact with several people still in the building that se sick, i'm quiet. i think the last 24 hours was really difficult for the teams because i made a call with one body. and you will see that the big machines that they've busy, what they call the lighting to they would fail from the top to the bottom off. so we've lost contact for 24 hours. so if any people inside we've managed to get the living that we have contact without loss the night before. so it's, it's a price that we need to get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible and say for we need speak machine. a plain kind of like 85 people of an international fight to skate it off a runway. instead of go the boeing 737, cold, fine off to coming to a stop at dr. hall's international apple all over the.


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